Category: Uncategorized

Hey, I Admit It. I’m a Junkie.

Hey, I Admit It. I’m a Junkie.

Political junkie, that is. I never claimed otherwise. I’ve even infected my wife. You should have seen us during the last weeks of the election, sitting in the living room with our laptops blazing, checking out polls at Pollster, Gallup,, &, and reading and writing for the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos and Bob Cesca’s Goddam Awesome […]

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Undoing the Damage

This Washington Post article made me smile broadly. Read it and smile: Transition advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone to reverse White House policies on climate change, stem cell research, reproductive rights and other issues, according to congressional Democrats, campaign aides and experts […]

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This Changes Everything

I haven’t done much writing about the election since Tuesday because, frankly, I’m still digesting it and am having some difficulty putting my thoughts down in words. I think that this letter does as good a job as anything else in showing how things are changed. If you think any other politician could inspire young people in the ways described […]

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The Brain Trust

The Brain Trust

These are the four men who got Barack Obama elected as the President of the United States. Four brilliant strategists who know how to LEAD. From the left: Robert Gibbs, David Plouffe, Barack Obama, and David Axelrod I’m just sayin’…

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Found: A Man With No Shame

Nicked from Andrew Sullivan. This is positively amazing. Some douchebag named Dan Riehl actually blogged this about Senator Obama’s visit to see his dying grandmother. She’s not expected to make it until the election in which the grandson she helped raise is chosen to be the president of the United States of America. He actually wrote this for all to […]

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Oh, By the Way…

Oh, By the Way…

Happy National Chemistry Week. We chemists are a crazy bunch, I tell ya. “Chemists Cause Reactions”“Polymer Chemists Do It In Chains”“Experiment With a Chemist”“If You’re Not Part of the Solution, You’re Part of the Precipitate”“Chemists do it in an excited state.”“Chemists do it periodically on the table.” Bonus chemist joke:A chemist walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist, “Do […]

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Palin’s Hacker Indicted

The scumbag that hacked Governor Palin’s personal email account turned himself in yesterday. I hope he gets the book thrown at him. His little stunt does nothing to further the cause of Democrats. Sure, she shouldn’t have been using a private account to avoid records-retention rules. Fine. I agree. Throw the book at her on that. But illegally hacking into […]

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McCain’s Rage

This is a great piece, filled with Republicans talking about McCain’s temperament. This guy in charge? Not if I can help it. Thanks to my friend, Jana, for this. I’m just sayin’…

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McCain: Republican “Placeholder”

McCain: Republican “Placeholder”

Perhaps the biggest problem for John McCain, self-proclaimed “maverick” (retch), is that he has bucked his own party for so long that he has incurred the enmity of many in his party. However, in an election year where “change” is so essential, something (perhaps the only thing) that Democrats and Republicans agree on, putting McCain at the top of the […]

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Freedom-Hating Pakistanis

Freedom-Hating Pakistanis

As I understand it, according to our Dear Leader and his minions, it’s our freedoms they hate… I tend to agree more with Bill Maher, actually: “They don’t hate us for our freedom,” said Maher with a laugh. “They hate us for our airstrikes. In Afghanistan, that seems to be the problem. It’s that, we keep killing people with our […]

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McCain Who? Gimme PALIN!

McCain Who? Gimme PALIN!

You would have thought that after last week’s sorry debate performance that Sarah Palin’s star would have completely faded from the sky. However, you would have been wrong. Like Rich Lowry and so many other conservative pundits, there is a certain segment of the electorate that is … well … let’s face it: They’re hot for Sarah. They don’t care […]

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