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More conclusive proof the Tea Party was about race, not the deficit

More conclusive proof the Tea Party was about race, not the deficit

We need to learn from the right in order to defeat it Democrats must strive to take Republican talking points as Republicans do, which is not seriously at all. The White House released predictions this week that the budget deficit will burst over $1 trillion by 2019, nearly matching the deficits hit during the worst of the Great Recession as […]

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Foreign interference the new norm?

Foreign interference the new norm?

Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton has recently eliminated the cybersecurity coordinator position within the National Security Council. This was one of the top positions within the organization and Bolton’s reasoning was that the lower level officials would be more than capable of handling cybersecurity issues. In fact, “Mr. Bolton has talked about ‘streamlining’ the N.S.C., and so far that appears […]

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Trump holds a “Pledge to Workers” event with no workers and LOTS of anti-labor shills and corporate lobbyists

Trump holds a “Pledge to Workers” event with no workers and LOTS of anti-labor shills and corporate lobbyists

In 2016, Donald Trump got around 37% of the vote from members of labor unions. He actually out-performed Mitt Romney in this regard suggesting that his faux pro-worker rhetoric hit its mark. Since then, he’s continued his attempts to appease union workers and convince them — despite a preponderance of evidence to the contrary — that he is on THEIR […]

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Corporations want you to work even when you’re sick. They’re so desperate that they’re starting to panic.

Corporations want you to work even when you’re sick. They’re so desperate that they’re starting to panic.

In Michigan, you have no right to paid time off if you or a loved one is sick. The result is that many of us go to work sick because we simply can’t afford NOT to. The impacts of this, which we highlighted in a four-part series HERE, are devastating to workers and their families. Not only that, it all […]

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Making it personal: Dems in Michigan’s 9th Congressional District running effective ads tying their fight to healthcare

Making it personal: Dems in Michigan’s 9th Congressional District running effective ads tying their fight to healthcare

There are three primary issues that Democrats should be beating Republicans over the head with this election season: the lack of action by Republicans on Trump’s corruption and kleptocracy, Republicans giving a massive tax break to the super wealthy at the expense of pretty much all the rest of us, and Republican efforts to deny poor Americans access to affordable […]

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TAKE ACTION: Michigan needs science-driven standards for PFAS in drinking water

TAKE ACTION: Michigan needs science-driven standards for PFAS in drinking water

The following post is cross-posted from our good friends at Michigan Clear Water Action. In mid-June, after months of pressure from Clean Water Action members and public health advocates, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) finally released their study on the health effects of PFAS contamination. Emails between Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials, the White House, and […]

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The race that could decide control of the House is now a toss up

The race that could decide control of the House is now a toss up

Michigan Republicans have been protected by maps gerrymandered for their pleasure, but that could change in 2018 Mike Bishop won his last election by 17 percent, more than double Donald Trump’s 7-point edge in the Michigan’s 8th congressional district. Less than two years later, he has about 50/50 chance of being reelected, according to The Cook Political Report. Explaining the […]

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Why are *you* angry? Are you Red or Blue?

Why are *you* angry? Are you Red or Blue?

Everyone is angry. I get it. Our country is as divided as I can remember it being in my lifetime. Friends are divided. Institutions are divided. Families are divided. People that never seemed to be “political” are suddenly, and surprisingly, strident defenders of a particular belief or position–or equally vocal about being against that position. Everywhere you go these days […]

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The Democratic Blue Wave, brought to you by activists like YOU!

The Democratic Blue Wave, brought to you by activists like YOU!

There is a lot of talk about the inevitable, impending Democratic Blue Wave coming to America this November. I have news for you, it’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen, that is, unless everyone — not just long-time Democratic Party volunteers and not just political newcomers like Indivisible groups and other members of the #Resistance — links […]

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#10for10more years of blogging excellence

#10for10more years of blogging excellence

As I mentioned on Sunday, Eclectablog had its ten-year anniversary this week. And as LOLGOP said yesterday, we’re determined to have another ten years of activism and commentary to keep you informed and activated to make our country a better place. But, in order to do that, we need YOUR help in the form of a financial contribution. Your donation […]

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Do you have $10 help Eclectablog keep going another 10 years?

Do you have $10 help Eclectablog keep going another 10 years?

If you can, please give $10 to help us keep exposing the poison of big money special interests for another decade When Chris Savage started blogging as Eclectablog a decade ago, Donald Trump hadn’t even filed his fourth bankruptcy yet. Chris wasn’t even sure he just wanted to blog about politics exclusively, hence “Eclectablog.” Fate had other plans. Sorry, you […]

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