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Michael Bennet had “a moment” at last night’s debate–that’s not good news for public education

Michael Bennet, US Senator from Colorado and presidential candidate, had what the pundits this morning are calling “a moment” at last night’s Democratic Debate on CNN. Let’s hope that moment ends immediately. Ironically enough, Bennet’s big moment came as he waxed poetic about “America’s public schools”, a topic that has received a depressingly minuscule amount of attention. Because while Bennet […]

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We have no idea how badly Donald Trump is ripping us off

We have no idea how badly Donald Trump is ripping us off

Now that impeachment is sort of being considered, the biggest mistake would be limiting to crimes investigated by the Mueller Think about what we don’t know about Donald Trump. We have no idea where he got the $66 million he put into his 2016 campaign, of the $25 million fraud settlement he paid before entering office, or the hundreds of […]

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TAKE ACTION! –> Why “Dems for Life” miss the mark (and betray our progressive values)

TAKE ACTION! –> Why “Dems for Life” miss the mark (and betray our progressive values)

The following post was written by Dana Sutton, a digital organizer for Progress Michigan. In an era where our access to reproductive health care is under constant attack from the GOP, the last thing we need is Democrats carrying water for the anti-abortion cause. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what Michiganders will be getting when the national Dems for Life conference arrives […]

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Photo credit: Gage Skidmore.

Avoiding lady temptresses: The modern day GOP application of “The Graham Rule” & their hypocrisy regarding Trump

The following essay was written by Ann Arbor-area activist Danny Steinmetz. Enjoy. Vice President Mike Pence made the Billy Graham Rule famous when he made it public that he does not have private meetings or dinners with women. It is in the news again recently because Robert Foster, a candidate in the Mississippi Republican gubernatorial primary, refused to let lesbian […]

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Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.

Should all teachers be certified? Charter school leaders say no…

“I wouldn’t want to be the one that tells Gov. Jerry Brown that he can’t teach a government class because he would otherwise have to go back to college,” said Myrna Castrejón, president and CEO of the California Charter Schools Association. I would. Because Jerry Brown is in no way qualified, prepared, certified, or remotely capable of being a teacher. […]

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William Barr is the pardon Donald Trump gave himself

William Barr is the pardon Donald Trump gave himself

A lawyer who has dreamed of unchecked GOP power now has a client unafraid to abuse it If you had any doubt who William Barr is, your worst fears were confirmed this week. He is a man utterly devoted to bending the law to grab political power for Republican presidents to use with impunity. Exhibit A: The Justice Department announced […]

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The antidote to Trump’s fascist hate rallies — knocking on doors

The antidote to Trump’s fascist hate rallies — knocking on doors

In the battle for brains, conversations fight fascism Fear makes people vote conservative. Donald Trump’s unique value proposition to the Republican Party is his shamelessness in giving voice to the fear that white political dominance is fading, a fear that has long guided conservative strategies to maintaining white power while representing fewer and fewer Americans — both in its demographics […]

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How Donald Trump can win with 43% of the popular vote

How Donald Trump can win with 43% of the popular vote

By not impeaching, Democrats are inviting Trump up to destroy the Democratic nominee Yes, presidential national polls more than a year out are meaningless. To be fair, they’re probably about as meaningless as presidential national polls a few weeks before an election that could be decided by the barest margins in the electoral college. But Dave Weigel points out something […]

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Legislative pre-brief. Lunch with the Democrat House of Representatives. Oval. Private Dining Room.

How to tell if you’re suffering from impeachmentphobia

Call your Member of Congress to ask if becoming catatonic in the face of massive corruption, collusion, and crimes is right for your country. At the Constitutional Convention, James Madison imagined impeachment as a relief from a chief executive who “might lose his capacity after his appointment. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his […]

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Trump is making George W. Bush’s attacks on science look quaint, doing things you’re probably not even aware of

Trump is making George W. Bush’s attacks on science look quaint, doing things you’re probably not even aware of

What’s become painfully clear over the past two and half years is the Donald Trump is the master of creating chaos, in part to create a distraction from the things he doesn’t want people to know about. Many of these things he wants to keep in the shadows relate to reversing any progress made on reversing global warming, loosening environmental […]

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A Democratic Presidency isn’t going to solve the Mitch McConnell problem

A Democratic Presidency isn’t going to solve the Mitch McConnell problem

The first democratic presidential primary debates took place this past week in Miami, Florida over the course of two nights. Twenty out of twenty three candidates qualified to stand on the debate stage, and ten candidates stood each night (we seriously have to work on pushing some people out of this race). On the first debate night, moderators Chuck Todd […]

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