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Blue wave in 2018? Hmm… Maybe. But maybe not…

Blue wave in 2018? Hmm… Maybe. But maybe not…

Seems like all we hear these days is about how a Democratic Blue Wave is going to sweep across the country like an electoral tsunami this year on Election Day. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen, that is, unless everyone — not just long-time Democratic Party volunteers […]

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Tales of a foolish traveler: Or, random notes from a week in Shanghai…

Tales of a foolish traveler: Or, random notes from a week in Shanghai…

I recently returned from a week in Shanghai, China, where I had been invited to speak at a conference and serve as a consultant to a group of Chinese music educators who are developing a music assessment system for use in their schools. While I was there I kept a running log of reflections on what I noticed, and the […]

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3 more things you can do help save America before November 6

3 more things you can do help save America before November 6

In case of emergency break glass “These are the times that try our souls. The social media soldier and the part-time patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country. But those who stand for freedom and justice now, deserve the love and thanks of the past and future.” –Thomas Paine, basically When I started telling myself […]

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Do NOT follow idiotic advice about “plunking” for Michigan’s Supreme Court race – vote for BOTH Sam Bagenstos AND Megan Kathleen Cavanagh

Do NOT follow idiotic advice about “plunking” for Michigan’s Supreme Court race – vote for BOTH Sam Bagenstos AND Megan Kathleen Cavanagh

UPDATE: Michael Steinberg, mentioned below, has amended his Facebook post and, thankfully, no longer recommends “plunking” for Sam Bagenstos. I’m leaving the post up because a number of people still are spreading this tripe. I have also heard that some people believe this is the position of the ACLU of Michigan. It is NOT. I was recently made aware of […]

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UPDATED: Newly released video of Bill Schuette isn’t just “creepy” or “embarrassing”. It’s sexual harassment.

UPDATED: Newly released video of Bill Schuette isn’t just “creepy” or “embarrassing”. It’s sexual harassment.

By now you have likely seen or at least heard about a newly released video showing a young Bill Schuette acting totally inappropriately with a photo journalist. The video quickly went viral and has generated headlines like “Schuette tells woman in video: ‘I will do anything you want’” and “Schuette regrets ‘embarrassing’ exchange from 1989” and “‘I Think I Need […]

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Making Our Voices Heard to Support Strong Fuel Economy Standards

Making Our Voices Heard to Support Strong Fuel Economy Standards

The following post was contributed by my good friend Frank Houston. Frank is the Michigan Regional Program Manager of the BlueGreen Alliance, a group that encompasses a variety of progressive values: labor, environmental, and political action. For this reason, it’s a group that I’m happy to share this platform with. Enjoy. I was born and raised in Michigan. As a […]

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A tale of two Congressmen and healthcare protections for people with pre-existing conditions

A tale of two Congressmen and healthcare protections for people with pre-existing conditions

I’m delighted to share the following essay with you from my friend Mark Schauer. I worked hard to help get Mark elected to Congress representing Michigan’s 7th Congressional District in 2008 and to try to get him elected as governor in 2014. He’s a fierce warrior for the issues and values that are important to progressives and continues to make […]

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Collins: I ‘believe’ Dr. Ford but she is delusional

Collins: I ‘believe’ Dr. Ford but she is delusional

If you believe women are telling the truth, it’s harder to justify denying them control of their bodies What’s the point behind saying you “believe” Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and then immediately calling her delusional — besides justifying voting for someone who has been accused of sexual assault by someone of the sort of class and stature you don’t feel […]

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Brett Kavanaugh, America is enraged

Brett Kavanaugh, America is enraged

Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation is a sober reminder of the corruption in both our political and our legal system. An undeniable proof that decency and human dignity in the present do not outweigh an insatiable thirst for power and authority. Individuals who seek to exert control over the vulnerable limit access to justice. The 50-48 vote was no surprise. We should […]

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Betsy DeVos doesn’t know what she doesn’t know about education

Betsy DeVos doesn’t know what she doesn’t know about education

“Parents, by their very nature, should decide what, when, where and how their children learn,” DeVos said. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is at it again. Currently on her second “Rethink Schools” tour, “DeVos will swing by four states: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.” Two tours of public schools in two years on the job–the poor woman must be exhausted. And […]

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The Fight isn’t over: We need to protect Michigan’s paid sick time law

The Fight isn’t over: We need to protect Michigan’s paid sick time law

The following essay was written by my friend Danielle Atkinson. Danielle is Chair of MI Time to Care and the Founding Director of Mothering Justice, a statewide organization working to improve the lives of Michigan families by equipping the next generation of mother activists. Enjoy. Six years ago, I founded Mothering Justice to fill a void for mothers across the […]

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