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ACTION: Tell Harvard’s Kennedy School to rescind Rick Snyder’s fellowship

ACTION: Tell Harvard’s Kennedy School to rescind Rick Snyder’s fellowship

Don’t honor Snyder for poisoning one of America’s great cities UPDATE: Rick Snyder has decided that he will not poison Harvard, certainly because there are too many white people there. On Wednesday, he informed the Kennedy School that he’s “turning down” the fellowship he’d been offered. Finally, an appointment that’s more toxic than putting Betsy DeVos in charge of the […]

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We know what Mueller will say on July 24. The question is if the people will demand justice on July 25.

We know what Mueller will say on July 24. The question is if the people will demand justice on July 25.

If voters do not rise up to demand impeachment on July 25, the collusion may never end July 25, 2019 could go down in history as the day democracy failed. Or it could be a new independence day, against our own mad wannabe king. If you trust Robert Mueller, we pretty much already know what he’s going to say when […]

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Betsy DeVos’ Zombie Voucher Schemes — the Unconstitutional, Undemocratic Tax Scams That Just Won’t Die

Betsy DeVos’ Zombie Voucher Schemes — the Unconstitutional, Undemocratic Tax Scams That Just Won’t Die

The week ended with yet another excellent article from Peter Greene​ in Forbes, this time on the dangers of “Tax Credit Scholarships”, one of Betsy DeVos major thrusts as Secretary of Education under Donald Trump. So, what are Tax Credit Scholarships? They are complicated financial mechanisms that allow businesses to divert their tax payments to fund specific private and religious […]

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Nazi death camps started out very much like the American concentration camps of today

Nazi death camps started out very much like the American concentration camps of today

In our podcast this week, we interviewed journalist Andrea Pitzer, author of the important book One Long Night – A Global History of Concentration Camps. In the interview she talks extensively about how the German concentration camps during the lead up to World War II did not start out as the death factories that they eventually became. However, over time, […]

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The inexcusable danger of needing to believe Donald Trump is an assclown

The inexcusable danger of needing to believe Donald Trump is an assclown

Trump is good at getting away with rape, racism and justifying atrocities, and your disdain is his secret weapon. There are few words that infuriate the people who despise Donald Trump more than “He’s actually good at this.” Call him a fool, a clown, any ableist term you can mutter to suggest that he’s deranged, diminished or flailing and people […]

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Michigan’s Emergency Manager legacy: Democratic leaders work to clean up Republicans’ messes

Michigan’s Emergency Manager legacy: Democratic leaders work to clean up Republicans’ messes

I haven’t written much about the Flint Water Crisis lately, largely because my pals over at Michigan Advance and the fine reporters at MLive have been doing such a good job. I’m inspired to write today as I reflect on two recent stories, one of which is not actually about Flint. The first story is the astonishing move taken by […]

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It’s on US to press presidential candidates to unionize their campaigns

It’s on US to press presidential candidates to unionize their campaigns

There are currently 23 Democratic presidential candidates (yeesh) for the November 2020 election and things are starting to heat up. Nineteen of those candidates visited Iowa recently in an effort to coax voters into jumping on their bandwagon, highlighting some of their most popular policy stances and sharing their personal stories. Soon enough, these candidates will come flocking to Michigan […]

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Donald Trump earns the all-time record for starving workers of raises

Donald Trump earns the all-time record for starving workers of raises

From swiping overtime pay from 8 million to hiring foreign workers over Americans, Trump has always fought for your right to earn less. June 16, 2019 marks one of the darkest days for workers since the New Deal. We are now living in the longest period without a minimum wage increase in the history of the minimum wage. “This sad […]

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Big Oil AstroTurf group comes to the rescue of Enbridge Energy and its ticking time bomb, the 66-year old Line 5 pipeline

Big Oil AstroTurf group comes to the rescue of Enbridge Energy and its ticking time bomb, the 66-year old Line 5 pipeline

If you worried that poor, maligned Enbridge Energy was alone in its fight against the monstrous power of Michigan citizens who are desperate to save our Great Lakes from an unimaginable environmental catastrophe, you may now rest easy. A new corporate front group, an “AstroTurf” group as they are frequently called, has come to their aid, posing as, in their […]

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The Trump administration is murdering the primary chemical safety oversight group in America and even Big Business doesn’t like it

The Trump administration is murdering the primary chemical safety oversight group in America and even Big Business doesn’t like it

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, one of America’s largest chemical industry disasters For the past three years, the Trump administration has made it quite clear they want to eliminate the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) by zeroing out its funding. The CSB is an independent federal agency charged with investigating industrial chemical […]

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Republican John James gives Michigan voters a second chance to reject him, may be the first person to lose to TWO sitting U.S. Senators

Republican John James gives Michigan voters a second chance to reject him, may be the first person to lose to TWO sitting U.S. Senators

It’s not every day that a candidate tees themself up to be rejected by voters TWICE and to be defeated by not one, but TWO sitting U.S. Senators. But this week, that’s precisely what John James did, announcing he will run for U.S. Senate in Michigan a second time, this time facing off against the highly popular and well-funded Gary […]

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