Category: Uncategorized

Debunking the myth that it’s OK for the Michigan GOP to ignore the constitution because “Dems did it, too”

Debunking the myth that it’s OK for the Michigan GOP to ignore the constitution because “Dems did it, too”

Wrong is wrong, illegal is illegal I have been writing about how Michigan House Republicans have been refusing to acknowledge Democrats’ request to have a roll call vote on whether or not to make a bill take “immediate effect” rather than wait until 90 days after the end of the legislative session. Our state constitution says that they can do […]

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Rush Limbaugh: Trayvon Martin was over-zealoused to death

Rush Limbaugh: Trayvon Martin was over-zealoused to death

Wait. This guy gets paid for this???

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that Trayvon Martin was shot to death a month ago. Turns out you’re wrong. According to radio Hate Show host Rush Limbaugh, he was actually “over-zealoused” to death. Who knew?

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Sign the “I Like Obamacare” petition and “Like” Obamacare on Facebook – UPDATED

Sign the “I Like Obamacare” petition and “Like” Obamacare on Facebook – UPDATED

All the cool kidz are doing it On this, the second year anniversary of the Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”), the Obama campaign has a new petition up where you can let everyone know you actually LIKE Obamacare. It’s a great idea, taking the whole “Obamacare” thing, embracing it, and turning it into something positive. Today is […]

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Happy Birthday, Affordable Care Act and THANK YOU, Democrats!

Happy Birthday, Affordable Care Act and THANK YOU, Democrats!

Breaking: sky still up, world still here Two years ago today, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Despite much huffery and puffery from the GOP and every tea partier in the land, the sky has not fallen and, miraculously, the world has not come to an end. My Congressman, Tim Walberg, “The Original Tea […]

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Why the Fight for the Affordable Care Act is a Fight for Women

Why the Fight for the Affordable Care Act is a Fight for Women

A vagina is not a preexisting condition Long before the GOP decided that the way to create jobs was to deregulate polluters and regulate uteri, I saw the fight against Obamacare as part of what I reluctantly* call the War on Women. Any American woman who has ever looked for health insurance knows that despite the fact that women historically […]

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Pat Robertson thinks Peyton Manning deserves to be injured. Seriously.

Pat Robertson thinks Peyton Manning deserves to be injured. Seriously.

Christian my ass What sort of “Christian” would say something as hideous as this? Answer: Pat Robertson. Following Wednesday’s news that Tebow’s been traded to the New York Jets, Robertson said, despite Tebow’s great performance, the Broncos did not treat him well: “I think the Denver Broncos treated him shabbily. He won seven games, he brought them into the playoffs, […]

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Think more domestic drilling will lower gas prices? It won’t. Here is proof.

Think more domestic drilling will lower gas prices? It won’t. Here is proof.

Let’s get something straight… As President Obama continues on his trek across the country promoting his “All of the above” strategy to our nation’s energy needs, the Associated Press just put out a piece soundly debunking the absurd lie that more domestic drilling is the answer to lower gas prices, something heard 24-7 from the GOP primary candidates. It’s the […]

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Find out how the Affordable Care Act is helping you personally

Find out how the Affordable Care Act is helping you personally

It truly is a BFD The Obama campaign wants to make sure that Americans are aware of how the Affordable Care Act is helping each of us personally. To do so, they have put together a really nifty website: Click the image to check it out. Check it out then share it with your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. […]

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Real Bravery: The Ryan/GOP Budget v. The Affordable Care Act

Real Bravery: The Ryan/GOP Budget v. The Affordable Care Act

And by “brave,” I mean it gives me millions in tax breaks On this day in 2010, this President signed the Affordable Care Act. It’s a law that will help more than 30,000,000 uninsured Americans get health care. It stops private insurers from being able to deny care based preexisting conditions or mistakes in applications. It will insure that women […]

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Racist denies she’s a racist – says “Don’t Renig in 2012” bumpersticker isn’t racist

Racist denies she’s a racist – says “Don’t Renig in 2012” bumpersticker isn’t racist

Right, dude. Whatever. Last May, I posted a piece titled “Don’t let ANYONE EVER tell you racism isn’t alive and well in the USA” that showed a bumpersticker and t-shirt saying “Don’t renig in 2012”. The t-shirt actually showed the Obama campaign logo on it making it clear what it was about. From my post: That bumpersticker says “Don’t RENIG […]

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Someday in America THIS will be possible – lesbians get engaged on the ice at NHL game

Now THAT is adorable So, so cool: On Saturday night at Scotiabank Place, a Toronto Maple Leafs fan named Alicia stood on the ice during the second intermission wearing a blindfold. When it was removed, she looked up at the video scoreboard and read a message from her girlfriend, an Ottawa Senators fan named Christina. Schmaltzy music played. Out walked […]

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