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What’s behind Elizabeth Warren’s growing appeal? A killer grasp of how power works

What’s behind Elizabeth Warren’s growing appeal? A killer grasp of how power works

She sees the big ripoff and knows only a plan beats power After Elizabeth Warren refused to do a town hall on Fox News, I wrote a column where I argued, “There has been no candidate for president in my lifetime who has better matched her country’s needs.” The piece ends up making the case for a two-woman ticket led […]

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A Michigan conservative Republican makes the case for Donald Trump’s impeachment

A Michigan conservative Republican makes the case for Donald Trump’s impeachment

The simple case for impeachment (that doesn’t include Emolument Clause violations, conflicts of interest, illegal family separations, and various other high crimes and misdemeanors). Some have pointed out that the case for impeachment has not be clearly made. These people are probably busy following Democrats in Congress and not Republican Rep. Justin Amash. It saddens me that some conservatives are […]

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When you wake up one day and realize you’ve been getting your ass kicked for 40 years

When you wake up one day and realize you’ve been getting your ass kicked for 40 years

We’re finally seeing how voter suppression, mass incarceration, the war on women and the demise of labor all feed off each other. Unfortunately, conservatives figured that almost 50 years ago. Abortion is being criminalized in state after state, punishing poor people and people of color. We have no attorney general. Prosecutions of Trump’s political opponents seem inevitable. War crimes are […]

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BECOMING GILEAD – Abortion bans in America by state

BECOMING GILEAD – Abortion bans in America by state

As has becoming glaringly obvious, the forced birth lobby in America has been operating in a well-coordinated fashion to end the legal right of women to seek an abortion. Like the Sons of Jacob in A Handmaid’s Tale, they want to take away a woman’s right to control her own reproductive decisions and hand those decisions over to misogynistic religious […]

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The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules in favor of wealth-based, punitive driver’s license suspension scheme

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules in favor of wealth-based, punitive driver’s license suspension scheme

The following post was written by Rebecca Ramaswamy. Rebecca is a civil rights attorney at Equal Justice Under Law, and one of the attorneys on the Fowler v. Benson case in Michigan. The Litigation Long Game As a Michigan native, I was excited when my D.C.-based civil rights organization, Equal Justice Under Law, decided to bring a lawsuit against my […]

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Michigan All-State High School Orchestra (2010)

Michigan Shouldn’t Scrap Its Arts Requirement for High School Graduation

We are excited to share this guest post from Dr. Ryan Shaw, assistant professor of music education at Michigan State University. Dr. Shaw received his Ph.D. in Music Education from Michigan State University and earned master’s and bachelor’s degrees in music education from the University of Michigan. His scholarly interests include arts education policy and the ways that policy affects […]

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“Poor Betsy” doesn’t like being criticized…

“Poor Betsy” doesn’t like being criticized…

Secretary of Education and Disney villain Betsy DeVos spoke to a group of education writers in Baltimore the other day, and it appears her feelings are hurt. “I never imagined I’d be a focus of your coverage. I don’t enjoy the publicity that comes with my position. I don’t love being up on stage or on any kind of platform. […]

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Betsy DeVos rewrites the definition of “public schools” to suit her own Christian Dominionist ideology

Betsy DeVos rewrites the definition of “public schools” to suit her own Christian Dominionist ideology

In a presidential administration that seems to function as a turnstile with people coming and going from their positions on a nearly continuous basis, one person seems to be a constant: Betsy DeVos. It’s no surprise, of course. She and her husband and other families members give enormous amounts of money to Republicans. The Center for Responsive Politics found the […]

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Pervasive and Perverse Poverty Porn

Pervasive and Perverse Poverty Porn

The following essay was written by my friend Krystle DuPree, a member of the Washtenaw County Democratic Party Executive Board (among many other roles she has) of which I am the Chair. It is in response to an article posted on titled “Ann Arbor area’s cost of living jeopardizes veteran’s efforts to escape poverty“. Since the article was published, […]

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Trump knows he needs social media Nazi-friendly in order to win in 2020

Trump knows he needs social media Nazi-friendly in order to win in 2020

If you can ban Nazis, you can ban Republicans If you want to know what the gravestone of American democracy might say, consider this recent Vice headline: Why Won’t Twitter Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS? Because It Would Mean Banning Some Republican Politicians Too. Possibly in response to this embarrassing admission and the obvious failure to successfully delouse one of […]

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The people defending Trump defending neo-Nazis are also defending neo-Nazis

The people defending Trump defending neo-Nazis are also defending neo-Nazis

Trump did his best to wink at neo-Nazis let him know he values their support. And his defenders are doing the same. On Friday, Donald Trump again defended his need to praise the people who marched with neo-Nazis and members of the Klan a few days after a neo-Nazi killed a woman in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. He’s gleefully buying […]

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