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Schools Are Not the Problem

Schools Are Not the Problem

If children are at more risk out of school than in school, then the problem isn’t school. If kids who aren’t in school are hungry, then increase funding to food pantries and community kitchens. (BTW–many public schools have been feeding kids all summer.) If kids who aren’t in school are in greater danger of abuse, then improve child protective services, […]

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Dilbert’s Scott Adams is the prototypical Trump fan

Dilbert’s Scott Adams is the prototypical Trump fan

Rich, whiny, with an unconscionable grudge against women and minorities Imagine after staking out a very successful career peddling flabby, relatable office humor that mocks unearned arrogance and managerial incompetence, you make the discovery of a lifetime. You — a trained hypnotist and heretofore unacknowledged Master Persuader — have spotted a gifted manipulator whose Persuasion skills may even exceed your […]

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Legislature: Do Your Job

Legislature should do their job, pass laws to make elections smoother The recent spat between Sen. Ruth Johnson and Sec. of State Jocelyn Benson regarding Benson’s mailing of absentee ballot applications to Michigan voters is not productive as we approach a significant presidential election in November and during a global pandemic. Instead of further spreading the misinformed claims made by […]

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Let’s Talk About “Reopening Schools”

Let’s Talk About “Reopening Schools”

Like many of us, I’ve been paying close attention to the various plans and suggestions for “reopening schools” this fall. It’s been more than a tad confusing to track the various recommendations coming from partisan legislative groups, professional associations, school district task forces, and the governor’s advisory board on reopening schools.I wish more than anything that there was more clear […]

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Defunding the police in Detroit schools: A youth perspective

Defunding the police in Detroit schools: A youth perspective

The following essay was written by students in the Detroit Public Schools Community District. At a time when the Overton Window view about the role of policing in our society is shifting ever more to the left, their voice is important and deserves to be heard. Organized by the group 482Forward which is working for a quality education for EVERY […]

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On Juneteenth, remember that #BlackLivesMatter is just the beginning – of the sentence & the movement – not the end

On Juneteenth, remember that #BlackLivesMatter is just the beginning – of the sentence & the movement – not the end

Black Lives Matter… …but our laws don’t reflect that. …but our criminal justice system doesn’t reflect that. …but too many police officers don’t act like they do. …but too many Americans don’t act like they believe that. …but in so, so many ways, they don’t seem to matter as much as white lives. Following the heinous murder of George Floyd […]

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Thomas Bryant Cotton, aka Tom Cotton, is a Republican U.S. Senator from Arkansas.

Tom Cotton’s “Send in the Military”…Don’t Worry, They’re Here.

It’s difficult to overestimate how truly awful Sen. Tom Cotton’s op-ed in the NY Times yesterday was, but here’s the bit that made me stop reading and my mouth hang wide open… “One thing above all else will restore order to our streets: an overwhelming show of force to disperse, detain and ultimately deter lawbreakers.” This is the sort of […]

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Push Back on Election Misinformation

Last week, the Secretary of State announced that absent voter ballot applications will be mailed to all Michigan voters for the August 4 Primary and November 3 General Elections. This is in response to the current health crisis and social distancing guidelines, as voting from home will be much safer than voting in the precinct on Election Day. The President […]

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Synopsis of CDC Guidelines for Reopening Schools

Welcome Back to School! But Not So Fast…

As someone who visits a lot of schools each year to observe student teachers and work with my colleagues in the schools, a few thoughts on these newly-released CDC “back to school” guidelines… • kids can’t keep their shoes and socks on for a full school day…masks? • no shared items? everything in school is shared…pencils are shared, books are […]

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Kurt Löwenstein Educational Center International Team from Germany / CC BY (

Why “Closet Conservatives” are Dangerous, and How to Spot Them

Anyone else starting to think that it’s the “closet conservatives” that pose the most danger during our current constitutional and health crises? With the “out” Trump supporters, for example, you can see them coming from a mile away. Confederate flags waving, no face masks, stupid, misspelled signs, support for the border wall, and hatred for women and minorities–it’s all on […]

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Betsy DeVos Uses the Coronavirus Pandemic to Push Private and Religious School Vouchers

Betsy DeVos Uses the Coronavirus Pandemic to Push Private and Religious School Vouchers

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has pulled a lot of shady stuff in her time in President Trump’s Cabinet. But her latest action may take the cake for brazen, underhanded political malfeasance. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is using the $2 trillion coronavirus stabilization law to throw a lifeline to education sectors she has long championed, directing millions of federal dollars […]

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