Category: Uncategorized

Oh. My. God. – Part II

The President of the United States said this today: This is America. We don’t disparage wealth. We don’t begrudge anybody for achieving success. And we believe that success should be rewarded. But what gets people upset – and rightfully so – are executives being rewarded for failure. Especially when those rewards are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers. For top executives to […]

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Vegetarians Have Better Sex

Oh, yeah… Thank you, PETA. I needed that. Oh, and how about a bonus cut? I’m just sayin’…

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It’s A New Day

I just can’t seem to get enough of this song these days. Tryin’ ta figger out how to make it my iPhone ringtone… Nevermind. Thanks to Luke the MoominMan, I now have this as my ringtone using iRinger which is specially designed for iPhones. On Macs, you can use Garage Band. I’m just sayin’…

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Mrs. E on the Radio

WJR is the biggest news/talk radio station in Michigan and has a powerful signal that stretches across the Midwest. Mrs. E did an interview with Warren Pierce on Monday morning during the Paul W. Smith show. Doing a 6-minute interview at 7:15 a.m. which is prime drive-time for the morning commute in the Detroit area is A-OK. You can listen […]

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Please Don’t Divorce…

Please Don’t Divorce…

There’s a positively spectacular photo slideshow over at Flickr called “Please Don’t Divorce…”. Click the photo below to have a look. It really puts a human face on the love between couples that is being legislated by the small-minded people in our society. Marriage between consenting adults should not be banned on the basis of sexual orientation. A society benefits […]

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Ben Franklin’s Glass Armonica

Just saw this over at TYWKIWDBI (“Things you wouldn’t know if we didn’t blog it”), my latest must-visit-daily blog. It’s a glass armonica played by someone dressed as Ben Franklin and very good at it. The glass armonica operates on the same principle as making a wine glass sing by rubbing a wetted finger around the rim. Benjamin Franklin mounted […]

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Mrs. E: Famous

Mrs. E: Famous

Big day for Mrs. E today. She has an article in her hometown paper, the Webster-Kirkwood Times That’s her at the top right: Then there’s MLive, a joint-project of the Ann Arbor News, Bay City Times,Flint Journal, Grand Rapids Press, Jackson Citizen Patriot, Kalamazoo Gazette, Muskegon Chronicle, and Saginaw News. Check out their article: “Time has come for Dexter, Ann […]

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The Highest Point for the Bush Administration

Quick! What was the best part of the Bush administration? Did you say September 11, 2001 when nearly 3,000 Americans died in a terrorist attack? Nope, me neither. “Dick” Cheney, on the other hand, totally did. Jesus, the man is evil. Really, truly evil. Highest point? WALLACE: Highest moment the last eight years? CHENEY: Hmmm. Highest moment in the last […]

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Michael Oliveri is digital artist who has collaborated with materials scientist Zhengwei Pan to create marvelous nanoscapes; images taken by a scanning electron microscope of structures that are microns or nanometers in length. The balls in this picture are germanium and the wires are zinc oxide. They were fabricated inside a tube furnace system at temperature of 900-1000 Celsius degree. […]

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Mrs.E’s Obama Photo in Time Magazine

Mrs.E’s Obama Photo in Time Magazine

It happened: Click on the “Obama on Flickr” link. Wanna help out? Digg the article HERE. I think life just changed in a significant way for us. Whoa. (Buy the poster HERE.) I’m just sayin’…

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Too Low a Federal Fund Rate STARTED This Fiasco!

So today the Fed dropped the federal funds rate to it’s lowest level ever. It’s ironic. I listened to a “This American Life” episode called “The Giant Pool of Money” and it was their contention that it was the Fed’s lowering of these rates are that got us into this mess in the first place. Why? Well I’ll tell ya […]

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