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#FlintWaterCrisis Round-Up: The conservatives are already rewriting history and erasing the plight of Flint residents

#FlintWaterCrisis Round-Up: The conservatives are already rewriting history and erasing the plight of Flint residents

The big story in the ongoing saga of the Flint Water Crisis this week is a concerted effort by those on the right (along with complicity from some in the medical community) to make the world believe that the Flint Water Crisis never happened. It started with an op-ed in The New York Times by Drs. Hernán Gómez and Kim […]

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The national progressive movement, as run by women

The national progressive movement, as run by women

When I met Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Dearborn this weekend, she shared her experience running around Michigan in support of Abdul El-Sayed for Governor. When I asked her which city was her favorite, she said that Flint had a special place in her heart because she visited the area when she took a trip to the Midwest after the 2016 elections. […]

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MI-08 Republican Mike Bishop still hasn’t paid a fine for a campaign finance violation in 2014

MI-08 Republican Mike Bishop still hasn’t paid a fine for a campaign finance violation in 2014

In 2012, MI-08 Republican Congressman Mike Bishop was running for Oakland County Prosecutor against Democratic incumbent Jessica Cooper by whom he was defeated. In 2014, the Oakland County Clerk sent Bishop a notice that he was being assessed a fine for a late quarterly campaign report. It was a paltry amount — just $150 — money he probably could have […]

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REMINDER: Putin’s attacks on our democracy work because Trump is a traitor

REMINDER: Putin’s attacks on our democracy work because Trump is a traitor

We know Trump is willing to betray this country. The only question is if this time the press will dare to call him out for it. The hacking of the 2018 election seems to have already begun and it already resembles the hacking of the 2016. The Daily Beast Reports: The Russian intelligence agency behind the 2016 election cyberattacks targeted […]

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This is your chance to speak out against GOP attempts to kick poor families off Medicaid

This is your chance to speak out against GOP attempts to kick poor families off Medicaid

Let the state know you oppose needless burdens on older Michiganders, people with disabilities and seasonal workers You know that Rick Snyder has signed into a law a bill that raises the costs of administering our state’s Medicaid program by adding unnecessary new burdens on the 675,000 Michiganders on our Healthy Michigan Plan that will uninsure tens of thousands and […]

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Released emails show that Republicans have been gerrymandering Michigan to intentionally hurt Dems for YEARS

Released emails show that Republicans have been gerrymandering Michigan to intentionally hurt Dems for YEARS

It’s no secret that Michigan is one of the most heavily gerrymandered states in the entire country. Here’s the 11th Congressional District, for example: The 9th District is almost as bad: Note that they are both adjacent and interlocking. The 11th District is highly Republican and 9th District is reliably Democratic. For good measure, here’s the 14th which is another […]

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UPDATED x2: Republican Congressman Mike Bishop hires political director with the judgment of a teenage boy who likes porn

UPDATED x2: Republican Congressman Mike Bishop hires political director with the judgment of a teenage boy who likes porn

I don’t generally like to wallow too much in the sleazy, muddy side of politics but I happened onto something that I’m sharing, not because it’s salacious or titillating (which it IS) but because it shows how poor Republican Congressman Mike Bishop’s judgment and leadership is. Last April, Bishop hired a new political director named Zachary Zichi: Normally in situations […]

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Whitmer and Schuette maintain decisive leads in most recent MI-GOV poll while El-Sayed, Thanedar, and Calley are barely competitive

Whitmer and Schuette maintain decisive leads in most recent MI-GOV poll while El-Sayed, Thanedar, and Calley are barely competitive

Emerson College released a poll of the Michigan gubernatorial race this week and, with the primary just two weeks from today, it’s looking increasingly like it will turn out as expected with former Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer facing off against our rabid conservative ideologue and Attorney General Bill Schuette: Democratic Primary Whitmer 39 Thanedar 17 El-Sayed 12 Republican Primary […]

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Michigan Civil Rights Commission tells AG Bill Schuette to go pound sand

Michigan Civil Rights Commission tells AG Bill Schuette to go pound sand

On Sunday, Eli Savit posted an essay here at Eclectablog outlining why Bill Schuette — Michigan’s own version of the odious Ken Cuccinelli — was out of line telling the state’s Civil Rights Commission that they couldn’t enforce their policy of including gender identity and sexual orientation as a protected class of citizens. Yesterday, the Civil Rights Commission met to […]

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What to avoid saying to a hijabi woman

What to avoid saying to a hijabi woman

Below are a list of things you should avoid saying to/asking a hijabi woman: Don’t you get hot in that thing, especially in the summer? I bet your hair would look gorgeous if you just let it out! Just get that rag off, and you’d look so much better. Poor thing, it must be so difficult for you to do […]

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Michigan AG Bill Schuette’s anti-LGBTQ opinion is just that: an opinion. It has no has no force of law.

Michigan AG Bill Schuette’s anti-LGBTQ opinion is just that: an opinion. It has no has no force of law.

The following essay was written by my good friend Eli Savit. Eli is an attorney and an adjunct professor at the University of Michigan Law School. His areas of expertise include appellate and Supreme Court litigation; civil rights, education law, environmental law, and public-interest litigation. He writes regularly about legal issues on the Take Care Blog and elsewhere. Follow him […]

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