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Indiana was the 2nd state to pass an emergency manager law and 2nd state to realize it doesn’t solve their problems

Indiana was the 2nd state to pass an emergency manager law and 2nd state to realize it doesn’t solve their problems

Back in 2012, Indiana became the second state after Michigan to pass an emergency manager law that allows the state to take control from locally, democratically elected leaders and put it into the hands of an appointed bureaucrat. The law covers any “distressed political subdivision” which, like in Michigan, includes municipalities or school districts. Furthermore, Indiana’s Emergency Managers have the […]

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We can’t let Facebook help elect Trump again

We can’t let Facebook help elect Trump again

Democrats need to recognize Trump isn’t the only corrosive threat to democracy they face. Demand Mark Zuckerberg’s resignation today. This week audio leaked to The Verge revealed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckergberg’s fears of an Elizabeth Warren presidency: “You have someone like Elizabeth Warren who thinks that the right answer is to break up the companies … if she gets elected […]

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Rep. Elissa Slotkin gets GOP MI-08 challenger who “would probably move” into the district if she’s elected. Probably.

Rep. Elissa Slotkin gets GOP MI-08 challenger who “would probably move” into the district if she’s elected. Probably.

Elissa Slotkin’s victory in 2018 to become the member of Congress of Michigan’s 8th District was probably the poster child for the ascendancy of Democratic voters after the election of Donald Trump. She defeated the Chief Pocket Lint Wrangler for billionaire Matty Moroun, Republican Mike Bishop, in a quite red district Bishop should easily have won. It took time, but […]

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#ScienceResistance — Scientists from air quality panel disbanded by Trump’s EPA: Screw you, we’re meeting anyway

#ScienceResistance — Scientists from air quality panel disbanded by Trump’s EPA: Screw you, we’re meeting anyway

The Clean Air Act requires U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for pollutants that are considered harmful to the public and environment. In order to do this, the EPA has a long history of including the advice of independent groups of scientists. However, in October of 2018, Trump’s EPA administrator, Andrew Wheeler, appointed a […]

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Republican support for impeachment has doubled — or tripled

Republican support for impeachment has doubled — or tripled

Which is why you should ignore the polls when it comes to saving democracy Two quick, new polls regarding impeachment show an exponential increase in support for the impeachment of Donald Trump in his own party. A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll that Tuesday night finds support among Republicans for the House pursuing impeachment proceedings rising from 5 percent to 10. A […]

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Betsy Devos is using anti-Muslim, anti-Black bigotry to threaten diversity in higher ed programs

Betsy Devos is using anti-Muslim, anti-Black bigotry to threaten diversity in higher ed programs

Betsy Devos has done it again. On August 29th, the Department of Education sent a letter to the Consortium for Middle East Studies departments at the University of North Carolina and Duke University, claiming that the program “disproportionately portrays ‘the positive aspects of Islam’”. They threatened that if the schools do not make amendments to the program by September 22nd, […]

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Expecting the 2020 election to save us from Trump is the worst bet in American history

Expecting the 2020 election to save us from Trump is the worst bet in American history

Underestimating Trump’s advantages and motivations got us here and could cost us everything We need to be as determined to save our democracy as Donald Trump is to save his own ass. If we lose in 2020, the authoritarianism we’re already bumbling toward will become enforced by law. Trump will complete the Republican takeover of the federal judiciary and cement […]

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Philly refiner pays out nearly $5 million in bonuses, then declares bankruptcy throwing over 1,000 people out of work

Philly refiner pays out nearly $5 million in bonuses, then declares bankruptcy throwing over 1,000 people out of work

On June 21st of this year, an explosion rocked the Philadelphia Energy Solutions oil refinery in Philadelphia causing a massive amount of damage to the facility. The gigantic fire ball was captured on video by @1NiceTownBean: @6abc @CBSPhilly @FOX29philly Philadelphia energy Solutions Refining Complex at about 4:15 am — hood’s favorite vegan (@1nicetownbean) June 21, 2019 This explosion was […]

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Event Description: The Supreme Court held a special sitting on November 8, 2018, for the formal investiture ceremony of Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.  President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump attended as guests of the Court.  

Photo Caption: Retired Justice Anthony M. Kennedy (center) with his former law clerks, Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch (left) and Brett M. Kavanaugh.

If Neil Gorsuch is worried about civility, he should resign and take Brett Kavanaugh with him

Unjust, unrepresentative government is the greatest threat to our society — not spittle Neil Gorsuch is very worried. America is in “civility crisis,” he writes in his new book. “Without civility, the bonds of friendship in our communities dissolve, tolerance dissipates, and the pressure to impose order and uniformity through public and private coercion mounts,” he writes. Gorsuch isn’t worried […]

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The two playbooks every progressive needs to win in 2020 and beyond

The two playbooks every progressive needs to win in 2020 and beyond

Brave New Words and Merge Left reveal how to engage our base, persuade the middle, and reveal the opposition for the outliers they are.                 The best thing you can do right now is subscribe to Anat Shenker-Osorio’s brilliant new podcast Brave New Words and pre-order Ian Haney López’s era-defining new book Merge […]

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Nobody cares for the tears of Kashmir

Nobody cares for the tears of Kashmir

The situation in Kashmir is deteriorating at a rapid pace and it seems the world is silent or that they are unwilling to stand up to injustice. And even when people speak, the leaders of strategic countries deliberately choose to delay response or to ignore the cries of ordinary people because accruement of wealth is more attractive than ruining trade […]

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