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BREAKING: Mich Board of State Canvassers votes that Emergency Mgr law petitions are NOT valid – UPDATED x2

BREAKING: Mich Board of State Canvassers votes that Emergency Mgr law petitions are NOT valid – UPDATED x2

Democracy not upheld

After hearing testimony from both sides, the Michigan Board of State Canvassers voted by a vote of 2 to 2 NOT to validate the petitions to repeal Public Act 4 — Michigan’s Emergency Manager law. By doing so they threw out the signatures of nearly a quarter million Michigan citizens.

The vote was followed by chants of “SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!”

[More after the jump.]

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How Mitt Lost Massachusetts

How Mitt Lost Massachusetts

He’s like Reagan, if Reagan were about to lose California by 20%. If you’re wondering what kind of governor Mitt Romney was, just look at the polls in Massachusetts, the only place he has ever held elected office. The President leads Romney by an average of 18.5%. These are the voters who know Mitt best. Steve Benen examined Mitt’s unpopular […]

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Day 4: Second quarter fundraising drive – Rattling the tip cup

Day 4: Second quarter fundraising drive – Rattling the tip cup

My, my, how you’ve grown!

Hello, again. A very big and heartfelt thanks to those of you that have already called in your pledge — wait. Sorry.

That’s NPR.

This is Eclectablog. We don’t have open phone lines.

We have this:

We also have a LOT of readers. Seriously. Look at this: […]

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BREAKING: Sufficient signatures validated to put Michigan Emergency Manager law on ballot – and on HOLD! — UPDATED

BREAKING: Sufficient signatures validated to put Michigan Emergency Manager law on ballot – and on HOLD! — UPDATED


I’m going to let the Stand Up for Democracy press release speak for itself:

Citizens in the Stand Up for Democracy Coalition are announcing they have received notice from the Secretary of the Board of State Canvassers reporting the group has collected 203,238 valid voter signatures needed to place the repeal of Public Act 4 (aka the Emergency Manager Law) on the November 2012 general election ballot. According to the report, the group exceeded the 161,305 valid signatures needed by more than 40,000.

[More after the jump.]

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Mitt Romney: Pander bear to young Americans – Romney v. Obama on controlling student loan debt

Mitt Romney: Pander bear to young Americans – Romney v. Obama on controlling student loan debt

You’re not fooling anyone, Mitt. Remember: we have the internet.

It’s not just Latinos that Mitt Romney is pandering to lately. His latest pander target is young people. Namely students.

During a news conference this week with Marco Rubio (his first since mid-March, by the way), Romney had to jump back in after it was nearly over when he remembered to throw in the fact that he suddenly agreed with President Obama on extending low interest rates on student loans, something that Republicans seem ready NOT to do

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Surprise, surprise. Romney starts his general election campaign with a monstrous pack of lies

Surprise, surprise. Romney starts his general election campaign with a monstrous pack of lies

What’s more pathetic? That he says these things or that people believe them?

Last night, Mitt Romney assumed the mantle of Republican nominee for the 2012 presidential election. Newt Gingrich thinks that’s insulting (to voters, he says) and Ron Paul thinks… well, who knows what Ron Paul thinks?

What came out of Mitt Romney’s mouth was a string of lies as long as the plane trip between here and the last job he outsourced.

Let’s take a look…

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Day 3: Second quarter fundraising drive – Why LOLGOP supports Eclectablog

Day 3: Second quarter fundraising drive – Why LOLGOP supports Eclectablog

Piss off a Republican. Support bold progressives. Before I started writing for Eclectablog, I contributed a little cash to the effort. Why? Even though we are in an election season where a variety of local, state and national candidates need our support, I see what Eclectablog as an essential progressive voice for three reasons: 1. Chris Savage has gills that […]

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Former Pontiac Emergency Manager Stampfler: “City charters are just interesting reading”

Former Pontiac Emergency Manager Stampfler: “City charters are just interesting reading”

I find your quaint city constitutions mildly amusing… At a speech criticizing Michigan’s Emergency Manager law yesterday, former Pontiac Emergency Manager Michael Stampfler was talked about the importance of investing in capital infrastructure and something he called civic capital — engagement of the local citizens in the process of governing. Then he suggested that city charters were just “interesting reading”. […]

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The Obama administration responds to famine in Africa — again.

The Obama administration responds to famine in Africa — again.

Compassion is an American value

There’s a humanitarian crisis going on in the Horn of Africa right now. A drought in 2011 was the worst in six decades. A quarter million people in Somalia face famine and death.

International donors have pledged nearly $4 billion to help avert this tragedy.

The Obama administration is on it. From their press release today: [more after the jump]

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Ann Romney “loves” that some women don’t have the choice to stay home with their kids

Ann Romney “loves” that some women don’t have the choice to stay home with their kids

“Romney” is Wealthese for “foot in mouth”

Holy crap. I thought Mitt Romney was the failmouth of the Romney family but it appears that he married the right woman. Ann Romney is as completely out of touch and unaware as her husband.

Giving the keynote at the Connecticut Republican Party’s Prescott Bush Awards Dinner in Stamford, she said this (and I still cannot believe it):

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Some people REALLY don’t like potential Romney VP pick Marco Rubio — you might be surprised who

Some people REALLY don’t like potential Romney VP pick Marco Rubio — you might be surprised who

Being a pander monkey is NOT going to help you, Mitt

Facing a crushing defeat by President Obama with the Latino community, Mitt Romney has been found in the presence of one of the most conservative Latinos in the country this past week: Marco Rubio.

But Marco Rubio is not well liked among a number of folks. You might be surprised who.

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