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What exactly will it take for GOP Senate candidate John James to renounce Ted Nugent-wannabe Kid Rock’s endorsement?

What exactly will it take for GOP Senate candidate John James to renounce Ted Nugent-wannabe Kid Rock’s endorsement?

When he ran for U.S. Senate against Democrat Debbie Stabenow, John James proudly bragged about an endorsement he received from Ted Nugent-wannabe Kid Rock. See for yourself: He not only appeared on stage with Bob Ritchie (Rock’s real name), he hung out with him backstage: Ritchie has been trying to out-idiot Ted Nugent for a long time in what appears […]

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Third time’s a charm! Gretchen Driskell announces her candidacy for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District.

Third time’s a charm! Gretchen Driskell announces her candidacy for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District.

Former Saline, Michigan mayor and State Representative for the 52nd House District Gretchen Driskell has announced that she will once again try to unseat Trump devotee and far-right extremist Tim Walberg in the race for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District. It will be a tough fight. No Democrat has won it since Mark Schuaer defeated Walberg in 2008 and Republicans made […]

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A group of marchers moves from the US Capitol towards the Lincoln Memorial grounds for the One Nation Working Together rally in Washington, DC.
CC image credit: ep_jhu | Flickr

Changing the narrative around immigrant labor

In November of 2005, Bush proposed the following to fix the immigration system in America: As we enforce our immigration laws, comprehensive immigration reform also requires us to improve those laws by creating a new temporary worker program. This program would create a legal way to match willing foreign workers with willing American employers to fill jobs that Americans will not […]

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Evidence mounts that Emergency Management in Michigan was and IS a complete failure

Evidence mounts that Emergency Management in Michigan was and IS a complete failure

A couple of years ago, I wrote this: I have been saying for years (since 2011, precisely) that Emergency Management is a model that will not work to solve the intractable problems that have led to financial crises in our state’s former urban manufacturing hubs. Emergency Managers are armed only with tools of DEstruction, not with tools of CONstruction. They […]

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Trump’s impeachable crimes show he knows how to steal the 2020 election

Trump’s impeachable crimes show he knows how to steal the 2020 election

The smoking gun shows why you can’t underestimate Trump Donald Trump’s central insight is that almost no one follows American politics closely, not even the press. Look at this chart from Dr. Rachel Bitecofer: If you are reading this now, on a Thanksgiving weekend especially, you are highly engaged with politics. You probably know that Trump went to Afghanistan because […]

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Impeachment witnesses say they are “demoralized”; America’s teachers: “First time?”

Impeachment witnesses say they are “demoralized”; America’s teachers: “First time?”

As a career teacher, watching the House impeachment hearings has been a sort of “out of body experience.” Like the rest of America, I’ve witnessed a parade of brilliant, highly-educated, dedicated foreign service diplomats deliver eloquent, insightful testimony under the most pressure-packed circumstances they’ve ever experienced, and do so with grace, elegance, and professionalism. At the same time, reports have […]

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For democracy to prevail, the Republican Party must be convicted and removed

For democracy to prevail, the Republican Party must be convicted and removed

Placing your career over the Constitution must have consequences What are the most telling revelations uncovered in impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump? I’d nominate two new facts that are equally revealing and ominous: 1. As soon as Trump gets away with it, he’s at it again. On the day after Robert Mueller testified before the House and it immediately became […]

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Do we fund progressive programs by raising taxes or cutting spending? Modern Monetary Theory says: NEITHER!

Do we fund progressive programs by raising taxes or cutting spending? Modern Monetary Theory says: NEITHER!

The following article was written by Collin McDonough (@acomplexcollin) and Nicholas Golina (@GolinaNick). Collin is a recovering legislative staffer. He is a Policy Advisor at Data for Progress, a freelance data scientist, and is co-founder of Momentum Advocacy. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Michigan State University; has a certificate in Data Science from Johns Hopkins University; […]

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The billionaires are mad at us because we’re trillionaires

The billionaires are mad at us because we’re trillionaires

If you want to know what this election could be about, sip the sweat and tears of certain billionaires Even before Emmanuel Saez and and GOTMFV show guest Gabriel Zucman documented that billionaires are paying a lower effective tax rate than the working class, even before two billionaires jumped into the Democratic primary way too late, even before billionaires began […]

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Donald Trump will definitely lose the popular vote by millions — and he could still definitely be ‘elected’ president

Donald Trump will definitely lose the popular vote by millions — and he could still definitely be ‘elected’ president

And the only thing you should be overwhelmed by is how much you can do to stop him This is your brain on polls. Just hours before Democrats swept into voting booths to gain full control of recent swing-state Virginia and the Kentucky governorship, polls from The New York Times Upshot and Siena College, which were quite accurate in 2018, […]

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More on GOP Senate candidate John James’ ties Ukrainian criminal Lev Parnas — there was a meeting

More on GOP Senate candidate John James’ ties Ukrainian criminal Lev Parnas — there was a meeting

Late last month, the Michigan Democratic Party revealed photos of Michigan Republican Senate candidate John James with indicted Ukrainian criminal Lev Parnas, who was doing what amounted to a whistlestop tour around the country with human-Gollum Rudy Giuliani. It was odd to see Parnas with various candidates around the country and it began to raise questions about how much involvement […]

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