Search Results for "schuette" : 249

GUEST POST: House ‘bathroom inspection’ bill targets local LGBT ordinances, exposes Republicans’ hypocrisy

GUEST POST: House ‘bathroom inspection’ bill targets local LGBT ordinances, exposes Republicans’ hypocrisy

The following guest post was written by my friend Jen Eyer, Vice President of Vanguard Public Affairs. Jen has spent many years in the world of journalism and most recently managed the newsroom for The Ann Arbor News, part of the MLive Media Group. You can read her full bio HERE. This piece was first published at the Vanguard Public […]

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This I can tell you: One veterans group that (finally) got its Trump #VetGate cash is a shady operation out of Michigan

This I can tell you: One veterans group that (finally) got its Trump #VetGate cash is a shady operation out of Michigan

Donald Trump is involved in a number of scandals this week. First, his swindling of Trump University students has made the national spotlight when the Washington Post convinced the judge overseeing the case to release internal Trump U. documents to the public. That sham operation is still unfolding and the “sleazy” media that’s daring to do its job by investigating […]

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I left the country for two weeks and the list of things that happened in Michigan is mind blowing

I left the country for two weeks and the list of things that happened in Michigan is mind blowing

The lack of blog posts over the past couple of weeks is due to the fact that I was in Canada for a week-long business trip two weeks ago that involved me working 8-10 hour shifts, grabbing a quick bite to eat on the fly, and then catching a few hours of sleep before heading back to the plant. I […]

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Multi-millionaire Gov. Rick Snyder puts Michigan taxpayers on the hook for his personal #FlintWaterCrisis legal bills

Multi-millionaire Gov. Rick Snyder puts Michigan taxpayers on the hook for his personal #FlintWaterCrisis legal bills

NOTE: This post has been updated HERE. As I wrote about earlier this week, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and Attorney General Bill Schuette are asking the taxpayer of our state to foot the bills for their legal bills related to defending Snyder from the lawsuits filed against him for his response to the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water with the […]

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CNN discovers what Michigan journalists already know: Snyder adminstration hides information behind HUGE FOIA fees

CNN discovers what Michigan journalists already know: Snyder adminstration hides information behind HUGE FOIA fees

The Snyder administration had long been thought to be using fees to process FOIA requests as a way to avoid transparency and to scare off inquisitive journalists and private citizens from poking around in their (public) affairs. Then, last October, the fine folks at Progress Michigan got definitive proof that FOIA fees were being wielded as a weapon against transparency. […]

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Philandering religio-hypocrites Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat will do the perp walk, felony charges filed

Philandering religio-hypocrites Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat will do the perp walk, felony charges filed

Following an investigation by the office of Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, philandering Republicans Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser have had multiple felony charges filed against them today.

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: State inaction means many Flint citizens still unaware of the problem (+ much more)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: State inaction means many Flint citizens still unaware of the problem (+ much more)

I’m starting today’s news round-up by featuring an essay published by Ann Arbor social worker Beverly Davidson, LMSW, at her “Voices from the Infant, Toddler and Family Field” blog. The post is titled “No words” and the title is cruelly apt. Here’s a taste of what she saw during a recent day of volunteering in Flint: We knocked on one […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Jeb! says poisoned water due to over-regulation, armed militia gets involved + more!

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Jeb! says poisoned water due to over-regulation, armed militia gets involved + more!

“Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Political Suicide” by by DonkeyHotey First, just a reminder that Rachel Maddow will be broadcasting from a townhall meeting she’s holding in Flint on Wednesday evening. Watch the video announcement here: The Rachel Maddow Show heads to Flint! Wednesday 1/27 at 9pm ET! — Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) January 23, 2016 Guests will include Flint Mayor […]

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ACTION: #FlintWaterCrisis protests planned for next week (and more news)

ACTION: #FlintWaterCrisis protests planned for next week (and more news)

Yesterday, months after being asked by multiple groups including Congressman Dan Kildee, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder finally asked the federal government to declare a state of emergency in Flint. This move, if approved, will open up federal funds to deal with this human-made disaster that will be Flint’s and Rick Snyder’s legacy for decades to come. Snyder’s tardy response comes […]

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BOOM! Former Courser/Gamrat staffers file suit against Michigan House Republican leadership for firing them illegally

BOOM! Former Courser/Gamrat staffers file suit against Michigan House Republican leadership for firing them illegally

Oh, my… Former staffers for ousted tea party philanderers Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser have filed a federal lawsuit against the Republican leadership of the Michigan State House of Representatives claiming they were wrongfully terminated. The 36-page lawsuit, which you can read HERE, outlines repeated attempts by Ben Graham and Keith Allard to alert House Speaker Kevin Cotter and the […]

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GUEST POST: A Ticking Time Bomb/Pipeline  (Dire Straits)

GUEST POST: A Ticking Time Bomb/Pipeline (Dire Straits)

The following guest post was written by Denny Green of Clean Water Action – Michigan. Enjoy. Anytime you hear that something or someone’s days are numbered, you get the idea that it’s a matter of grave significance — certainly something to be regarded with the utmost concern and action. Well, it’s been more than 140 days since Michigan Attorney General […]

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