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BREAKING: Federal judge smacks down GOP Sec. of State’s effort to suppress the vote for Black Michiganders, must allow straight ticket voting

BREAKING: Federal judge smacks down GOP Sec. of State’s effort to suppress the vote for Black Michiganders, must allow straight ticket voting

In 2015, Republican legislators sought to consolidate their enormous political advantage (through gerrymandering) by eliminating straight ticket voting in Michigan, something Michiganders have been able to do since 1891. This move, in addition to suppressing the votes of Black Michiganders, had the advantage of increasing the probability that Republicans would win statewide seats like the State Board of Education and […]

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Michigan Congressional candidate Dr. Rob Davidson knows what’s good for America’s health

Michigan Congressional candidate Dr. Rob Davidson knows what’s good for America’s health

Davidson sees a clear path to victory in Michigan’s 2nd Congressional District, because he knows how to listen to what people need. Being an emergency room (ER) physician working the night shift is an eye-opening experience, even when you know the ins and outs of the healthcare system. Dr. Rob Davidson has seen enough to know it’s time for a […]

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Pay teachers more? Absolutely, but let’s do it for the right reasons

Pay teachers more? Absolutely, but let’s do it for the right reasons

Now Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants to pay “good” teachers $100+K. With workers’ wages stagnating, and teachers being historically underpaid, how is this not great news? Don’t teachers deserve bigger paychecks? Who would turn down a 6-figure salary?!? Well, as always, the devil is in the details… For instance, who will determine who the “good” teachers are? Their principals? School […]

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Americans Need a Damn Raise

Americans Need a Damn Raise

Americans work too hard and make too little — and Republicans want to keep it that way You’ve probably seen this chart that shows that when adjusted for inflation, wages are down since July of last year: Despite the strength of the economy Trump inherited, most of the growth — like most of the tax cuts Republicans passed — is […]

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Please stop with the “heartwarming” teacher stories: this is no way to treat professionals

Please stop with the “heartwarming” teacher stories: this is no way to treat professionals

You can listen to Mitchell Robinson read and discuss this now-viral essay here: It seems like every day now we see another one of these stories that are supposed to be “heartwarming,” or show how “dedicated” teachers and other school personnel are… this superintendent spent 90 hours per week this summer repainting his school to save $150,000! this teacher […]

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[CC image credit: Gage Skidmore | Flickr]

GOP candidate for MI-GOV Bill Schuette chooses a running mate nearly as contemptible as he is. Presenting: Lisa Posthumus Lyons

If you were looking for a more reprehensible proponent of the worst of Republican ideology than Michigan Attorney General and Republican nominee for governor Bill Schuette, you’d have to work pretty hard. But Bill Schuette, who seems to spend more time off the job than on, apparently used that free time to come up with someone who is a perfect […]

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UPDATED: Michigan’s primary shows that Democrats are fired up, mobilized, and unified (and mostly behind women)

UPDATED: Michigan’s primary shows that Democrats are fired up, mobilized, and unified (and mostly behind women)

Michigan has long been a bellwether for the national political landscape and, judging by the results of our primary last week, the November general election will be as much of a wave election for Democrats as 2010 was for Republicans. Shri Thanedar’s attempt to purchase a governorship with his personal fortune was resoundingly smacked down by voters. He did only […]

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This is what the biggest fraud of the 21st century looks like

This is what the biggest fraud of the 21st century looks like

Trillions for the rich and their corporations have given workers less than nothing Paul Ryan may be retiring having cemented his reputation as a fraud, but at least he’s a very successful fraud. For the second time in his life, he’s helped transfer trillions in wealth to the richest Americans and for the second time in his life he’s laying […]

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Schools aren’t “fast-food franchises,” charter schools aren’t public schools,and education isn’t a business

Schools aren’t “fast-food franchises,” charter schools aren’t public schools,and education isn’t a business

              Recently, our oldest son got his first job–or, more accurately, he got his first 2 jobs: one at a fast-food franchise popular in the Midwest (let’s call it “McBurgerQueen”, or McBQ—note: it’s not McDonalds, Burger King, or Dairy Queen), the other at a family-owned Korean-Chinese restaurant in our town (we’ll call this place […]

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The Pink Wave Crashed in Michigan this Week

The Pink Wave Crashed in Michigan this Week

The headline of Tuesday’s election is that pissed-off women are voting Democratic. That’s what propelled Gretchen Whitmer to win a straight-up majority in a three-way race for governor and all 83 counties. That’s why women won most of the key congressional races in the state — particularly in those Democrats need to flip in November, the 7th, 8th and 11th. […]

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Grab them by their vulnerable seats

Grab them by their vulnerable seats

Don’t get mad; get the House back Toss Up Republican Districts Most Likely to Flip (There are 27 total Republican toss-ups according to The Cook Political Report, which would be enough to take the House. 22 nominees listed. Primary winners to be added from Florida, Minnesota, and Washington.) If you can, give. Then give again whenever you get mad or […]

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