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Unfortunately, money still matters a lot in politics. Here’s how to make the most of yours.

Unfortunately, money still matters a lot in politics. Here’s how to make the most of yours.

Be the Mike Bloomberg you wish to see in the world. If you can, please help us raise $10,000 for Run for Something — an organization that recruits, trains, and helps down-ballot Democratic candidates for office nationwide — by Super Tuesday. Read on to find out how this group’s work electing state and local candidates is part of the solution […]

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The Republican Party is doing everything it can to keep you underpaid

The Republican Party is doing everything it can to keep you underpaid

Trump has done nothing but rob Americans of raises As we end the first decade without a minimum wage increase in the history of the minimum wage, Wall Street is celebrating. The Dow burst through 29,000 on news that the December 2019 jobs report was below expectations. Why would traders be thrilled about a bad-ish jobs report? Because wage growth […]

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Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.

We Measure What We Treasure, and Other Myths About Education Policy…

I received a phone call from a music teacher last night whose principal had recently marked her down on an unannounced, “drive-by” observation…because the students “weren’t engaged.” When she asked how the principal had come up with that rating, she was told the “evidence” upon which the comment was made was based on the principal’s observation that “only 10% of […]

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ATTENTION MICHIGANDERS! Now is the time to request an absentee ballot for the March primary election!

ATTENTION MICHIGANDERS! Now is the time to request an absentee ballot for the March primary election!

With the March 2020 Presidential Primary Election right around the corner, county, city, and township clerks are making preparations. We are also seeing an increase in voters utilizing the opportunity to vote via absent voter (AV) ballot (also known in some states as “Vote at Home”) since the passage of Proposal 3 in 2018. Local clerks are sending out Absent […]

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Please welcome our newest Eclectablogger, Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum!

Please welcome our newest Eclectablogger, Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum!

It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that we have added a new blogger here at Eclectablog. Barb Byrum is a dear friend and a passionate warrior for progressive issues and voting rights & election integrity in particular. Barb is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. […]

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Enbridge construction debris described as no “safety or environmental risk” nearly spears the 67-year-old pipeline

Enbridge construction debris described as no “safety or environmental risk” nearly spears the 67-year-old pipeline

We’ve been writing about Line 5, Enbridge’s 67-year-old twin pipelines under the straights of Mackinac for 5 years now: June 23, 2015 — Enbridge Line 5 pipeline beneath Straits of Mackinac – too old, unsafe, and a threat to the Great Lakes September 10, 2015 — As protesters call for Straits of Mackinac oil pipeline to be shut down, Enbridge […]

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Trump is celebrating war crimes and promoting the mass execution of his enemies — where is the 🚨Civility Police🚨?

Trump is celebrating war crimes and promoting the mass execution of his enemies — where is the 🚨Civility Police🚨?

Welcome to 2020 Recall the great civility freakout of 2018. Polite society rose up to speak on behalf poor Sarah Huckabee Sanders who — in the midst of an uproar over the unlawful kidnapping of thousands of children, many of whom still haven’t been returned to their families, by this administration — was asked to leave a restaurant after receiving […]

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“Two North” – A true Christmas story

“Two North” – A true Christmas story

“Two North” is a story about a Christmas when I was in grade school during a period when my mom was spending time on the psychiatric ward of our town’s hospital after trying to commit suicide to escape a physically-abusive husband. I was thirteen. It was a cataclysmic event in our lives but it brought us together into a two-person […]

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Impeachment must be about protecting voters from Trump stealing the 2020 election

Impeachment must be about protecting voters from Trump stealing the 2020 election

The case for Trump’s impeachment is proven but the message must be hammered New documents sent to the Center for Public Integrity confirm both articles of impeachment for Donald Trump passed by the House of Representatives last week. In files a court ordered the Department of Defense to release on Friday, we learn that Trump asked about aid to the […]

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Photo credit: Steven Singer

ProTips, Holiday Edition: Avoiding the “Corporate-Reform-Agenda-Propaganda” (i.e., CRAP)

In the aftermath of the recent Public Education Forum in Pittsburgh last week, I’ve noticed an uptick in the number of education reform related posts on social media. Unfortunately, just as with our more strictly political dialogue these days, it can be difficult to distinguish between facts and “Corporate-Reform-Agenda-Propaganda” (i.e., CRAP), or #alternativefacts. In the spirit of giving, I offer […]

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The one huge assertion in the whistleblower’s complaint that still must be investigated

The one huge assertion in the whistleblower’s complaint that still must be investigated

We need to know William Barr’s role in the Ukraine scandal Besides all the things he wasn’t impeached for, the most remarkable thing about the impeachment of Donald Trump is how accurate the whistleblower’s complaint has turned out to be. This was a point Marcy Wheeler made to us several weeks back, and she suggested that this is why Trump […]

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