Category: Women

Crittenton Hospital becomes part of Catholic-affiliated Ascension Health

Crittenton Hospital becomes part of Catholic-affiliated Ascension Health

The deal is done, but no word yet on the fate of reproductive health and other care standards Catholic-run hospitals are allowed to ignore. As reported in Crain’s Detroit Business on Monday, Crittenton Hospital in Rochester is now officially part of Ascension Health Michigan. Ascension Health is the largest nonprofit health system in the U.S. — and a Catholic-affiliated health […]

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How defunding Planned Parenthood would put health and lives at risk

How defunding Planned Parenthood would put health and lives at risk

While anti-choice activists try to fight the truth with misinformation, it’s imperative to defend the facts. This post is not about abortion. It’s about people’s health and lives. I’m not shying away from the fact that abortion is a legal healthcare service, and that it accounts for 3 percent of the services Planned Parenthood provides. No one is denying that […]

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Stand with Planned Parenthood — you’ll be in great company

Stand with Planned Parenthood — you’ll be in great company

The healthcare provider is under attack. Let’s rally the troops. Imagine someone who always looked out for you was getting beat up by the school bully, or was getting smeared by an enemy at work who was telling vicious lies about them. You’d leap to their defense, right? After all, if they’ve been there for you — no matter what […]

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Michigan Progressive Women’s Caucus unveils legislation to improve birth control access

Michigan Progressive Women’s Caucus unveils legislation to improve birth control access

Legislation aims to prevent unintended pregnancies and improve women’s access to essential healthcare services. No matter where you stand on a woman’s right to choose, everybody wants to see fewer unintended pregnancies and abortions. Because we know that abstinence education doesn’t work — after all, biology is what it is, and people are inclined to have sex when given the […]

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Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley’s poetry slam performance “Lost Voices” gives a voice to voiceless women & black men

Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley’s poetry slam performance “Lost Voices” gives a voice to voiceless women & black men

I don’t like to throw around the phrase “must see!” much but this video, in my opinion, is something everyone should watch. It will only take three minutes of your time but this poetry slam performance by Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley says more about how women and minorities experience our society than any book or movie ever could. Pay […]

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Democrats reintroduce legislation to repeal Michigan’s controversial abortion law

Democrats reintroduce legislation to repeal Michigan’s controversial abortion law

Sponsors call the law “cruel and unnecessary” and are fighting to restore women’s full access to healthcare. In 2013, Michigan made national news — and not in a good way — for passing a law that forces women to buy additional health insurance for necessary medical care during a miscarriage or abortion, even in cases of rape and when the […]

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Planned Parenthood launches new advocacy campaign in Michigan

Planned Parenthood launches new advocacy campaign in Michigan

Campaign focuses on six core values to improve the lives of women. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan has launched a brand-new campaign: My Health, My Life. No Matter What. Although the campaign is being used by Planned Parenthood affiliates in states across the country, the Michigan affiliate is tailoring its advocacy to the needs of Michigan and local communities. “The […]

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Obama administration stands up to health insurers on birth control coverage and more

Obama administration stands up to health insurers on birth control coverage and more

Efforts will ensure compliance with the Affordable Care Act and help reduce out-of-pocket costs.

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Something to know before the “morning after”

Something to know before the “morning after”

On March 3rd, State Senator Bert Johnson (D, MI-02) and three other Michigan Democrats introduced Senate Bill 172 requiring the state health department to provide information about “emergency contraception,” otherwise known as the “Morning After” pill. The bill was referred to committee with no further action at this time, and probably not at any time under the current GOP-dominated legislature […]

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Colorado proves it’s not about stopping abortions, it’s about controlling women

Colorado proves it’s not about stopping abortions, it’s about controlling women

I’ve long believed, as do so many others, that the forced birther movement, which claims to be about “saving lives”, is little more than a subterfuge for their real aim: controlling women. Why else would they go after contraception time and time again? Why else would they want to defund Planned Parenthood that prevents more unwanted pregnancies and abortions than […]

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Michigan Republicans carry out callous, sneaky attacks on women, LGBT people and families

Michigan Republicans carry out callous, sneaky attacks on women, LGBT people and families

With control over every aspect of Michigan’s government, Republicans are no longer even trying to hide their contempt for anyone they disagree with. By the time you read this post, there’s a good chance the Michigan GOP will have pulled another underhanded stunt. They’re becoming an everyday occurrence. But for now, I’ll focus on two power grabs on April 28 […]

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