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A POLITICAL PAWS: Will you please vote for our Eclectadog Suni and send a positive message about rescued dogs (esp. pit bulls)?

A POLITICAL PAWS: Will you please vote for our Eclectadog Suni and send a positive message about rescued dogs (esp. pit bulls)?

NOTE: This contest is now over and voting is complete. Suni DID make it into the Top Ten so thank you : ) This handsome fellow is Suni and he’s one of our three rescued Eclectadogs. They’re all pit bulls, a dog breed that is sadly much maligned with a totally undeserved (bad) reputation. The truth is, I’ve had a […]

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House Republicans repeatedly reminded America yesterday that Michael Cohen lied when he said Trump was not a criminal

House Republicans repeatedly reminded America yesterday that Michael Cohen lied when he said Trump was not a criminal

Not sure how this helps, folks… “You’re about to go to prison for lying. How can we believe anything you say? The answer is we can’t.” That was House Republican Rep. Carol Miller from West Virginia at yesterday’s hearing with Trump fixer Michael Cohen who is going to prison, in part, for lying to Congress in 2017. During the hearing, […]

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Trump doesn’t just encourage violence against journalists. He applauds it.

Trump doesn’t just encourage violence against journalists. He applauds it.

The only reason Trump-enthralled wannabe terrorists haven’t committed unprecedented acts of violence so far is because they’re bad at terror. This week we learned that for the second time America was spared from a massive attack by a Trump-enthralled wannabe domestic terrorist. Trump, who tweets responses to even rumors of terror attacks in London in minutes, waited two full days […]

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Our Public Schools Aren’t Failing; We’re Failing Our Public Schools

Our Public Schools Aren’t Failing; We’re Failing Our Public Schools

I’ve noticed an uptick lately in the number of folks talking about school choice, charter schools, and competition. I’m guessing this is a by-product of the recent swing in public opinion against charter schools, and the attendant backlash against 2020 presidential candidate and big charter school cheerleader, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker. The conversation around charters and choice, however, like […]

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While Trump lays down multiple smoke screens to shield them, it’s business as usual for anti-environment, anti-worker, corporatist Republicans

While Trump lays down multiple smoke screens to shield them, it’s business as usual for anti-environment, anti-worker, corporatist Republicans

The Great Orange Smoke Screen The front pages of any major news outlet, online or otherwise, are full of news of Donald Trump and the corrupt, inept-yet-frighteningly-effective cabal of criminals that make up his administration and circle of advisors. Nearly 40 people tied to him, his administration, his inauguration, and his campaign have been indicted and more are sure to […]

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How Trump’s Nazi-like smearing of immigrants gets normalized

How Trump’s Nazi-like smearing of immigrants gets normalized

If an airline treated one dog the way this administration treated thousands of kids, it would be wiped off the face of the earth. A member of the Trump Administration has now admitted under oath to Congress that when this president ordered children to be taken from their parents at the border, there was no system set up to track […]

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If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Lie: The Trump/DeVos Doctrine of Redefinition

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Lie: The Trump/DeVos Doctrine of Redefinition

Trump and his Republican enablers, like Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, are beginning to realize that they have approximately zero chance of ever winning another election–if held and run fairly–on the issues, so they are scrambling frantically to redefine these issues in a clumsy and desperate effort to confuse and distract voters. Here are just 2 examples; one from national […]

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Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.

Want to Make Teaching Great Again? Here’s How…

A recent story in the Washington Post’s “Answer Sheet” focused on the fates of the 4 finalists for 2016 National Teacher of the Year… Nate Bowling was the 2016 Washington state Teacher of the Year and one of four finalists for the National Teacher of the Year. There were three other finalists who were the winners in their states that […]

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The nation mourns the passing of John Dingell, a political giant with a heart the size of the Great Lakes

The nation mourns the passing of John Dingell, a political giant with a heart the size of the Great Lakes

I am indescribably sad this morning. Although those of us who interacted with John Dingell on a somewhat regular basis knew this day would come, his passing has still taken my breath away. It goes without saying that John Dingell, the longest-serving member of the United States House of Representatives in American history, was a political giant. He played a […]

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The State of the Union is a racist criminal delivered the State of the Union

The State of the Union is a racist criminal delivered the State of the Union

We underestimate the danger of acting as if these are normal times. The undocumented immigrants Donald Trump uses as a convenient distraction as he cuts his kids’ taxes and sells out America to the wealthiest polluter often see their lives ruined. Their children may be stolen from them. They live in constant fear of being sent back to certain death, […]

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Cory Booker is a Hard Pass for this Democratic Educator

Cory Booker is a Hard Pass for this Democratic Educator

In what may be the least surprising political development of the past 2 years, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker recently announced his candidacy for President of the United States. Mr. Booker has been running for president seemingly forever. He’s been planning for this moment since he was a kid, and everything he’s ever done has been designed for just this moment. […]

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