Search Results for "schuette" : 249

GUEST POST: Michigan Democrats Get More Votes, Lose Anyway

GUEST POST: Michigan Democrats Get More Votes, Lose Anyway

Below I am crossposting a piece written by Walt Sorg and published at his blog The Michigan Curmudgeon. Walt has held senior positions in all three branches of Michigan state government, serving under Speaker Bobby Crim and Governor Jim Blanchard as well as at the State Bar of Michigan. He began his 48-year tenure in or around Michigan government as […]

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Guess which Michigan candidates had 6,000+ people rally for them yesterday. HINT: it wasn’t the Republicans.

Guess which Michigan candidates had 6,000+ people rally for them yesterday. HINT: it wasn’t the Republicans.

While Michigan Republican Party chair Bobby Schostak, the man behind “The Worst Campaign Ad That Human Beings Actually Paid for This Year”, tells anyone who will listen that President Obama’s visit to Michigan yesterday is going to harm the election chances of Mark Schauer, Gary Peters, and all of our Democratic candidates, over 6,000 people showed up to see him […]

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Mark Totten calls on television stations to pull deceptive ad claiming he was “never a real prosecutor”

Mark Totten calls on television stations to pull deceptive ad claiming he was “never a real prosecutor”

Photo by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog The Michigan Advocacy Trust, a 527 group that it does not disclose its donors, has a new television ad out deceptively claiming that Democratic candidate for Attorney General Mark Totten “was never a real prosecutor” and had never handled a federal criminal case. The group is run by Richard McLellan, secretary of […]

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UPDATED: New Progress Michigan poll has Schauer up by 3, Republican pollster has Snyder up by 2. Need any more reason to GOTV?

UPDATED: New Progress Michigan poll has Schauer up by 3, Republican pollster has Snyder up by 2. Need any more reason to GOTV?

See update below. If you are sitting around wondering if it’s worth your while to get involved in the massive Get Out the Vote (GOTMFV) effort in the last two weeks of this election, two polls out this week should give you the nudge that you need. First we have a poll by Republican pollster Mitchell Research & Communication that […]

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Millions of Americans could vote themselves health insurance — and Michigan could vote itself marriage equality

Millions of Americans could vote themselves health insurance — and Michigan could vote itself marriage equality

“Lawyers live under a rule called Rule 11, which provides that it is unethical for a lawyer to file a pleading for purposes of delay rather than to achieve a result,” Arizona’s Republican Attorney General Tom Horton said in a statement on Friday explaining why we would not appeal the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision to allow same-sex marriages […]

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UPDATED: Are Michigan Republicans so flush with money they don’t have to target mailings? Or are they just dumb?

UPDATED: Are Michigan Republicans so flush with money they don’t have to target mailings? Or are they just dumb?

Yesterday I got a full-size, thick paper glossy mailing from Terri Lynn Land’s campaign. I also got TWO from Bill Schuette’s campaign, both different. Now, most Eclectablog readers know what my political leaners are and that they are decidedly NOT leaning in the direction of the GOP. In fact, I am an elected Precinct Delegate and on the Executive Board […]

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Day 2: 4th Quarter Fundraiser – Breaking news, interviews, and photos, oh my!

Day 2: 4th Quarter Fundraiser – Breaking news, interviews, and photos, oh my!

Photo by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished here at Eclectablog. What started as the random, eclectic musings of a wannabe writer has turned into something so much more. People tell me on a regular basis that Eclectablog is one of their “must visit” sites every day so that they can stay abreast of […]

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Day 1: 4th Quarter Fundraiser – If you like it, then you should put some “ching” on it

Day 1: 4th Quarter Fundraiser – If you like it, then you should put some “ching” on it

On an average day, roughly 5,000 people stop by Eclectablog. Sometimes it’s a bit less and, when we do something that REALLY gets attention, it’s way more. That’s a lot of people who are better informed because of the work we do here. Whether it’s breaking news that you haven’t seen elsewhere like today’s piece on cronyism in the state […]

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VIDEO: New ad highlights the Snyder administration’s Aramark scandal and the perils of privatization

VIDEO: New ad highlights the Snyder administration’s Aramark scandal and the perils of privatization

Progress Michigan announced today that they are running a new ad highlighting the Aramark scandal that has rocked the Snyder administration. The myriad failings of the for-profit prison food vendor bring the issue of privatization/profitization of government services into sharp relief and this ad is a powerful reminder of that. The ad will run for a week in Grand Rapids, […]

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White nationalist group argues shoulder-fired rocket and grenade launchers, antipersonnel mines, etc. should be legal

White nationalist group argues shoulder-fired rocket and grenade launchers, antipersonnel mines, etc. should be legal

Back in March I wrote about white nationalist Kyle Bristow’s support of Attorney General Bill Schuette’s effort to maintain Michigan’s bigoted ban on same-sex marriage. Bristow filed an amicus brief in support of Schuette’s appeal of a federal court ruling declaring the ban unconstitutional on behalf of an extremist group called the “Traditionalist Youth Network LLC”. At I wrote at […]

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INTERVIEW: Democratic candidate for Attorney General Mark Totten – “I will be the ‘People’s Lawyer'”

INTERVIEW: Democratic candidate for Attorney General Mark Totten – “I will be the ‘People’s Lawyer'”

We’ve covered the Attorney General race in Michigan fairly extensively here at Eclectablog. In addition to reporting on the candidacy of Democrat Mark Totten, a former prosecutor for the Department of Justice and law professor at Michigan State University, I have written extensively about the extremism of our current AG, Republican Bill Schuette. As I have demonstrated quite vividly before, […]

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