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Dear Democrats: No Candidate is Perfect, Keep Your Eye On The Prize

Dear Democrats: No Candidate is Perfect, Keep Your Eye On The Prize

Amy’s a mean boss. Elizabeth checked Native American on an application. Pete’s got problems with African Americans. Joe voted for a war. Bernie’s a socialist. No candidate is perfect. And each of the “problems” listed above is far more complicated and nuanced than it appears. For example… If Sen. Klobuchar was a man, her management style would be common, expected…and […]

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Election security in Michigan: It’s good. It could be a lot better.

Election security in Michigan: It’s good. It could be a lot better.

We’re only a strong as our weakest link Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election put a light on election security, a spotlight that is intensifying as the 2020 elections approach. Over 1,500 Michigan election officials have been focusing on election security long before the news reports and extra scrutiny. This is evidenced by the Michigan decentralized process, continued use […]

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Donald Trump’s Impeachment Book Club!

Donald Trump’s Impeachment Book Club!

Amidst the overnight announcement of John Bolton’s upcoming tell-all memoir, based on his front-row seat for this administration’s extortion of Ukraine in order to cheat in the 2020 elections, other members of Trump’s inner circle are now drooling over the prospects of 7-figure book deals of their own. Although none of these books have been announced as of this date, […]

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Thought Adam Schiff’s impeachment presentation was good? Public school teachers do that every day

Thought Adam Schiff’s impeachment presentation was good? Public school teachers do that every day

While I absolutely agree that Adam Schiff did a wonderful job presenting the impeachment case against the president, I must confess that I’m a little surprised at how amazed so many seem to be at how smoothly he delivered his information, the quality of his argument, and his use of audio/visual materials. Because if you were impressed with Mr. Schiff’s […]

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What Gretchen Whitmer has in common with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders

What Gretchen Whitmer has in common with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders

And what they can all learn from each other There’s a pretty obvious reason why our governor Gretchen Whitmer has been chosen to deliver the response to the 2020 State of Union address that will occur if something goes terribly wrong and the Senate doesn’t remove Donald Trump from office: Whitmer was elected Governor of Michigan by 406,659 votes or […]

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I love AOC but calling the Democratic Party “center-conservative” is insulting & doesn’t help elect anyone (except Republicans)

I love AOC but calling the Democratic Party “center-conservative” is insulting & doesn’t help elect anyone (except Republicans)

Earlier this week, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) had this to say: The Democratic Party is not a left party, the Democratic Party is a center, or center-conservative party. We can’t even get a floor vote on “Medicare for All,” not even a floor vote that gets voted down. We can’t even get a vote on it, so this is not […]

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A Student’s Guide to Voting in Michigan

A Student’s Guide to Voting in Michigan

Editor’s note: Since they took control of the state government in 2010, Republicans in our state legislature and executive branch have made voting for students unnecessarily difficult and complex. That’s a feature for them, not a bug. I asked Barb to explain the process so that students living in Michigan have all of the facts on how they can vote […]

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Trump gave the big banks a bailout that may cost us more the financial crisis bank bailout

As JPMorgan Chase, the country’s largest bank, reported record profits You may not remember this, but bailing out the biggest banks in America used to be controversial. Republicans in the House even helped sink the first attempt to rescue the banks from collapsing under George W. Bush. But apparently the GOP’s big problem with the bailouts was that they weren’t […]

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Donald Trump still wants to take away your healthcare — and he’s still lying about it

Donald Trump still wants to take away your healthcare — and he’s still lying about it

Regular readers of Eclectablog may remember my personal Affordable Care Act (ACA) story — and the many others I shared over the last few years. There’s no denying that the ACA is saving lives and keeping people healthier. There’s also no denying that just like every other policy or law enacted by Barack Obama during his presidency, Donald Trump will […]

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Michigan GOP Senator Lucido told female reporter, “These boys could have a lot of fun with you”

Michigan GOP Senator Lucido told female reporter, “These boys could have a lot of fun with you”

“He assured me it was nothing personal and this is just how he talks to young women.” It’s been quite awhile since a Michigan Republican has made the news for being a disgusting, sexist pig. But State Senator Peter Lucido reset that clock this week with remarks he made to Michigan Advance cub reporter Allison Donahue: I waited outside the […]

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Prepare yourselves: Michigan election results could be delayed. There is, however, a solution.

Prepare yourselves: Michigan election results could be delayed. There is, however, a solution.

With the passage of Proposal 3 in 2018, Michigan is seeing a significant increase in voters taking advantage of voting by absent voter ballots. In Ingham County, we have held three elections under the new law, and now know firsthand of the need for updates in Michigan Election Law and Bureau of Elections’ promulgated rules and required procedures as a […]

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