Search Results for "schuette" : 249

UPDATED: Michigan presidential recount update – it’s getting very, very ugly

UPDATED: Michigan presidential recount update – it’s getting very, very ugly

When Green Party candidate Jill Stein announced her intention to demand recounts in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, I was skeptical. In fact, it looked to me like she was simply using it as a way to raise money and, more importantly, her profile along with getting Democrats to sign up for her email list. I’m still not so sure that […]

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Leaked document shows the extent of how GOP donor is personally profiting from new Michigan Senate office development

Leaked document shows the extent of how GOP donor is personally profiting from new Michigan Senate office development

The Michigan Republicans in the Senate are getting new offices that will cost taxpayers at least $134 million over the next three decades. They are moving from their existing location in the Farnum Building in Lansing to new offices in the Capitol View building owned by GOP donor Ron Boji. New documents not released until now show just how much […]

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In Flint you can be a one-person grand jury: VOTE!!!

In Flint you can be a one-person grand jury: VOTE!!!

Before we get into the weeds, I believe most of the readers of Eclectablog are keenly aware of the disgrace Governor Rick Snyder and his administration have caused, not just to the state but very specifically to the residents of Flint, people who continue to suffer while the governor uses taxpayer funds to defend himself from what may prove to […]

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UPDATED: GOP Kalamazoo County Clerk running for reelection fails to get absentee ballots out in time in violation of federal law

UPDATED: GOP Kalamazoo County Clerk running for reelection fails to get absentee ballots out in time in violation of federal law

NOTE: This post has been updated HERE based on the featured comment below by Washtenaw County Clerk and Register of Deeds Lawrence Kestenbaum. Based on what I learned from Clerk Kestenbaum, Kalamazoo Clerk Tim Snow is NOT the responsible party for the lateness of absentee ballots being mailed. This is a direct result of Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s useless effort to stop straight ticket voting in our state. I apologize to Clerk Snow and regret the error.

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House passes GOP Rep. Tim Walberg’s bill to delay low-wage workers getting overtime pay

House passes GOP Rep. Tim Walberg’s bill to delay low-wage workers getting overtime pay

Last week I wrote about Michigan Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette’s federal lawsuit to deny you being paid overtime if you are a low-paid salaried worker. However, Schuette isn’t the only Michigan Republican who wants to stop the new federal law from taking effect. MI-07 Republican Congressman Tim Walberg is also getting in on the act. Last week he introduced […]

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As the 1-year anniversary of Gov. Snyder acknowledging the #FlintWaterCrisis nears, GOP-led Congress still fails to act

As the 1-year anniversary of Gov. Snyder acknowledging the #FlintWaterCrisis nears, GOP-led Congress still fails to act

This Saturday will mark the one-year anniversary since Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder acknowledged that the drinking water in Flint, Michigan had been poisoned with lead. (NOTE: That will be Day 366 on the Eclectablog Flint Water Crisis Watch counter because 2016 is a Leap Year.) In reality, Flint residents haven’t had safely drinkable tap water for nearly two years. It […]

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Michigan Republicans who endorse Trump: A time capsule for posterity

Michigan Republicans who endorse Trump: A time capsule for posterity

Human memories are fickle and fade, but the Internet never forgets. And that may cause deep regrets someday for politicians in Michigan who have hitched their wagons to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. It’s been true for many months that every week Trump somehow finds a way to stoop to a new low. Since the start of the Democratic National Convention, however, […]

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Federal judge strikes down ban on straight-ticket voting option in Michigan

Federal judge strikes down ban on straight-ticket voting option in Michigan

Hallelujha! In a surprising move, a federal judge in Detroit struck down a Republican law that bans having the option of voting a straight partisan ballot in Michigan. It’s a move sure to give Republicans a very powerful case of indigestion since the move was largely aimed at taking control of the last areas where they do not have control: […]

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What Melania Trump’s plagiarism of Michelle Obama tells us about Trump’s hypocrisy

What Melania Trump’s plagiarism of Michelle Obama tells us about Trump’s hypocrisy

By now you’ve probably read about Donald Trump’s wife Melania and the speech she gave at the National Republican Convention last night. Her plagiarism of Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech was first noticed by journalist Jarrett Hill whose tweet blew up the internet: CORRECTION: Melania stole a whole graph from Michelle's speech. #GOPConvention WATCH: — Jarrett Hill (@JarrettHill) July […]

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What Snyder’s choice of an oil executive as DEQ director says to Michiganders

What Snyder’s choice of an oil executive as DEQ director says to Michiganders

When, in the wake of the Flint water crisis, Dan Wyant resigned from his post as director of the Department of Environmental Quality, Gov. Rick Snyder’s outgoing chief of staff lamented the move. “I’m not sure why this decision was made but if it’s only optics, keep in mind that finding a replacement who has the trust of the business […]

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Will Gov. Snyder keep wasting taxpayer funds to screw teachers out of over a half-billion dollars? Sign the petition!

Will Gov. Snyder keep wasting taxpayer funds to screw teachers out of over a half-billion dollars? Sign the petition!

Late in the Granholm administration as Michigan’s economy was at its worst thanks to the Bush recession, the state legislature passed a law requiring teachers to give up 3% of their paycheck to fund their retirement account, something they had never had to do in the past. The America Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the Michigan Education Association (MEA) sued […]

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