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Virginia professor Marc Edwards, once a hero of the #FlintWaterCrisis, loses lawsuit suing local activists for $3 million

Virginia professor Marc Edwards, once a hero of the #FlintWaterCrisis, loses lawsuit suing local activists for $3 million

Virginia Tech professor Marc Edwards at an MSNBC Town Hall in Flint with Rachel Maddow | Photo by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog It was, perhaps, one of the most unexpected stories to spring out the tragedy of the Flint Water Crisis. Virginia Tech professor Marc Edwards, once hailed as one of the true heroes of the story, began […]

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Trump campaign goes full fascist authoritarian against his political opponents

Trump campaign goes full fascist authoritarian against his political opponents

Now that Trump feels he’s been “COMPLETELY EXONERATED!!!”, his campaign has lost no time in trying to discredit his detractors by trying to get them blackballed from television. In a memorandum to “Television Producers”, his director of Communications, Tim Murtaugh, suggests that Robert Mueller has “decided” that Trump was not guilty of obstruction of justice and that he has exonerated […]

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[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

Why are Republicans celebrating the Mueller report?

The following essay was written by Mike Wagner. Mike is a musician who lives in Texas. He is the composer of the Flint Water Crisis theme music, from the song Unclaimed, used for our podcast, The GOTMFV Show. Let me get this straight. In regards to Individual 1, this is what we learned from the Mueller investigation and related cases: […]

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Why Democrats should actively fight for stronger unions & a higher minimum wage: Low unemployment + low wages = Corporate utopia

Why Democrats should actively fight for stronger unions & a higher minimum wage: Low unemployment + low wages = Corporate utopia

On this week’s podcast, we talked to David Pepper, the Chair of the Ohio Democratic Party, about the fact that Donald Trump is the most anti-worker president we’ve ever had. The truth is, America in 2019 is corporate utopia. We have almost everyone working and wages remain low. How is this possible, you might ask? How is it that wages […]

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Why Trump/Russia skeptics want Trump to get away with it

Why Trump/Russia skeptics want Trump to get away with it

“Russiagate” skeptics have been proven wrong, but nothing will quench their need to blame Democrats for what Republicans do The most dangerous psychosis in American politics is the one that allows Republicans to justify anything that helps Republicans win. And this political nihilism doesn’t just belong to Mitch McConnell. It allows hacks like Steven Moore and Paul Ryan justify doing […]

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John Engler has gone from an embarrassment to the state of Michigan to a cocky & smug liability to Michigan State

John Engler has gone from an embarrassment to the state of Michigan to a cocky & smug liability to Michigan State

I have always had special disdain for former Michigan governor John Engler. He was the grandfather of the corporatist right’s attacks on organized labor while he was in office and his repugnant legacy is something that we still deal with today. So I was shocked, dismayed, and outraged that the Michigan State University Board of Trustees chose Engler to be […]

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First Trump told union members they make too much money. Now he says they should cut their own throats.

First Trump told union members they make too much money. Now he says they should cut their own throats.

In August of 2015, the year before he was elected president, Donald Trump had a clear and concise message for auto workers: You make too much money. He said U.S. automakers could shift production away from Michigan to communities where autoworkers would make less. “You can go to different parts of the United States and then ultimately you’d do full-circle […]

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Beto O’Rourke’s Charter School Problem: Hint–It’s His Wife

Beto O’Rourke’s Charter School Problem: Hint–It’s His Wife

I keep reading about how Amy O’Rourke, Beto’s wife, is a “long time educator“. I may be overly sensitive about this, but to be considered a professional “educator” I believe that a person must have earned a degree (or multiple degrees) in education, have held valid state teacher certification at one time, and have experience as a certified, qualified classroom […]

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Let’s “turn the ship around” on education policy

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Let’s “turn the ship around” on education policy

A lot of public school advocates have become pretty disillusioned trying to find a politician from either party who seems to actually “get it” when it comes to public education. So many teachers and parents are yearning for a candidate who supports traditional public schools, recognizes charter schools as an expensive, unnecessary, and dangerous distraction, and reject all efforts to […]

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Mitch McConnell is terrified of the Michigan plan for rebuilding democracy

Mitch McConnell is terrified of the Michigan plan for rebuilding democracy

By prioritizing the “For the People Act,” Democrats show they get that voting rights are even more popular than legal weed. Mitch McConnell knows how he got away with it. The Senate Majority Leader led GOP efforts to swipe a Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland. He killed a bipartisan effort to call out Russian attacks on the 2016 elections. […]

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The Tide is Turning Against Charter Schools…Finally!

The Tide is Turning Against Charter Schools…Finally!

It’s become clear that public opinion has finally shifted against charter schools, vouchers, and the privatization of public education by corporate education reformers. This shift is now creating a great deal of frustration and uneasiness within the corporate ed reform community, who are sensing that their efforts over the past couple of decades may not be successful after all–and that […]

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