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The shutdown is also a chance to start focusing on taking back the Senate

The shutdown is also a chance to start focusing on taking back the Senate

Republicans who unanimously voted to keep the government open must pay if they go along with Trump’s shutdown in 2019 The government should be open right now. A million government workers, mostly veterans, shouldn’t be without a paycheck. Contractors at the Smithsonian and national parks shouldn’t be at risk of losing their homes. Scientific research shouldn’t be grinding to a […]

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Betsy & Erik’s Plan to Turn American Institutions into AMWAY Franchises

Betsy & Erik’s Plan to Turn American Institutions into AMWAY Franchises

The Daily Kos has a new piece out today suggesting that–surprise!–the Trump Tower meeting that EVERYONE attending it claimed, insisted, and swore was “no big deal,” was actually–hold on, here’s the twist–a really big deal. Shocker, eh? Now, how absolutely delicious would it be if this whole dumpster fire could be traced back to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and […]

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David and Goliath are Poised for Battle in 2019; Who Will Win the “Education War”?

David and Goliath are Poised for Battle in 2019; Who Will Win the “Education War”?

The war over public education has been waged over the last decade or so by two opposing factions; a battle between David and Goliath, if you will. There are numerous distinctions between the two sides, characterized by issues of wealth and power. “Goliath” in our analogy is the “corporate reform of education” movement and their advance army of standard-bearers, a […]

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Trump shut down the government like it’s a casino his daddy bought him

Trump shut down the government like it’s a casino his daddy bought him

Trump’s shutdown is costing our economy $6 billion a week to extort us into buying a $5 billion monument to his cruelty Donald Trump has never had a real job. Donald Trump’s wealth, whatever it is, is built on “outright fraud” of American taxpayers. Donald Trump owes his election, at least in some part, to a foreign power determined to […]

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The GOP attack on democracy in Michigan may be the worst in the nation — but democracy can be our revenge

The GOP attack on democracy in Michigan may be the worst in the nation — but democracy can be our revenge

Michigan may show the way to destroy the cancer of conservatism Comparing miseries is tacky. And both the Michigan GOP and the Wisconsin GOP are miseries. Indubitably. From a distance, Republicans on both sides Lake Michigan may seem boring and technocratic. These are the states where the GOP was born to resist the expansion of slavery, after all. But this […]

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Consultant: Snyder administration officials responsible for poisoned Flint drinking water

Consultant: Snyder administration officials responsible for poisoned Flint drinking water

Testimony during a preliminary exam of several people indicted on charges related to the poisoning of Flint, Michigan’s drinking water with the powerful neurotoxin lead this week revealed that officials in the Snyder administration called the shots on how the water treatment plant would be run. The plant was taken out of mothballs in order to treat Flint River water […]

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Beto isn’t your problem, Bloomberg is

Beto isn’t your problem, Bloomberg is

Imagine what Midwest looks like if Bloomberg beats Sanders in a close primary For people who were hoping that the 2016 primary would never end, this was a good week. And it was even better for Michael Bloomberg Likely in response to a news story about Barack Obama reaching out to and many Obama allies circling around Beto O’Rourke as […]

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The Top Five Worst Things Betsy DeVos has Done Since She Took Office

The Top Five Worst Things Betsy DeVos has Done Since She Took Office

It wasn’t easy narrowing this list down to just 5 things, but here we go! She Set the Predatory Lenders Free. By gutting regulations intended to protect students, many of whom are veterans, minorities, and first-generation college attendees, from being defrauded by predatory schools and colleges, Betsy has put the interests of these for-profit colleges—some of which she has personal financial […]

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Republicans move to exempt 93.5% of Michigan companies from paid sick leave law. What will be Gov. Snyder’s legacy?

Republicans move to exempt 93.5% of Michigan companies from paid sick leave law. What will be Gov. Snyder’s legacy?

As Republicans in Wisconsin and Michigan work to cement their anti-worker agenda into our states’ laws during their petulant, sore loser session before they lose significant political power in 2019, perhaps the most outrageous is the effort to take away sick time pay for workers in over 93% of Michigan’s firms. This is because they changed the threshold for exemption […]

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TAKE ACTION: Corporate pet stores behind effort to protect cruel “puppy mills” from regulation in Michigan

TAKE ACTION: Corporate pet stores behind effort to protect cruel “puppy mills” from regulation in Michigan

The following post was written by Beatrice M. Friedlander, JD, president of Attorneys for Animals. Ask your Michigan State Senators to stand up for man’s best friend Most Michiganders, like most Americans, agree that it is unacceptable to raise dogs and puppies in cruel conditions. Yet many puppies offered for sale in this state come from “puppy mills.” Take action […]

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Fight back against the Michigan GOP’s sore loser attacks on workers, puppies and democracy

Fight back against the Michigan GOP’s sore loser attacks on workers, puppies and democracy

Michigan, where our GOP is almost as bad as Wisconsin’s It’s not just Wisconsin. After Michigan Republicans had their worst statewide wipe-out since 1938, the profoundly (and illegally) gerrymandered GOP State House and Senate have launched a smash-and-grab attack on our democracy, our workers, our wetlands and — even! — our puppies. “It’s the worst I’ve seen,” said Mark Brewer, […]

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