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GOP Senate candidate John James wants you to think he’s not Trump’s lackey. Don’t buy it.

GOP Senate candidate John James wants you to think he’s not Trump’s lackey. Don’t buy it.

By now you’ve probably heard the quote from John James that he supports Donald Trump’s agenda “2000 percent“. The failed Republican candidate wanted desperately to ride Trump’s coattails into the U.S. Senate but was subsequently beaten soundly by Debbie Stabenow in 2018. Lately, however, James has changed his tune. With polling showing Donald Trump down by as much as ten […]

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“The reports of the death of higher education are greatly exaggerated.”

“The reports of the death of higher education are greatly exaggerated.”

A recent article in New York Magazine predicting the demise of higher education is causing a great deal of anxiety in the professoriate, and for good reason. The author is making some pretty audacious prognostications, and none of them bode well for our profession… enrollments will crater hundreds of colleges will go out of business only a few “elite cyborg […]

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We Need to Act Now to Protect Our Elections from COVID_19

With the May Special Election now behind us, it is time to shift our focus squarely on the August Primary and November General Elections.   The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic will exist long after the immediate danger has passed. Even if we are allowed to go back to work, health experts caution that we should not congregate in large groups […]

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“How Are You Doing With Teaching in This Pandemic?” Not So Well…

“How Are You Doing With Teaching in This Pandemic?” Not So Well…

A friend asked me how I was doing during this pandemic, and I thought I’d share my perspective as a teacher who has struggled to find my footing in our new reality… How am I doing, you ask? To be honest, not well. I’ve been a teacher for 40 years now, and I really love teaching. I love the interactions […]

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The stock market wants to make sure Republicans get their greater depression

The stock market wants to make sure Republicans get their greater depression

By ignoring the horrors of Covid-19, Wall Street will guarantee no real relief for workers before or after the election In his latest essential thread, Andy Slavitt — who you know ran Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid under President Obama — nails a point I’ve been trying to get at all week: Trump — and thus, the entire Republican Party — […]

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Republican Senate candidate John James ignores Michigan but galavants around the U.S. for super-conservative endorsements & cash

Republican Senate candidate John James ignores Michigan but galavants around the U.S. for super-conservative endorsements & cash

It’s been many a moon since Michigan Republicans have put up any sort of legitimate candidate for U.S. Senate. In 1996, Ronna Romney, the mother of RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, got crushed by Carl Levin who had trounced Bill Schuette six years before. He went on to beat Rocky Raczkowski and Jack Hoogendyk before retiring. The seat is now […]

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This week’s rally at the Michigan Capitol Building wasn’t protesting. It was terrorism.

This week’s rally at the Michigan Capitol Building wasn’t protesting. It was terrorism.

By now you have likely heard about the gathering of a couple hundred self-proclaimed “patriot” protesters who stormed the Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan yesterday to demand that our Governor loosen restrictions further and earlier than she already has. The restrictions require non-essential workers to stay home and for those who must go out in public to wear masks to […]

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Let’s get Gretchen Whitmer some support

Let’s get Gretchen Whitmer some support

Keep an eye on all of these seats. Today’s post was written by Aaron (The Give Smart Guy), director of research at the Future Now Fund. Aaron joined Future Now after co-founding the Give Smart project, which raised almost $1 million for state legislative candidates in 2018. Previously an attorney for various technology companies, he has also written extensively about […]

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Michigan Organizing Together 2020 is going to defeat Donald Trump’s agenda

Michigan Organizing Together 2020 is going to defeat Donald Trump’s agenda

To date, over 398,000 Americans have contracted COVID-19 and almost 56,000 have passed away. Trump has shown that he is incapable of protecting Americans during a crisis. He has continued to engage in racist rhetoric during his press briefings and makes claims that hydroxychloroquine will be a “game changer”, despite there being no medical evidence. He has even suggested that […]

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Jon Hoadley, MI-06 Congressional candidate, fights to protect nurses and Michiganders during COVID-19

Jon Hoadley, MI-06 Congressional candidate, fights to protect nurses and Michiganders during COVID-19

Standing with nurses is nothing new for the current State Representative. But he’s pushing to do even more, now and in Congress. Jon Hoadley has always had deep respect and affection for nurses. He’s been recognized by the Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) with their Legislative Champion Award, and has frequently spoken on legislator panels on behalf of nurses throughout his legislative […]

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40,000 Americans could be alive if Trump had followed South Korea’s lead

40,000 Americans could be alive if Trump had followed South Korea’s lead

What do we have to lose? 40,000 lives, apparently Assigning fault for a public health disaster is easy… if you’re Donald Trump. In 2014, a doctor infected with Ebola while treating patients in Africa was allowed to return to the US, Trump demanded that the 44th president resign. Two Americans died of Ebola. Trump called the Obama/Biden approach to the […]

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