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Michigan Republicans, led by irresponsible gun owner and desperate candidate Rep. Lee Chatfield, play politics with Enbridge Energy’s Line 5, a catastrophe waiting to happen

Michigan Republicans, led by irresponsible gun owner and desperate candidate Rep. Lee Chatfield, play politics with Enbridge Energy’s Line 5, a catastrophe waiting to happen

The following guest post was provided by Clean Water Action in Michigan, our state’s top environmental watchdog and advocate for clean water. If you’re not familiar with State Rep. Lee Chatfield, I urge you to read the piece I wrote about him last week titled “Northern Michigan Republican Lee Chatfield can’t control his guns or his campaign“. If you’re unfamiliar […]

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Livingston County, Michigan reveals the perils of one-party rule

Livingston County, Michigan reveals the perils of one-party rule

Outside of the entire west side of the state of Michigan (“DeVos country”), the most conservative area in our state is undoubtedly Livingston County, home of Howell and Brighton and a bastion of tea party fervor. Republicans dominate so completely in Livingston County that, in some races, there often isn’t even a Democrat on the ballot. Nobody wants to be […]

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Putting a guy like Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court is exactly the point

Putting a guy like Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court is exactly the point

Women and people of color have to pay for the mistakes for their whole lives, but rich dudes get to spin between the raindrops We cannot underestimate how badly Republicans want to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, regardless of what they find out about him. Sean Trende, the analyst behind the “Missing White Voters” theory, compares putting a conservative on the Supreme […]

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American rape culture means ALL women experience the world with men as predators and them as prey

American rape culture means ALL women experience the world with men as predators and them as prey

The following essay was written by my good friend Desiree Cooper. Desiree, a badass women’s right activist, was a 2015 Kresge Artist Fellow and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist, and is the author of the critically-acclaimed and award-winning flash fiction collection Know the Mother. Learn more about Desiree and her amazing work, activism, and advocacy at Please share widely. Now that […]

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Let’s fund education like we value it

Let’s fund education like we value it

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute is a conservative think tank focused on education policy issues. One of their frequent contributors is a person named Dale Chu. Full disclosure: I do not know Mr. Chu, we’ve never met, and I’ve only glanced at his blog posts in the past. I do know that I’ve never run across any of his scholarly […]

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If Bill Schuette wins, Michigan’s Medicaid expansion will be dead

If Bill Schuette wins, Michigan’s Medicaid expansion will be dead

Republicans have left Healthy Michigan in peril and only Gretchen Whitmer will save it — again When it comes to preserving health insurance for 680,000 Michiganders covered by the state’s Medicaid expansion program, the question is who do you trust — the woman who fought to expand it in the first place or the guy who joined “at least nine […]

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Northern Michigan Republican Lee Chatfield can’t control his guns or his campaign

Northern Michigan Republican Lee Chatfield can’t control his guns or his campaign

Lee Chatfield is a state House Representative from northern Michigan and a white man with a real fetish for guns. He loves his guns so much that he proposed a bill in 2016 that would have made illegal local gun ordinances even more illegal. Apparently not a big fan of local government control, Chatfield’s bill was described as “super-preemption”: Yeadon […]

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Republican Senate candidate John James knows what women want in politics: Men

Republican Senate candidate John James knows what women want in politics: Men

Republican John James is “running” to unseat U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow. I use quotes around “running” because he’s down double digits in virtually every recent poll, 22.5 points in the most recent one. One reason James is doing so poorly is that he is completely out of touch with over half the electorate: women. At a recent men-only event in […]

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Against the wishes of his family, John McCain’s words being “weaponized” by Republicans to attack Michigan Democratic candidate Elissa Slotkin

Against the wishes of his family, John McCain’s words being “weaponized” by Republicans to attack Michigan Democratic candidate Elissa Slotkin

Before the grass has even begun to grow on John McCain’s grave, Republicans have gone back in time and pulled footage of him challenging Elissa Slotkin during her confirmation hearing 2014. The McCain family is rightfully disgusted: The family is disappointed that John’s image is being weaponized this election cycle so soon after his passing, and they had hoped there […]

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The continuing (mis)education of Eva Moskowitz…

In this installment of The Charter School Follies we meet our hero, Eva Moskowitz, the CEO and founder of one of America’s most well-known “No Excuses” charter management corporations, Success Academy Charter Schools in New York City. Ms. Moskowitz, who never studied education, never taught in a public school, and “thought half of her teachers in high school were incompetent”, shares in […]

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Campaign finance in Michigan: We’re the worst

Campaign finance in Michigan: We’re the worst

Think about the last time you got a call from Senate or Congress at the federal level asking for money. You either gave little or hung up the phone. Then think about that time you asked for yard signs and volunteered – there is a high probability that someone complained about the fact that the campaign office does not have […]

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