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Trump isn’t a climate change denier, he’s a climate change cheerleader and champion

Trump isn’t a climate change denier, he’s a climate change cheerleader and champion

As I have been saying on this site and on our podcast for over two years, all of the chaff created by Donald Trump’s reckless chaos is masking the long-term damage he’s doing to our country and our planet. While we worry he’s violating the Emoluments Clause or being the Racist in Chief, his administration is inexorably undoing nearly every […]

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The 3 most impeachable things Donald Trump did… this week

The 3 most impeachable things Donald Trump did… this week

Trump keeps getting away with more and more high crimes as he prepares to steal the election that’s supposed to save us Congress will return to work in September with a majority of its members prepared to ignore the litany of new impeachable crimes Donald Trump committed over the summer. Yes, more than 130 Democratic members of the House have […]

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BOOM! U.S. Attorney to Nazis & white nationalist terrorists: “We will do everything we can to be there to stop you”

BOOM! U.S. Attorney to Nazis & white nationalist terrorists: “We will do everything we can to be there to stop you”

U.S. Attorney Justin Herdman from the Northern District of Ohio made public the federal criminal charges against Ohio white nationalist terrorist wannabe James Reardon yesterday. In doing so, he made a few perfunctory statements about the charges. What he said next is worth two minutes of your time to read. He has a powerful message for Nazis and other white […]

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Trump is the worst president we’ve ever had, but he’s also a typical Republican

Trump is the worst president we’ve ever had, but he’s also a typical Republican

Everything about the Trump presidency is a heist, the kind of heist that typical Republicans made possible. One of the great debates of our time is “Who is worse — George W. Bush or Donald Trump?” As far as the damage each man has done, W. still has Trump licked. Yes, the 45th president has purposely escalated the targeting of […]

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In Michigan, we see how low Republicans will go to save gerrymandering

In Michigan, we see how low Republicans will go to save gerrymandering

More than 60% of Michigan voters demanded independent redistricting and the GOP minority is doing all it can to stop it I’d never seen a movement like Michigan’s Voters Not Politicians. In 2017, as Indivisible Groups were sprouting all over America and the Women’s March helped bring millions into the streets, Michiganders plotted to get a ballot initiative that would […]

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Lessons for Democratic 2020 presidential primary voters from your pals in Michigan

Lessons for Democratic 2020 presidential primary voters from your pals in Michigan

Strong women, practical promises, voting rights and weed. You know that winning Michigan, the state the Republican nominee carried by the slightest margin in 2016, is essential to defeating Donald Trump in 2020. You also know that our state is not Wisconsin, which is “the pivotal battleground state.” But Democrats will not win without carrying Michigan. I’ll go further: Democrats […]

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The deceptive corporatist rewriting of the history of the #FlintWaterCrisis is in full swing

The deceptive corporatist rewriting of the history of the #FlintWaterCrisis is in full swing

During the time when the Flint water crisis was unfolding, right wing conservatives spent a lot of time trying to convince the country and the world that it was all the fault of the local government. They portrayed these local leaders as incompetent buffoons who poisoned themselves, countering the reality that the local government officials had literally NO POWER to […]

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The Liberal Redneck & the WellRED Comedy Tour come to northern Michigan to support Progress Michigan

The Liberal Redneck & the WellRED Comedy Tour come to northern Michigan to support Progress Michigan

Starting in 2016, Trae Crowder posted low-tech but absolutely hilarious videos under the name “Liberal Redneck”. The videos quickly became a viral sensation garnering millions of views on YouTube. Trae’s comedy turns a mirror on the stereotypical southern rednecks he grew up with and shows just how ridiculous so many of their political views are. From transgender people using public […]

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Mass shootings from a woman of color’s perspective

Mass shootings from a woman of color’s perspective

Connor Betts is the suspect in the mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, which left 9 dead and 27 injured. Patrick Crusius is allegedly responsible for the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, which left 20 dead and 26 wounded. There should be no confusion at this point about the fact that white supremacy is on the rise in America. As […]

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2020 also has to be about stopping #MoscowMitch from radicalizing America

2020 also has to be about stopping #MoscowMitch from radicalizing America

Only by doing everything we can to win Senate seats in Colorado, North Carolina, Arizona, Maine, Iowa, Texas, Georgia, Kansas, and Kentucky can we hope to reverse Mitch McConnell’s radicalization of America Following the murder of 20 in El Paso, Texas, we can ask where the killer was radicalized. Was it a Trump rally? Trump to a rally crowd in […]

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Original Author: Nick Youngson - link to -

When do “not-for-profit” and “for-profit” mean the same thing? Welcome to Michigan’s dystopian charter schools

Michigan, allegedly, does not permit for-profit charter schools. And yet one of the largest for-profit charter management corporations, National Heritage Academies (NHA), is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan. And they take the “for profit” part seriously: NHA funds itself partly by charging its schools high rates. For example, the New York Daily News reported that NHA owned property in Brooklyn […]

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