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Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Viral Diseases

In the Coronavirus crisis, look for the “Nurturers”

In a time when our national leadership is glaringly, terrifyingly absent–and in fact, has made a horrific situation even worse, if that’s possible–I’ve been most impressed with the abundance of natural leaders emerging all around us… Chefs like Cleveland’s Michael Symon, who is offering free cooking lessons on the Food Network’s Facebook feed every day at 5pm. He’s focusing on […]

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This may be the worst thing Trump has said since the COVID-19 outbreak began

This may be the worst thing Trump has said since the COVID-19 outbreak began

It’s not just that he’s doing everything wrong; it’s that he knows he is. History will likely note that every time Donald Trump spoke about the novel coronavirus now spreading across this nation, he made the situation worse. There was this president’s constant campaign to downplay the effect of the virus: 19 times Trump downplayed the coronavirus — The […]

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Money still dominates our politics — even if it didn’t buy Bloomberg the presidency

Money still dominates our politics — even if it didn’t buy Bloomberg the presidency

Blowing enough to buy 20 swing state houses in 90 days shows how cheap it is for billionaires to buy power Whoever convinced Michael Bloomberg to show up at the Democratic debates owes the former mayor a half a billion dollars — and America owes that person a huge debt of gratitude. The campaign is dead and the “rot of […]

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Michigan Republicans reintroduce Ted Nugent-approved bills to allow baiting of deer & elk and reduce fines to $1

Michigan Republicans reintroduce Ted Nugent-approved bills to allow baiting of deer & elk and reduce fines to $1

In September of last year, Ted Nugent, Michigan’s most embarrassing former resident, testified before the Michigan House Government Operations Committee in support of House Bill 4687 that would reverse a statewide ban on baiting deer and elk. Nugent told lawmakers that his personal hunting experiences make his opinions on this topic more valid than the peer-reviewed science. I’m not kidding: […]

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Healthcare: A Love/Hate Story…

Healthcare: A Love/Hate Story…

Amid all the murky and dramatic national conversations about the disaster that is our current healthcare system, one sometimes stumbles upon a moment of potential clarity. This is one of those moments… At a social event the other night, I met a person who worked for a large regional health insurance company. The conversation, naturally, came around to the topic […]

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Trump spent three years weakening our immune system, then came the coronavirus

Trump spent three years weakening our immune system, then came the coronavirus

Pandemics don’t care about Trump’s feelings Many people have noted that Donald Trump’s luckiest break as president was not succeeding in repealing the Affordable Care Act. Barack Obama suffered the political consequences of expanding insurance coverage to 20 million Americans. Taking it away from a comparable number would almost certainly mean political consequences even worse than the biggest House midterm […]

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Mail or drop off your absent voter ballot to your local clerk

FAQ:  Ballots and Voting 

Super Tuesday is coming up and so is the Michigan March 10th Presidential Primary Election! What happens if my candidate dropped out of the race for president? The list of candidates for the March 10th Presidential Primary was finalized on December 13, 2019 and ballots for this election went to print by mid-January.  If you see your candidate on your […]

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Multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos wants to help solve climate change (as long as it makes him even more rich)

Multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos wants to help solve climate change (as long as it makes him even more rich)

There’s no doubt that corporations have a major hold on our daily lives. They spend millions of dollars on lobbying efforts to continuously drive up their profits, often to the detriment of ordinary mortals like us. These companies have huge swaying power in our political sphere, which renders the interest of the voters almost meaningless in the eyes of politicians. […]

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#FlipThisHouse2020, Michigan! Episode 1: Representative Laurie Pohutsky (HD-19)

#FlipThisHouse2020, Michigan! Episode 1: Representative Laurie Pohutsky (HD-19)

This post is the first thread in Indivisible Michigan’s #FlipThisHouse2020 series. This one is on Representative Laurie Pohutsky (@lpohusky19), who is serving her first term representing HD-19 (Livonia). It was originally written for Medium and Twitter by Dave Wagner (@dbwagner104), who managed Representative Pohutsky’s 2018 campaign. The Medium post is HERE and the Twitter thread is HERE. “Laurie is a […]

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Betsy DeVos is trying to buy herself a second term

Betsy DeVos is trying to buy herself a second term

The worst cabinet secretary in U.S. history wants another shot at wrecking our schools — help us stop her If you were in need of a perfect metaphor for how the Department of Education operates when it’s being run by the nation’s foremost opponent to public education, check out this post by Eclectablog’s Mitchell Robinson. You’ll learn that a Betsy […]

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In a hyper-partisan time, Michigan’s cat “declawing” ban bill is a place for unity for all the right reasons

In a hyper-partisan time, Michigan’s cat “declawing” ban bill is a place for unity for all the right reasons

I have a confession to make: I have had several cats “declawed” in my life. Of all the things I have done, this is something I am most regretful for. Why? Because, as Molly Tamulevich, the state director for the Michigan branch of the Humane Society of the United States, told me, “Declawing a cat is much more than a […]

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