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Even the Army thinks Ted Nugent is an idiot – cancels his performance

Even the Army thinks Ted Nugent is an idiot – cancels his performance

What took you so long?

Anybody with two brain cells to bang together knows that Ted Nugent is an idiot. This traitor to America and Mitt Romney surrogate honors his country by calling the president and his administration “vile”, “evil”, and “America-hating”.

The Army, whose boss is the Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama, just told Ted Nugent to go eff himself.

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Affordable Care Act will save American taxpayers over $200 Billion through 2016

Affordable Care Act will save American taxpayers over $200 Billion through 2016

This something the Republicans do NOT want you to know

A report from the trustees of the Medicare system this week has created a major kerfuffle in the mediasphere. While Democrats point to the fact that there has been no change in the insolvency date of Medicare from last year’s report, Republicans are spinning it to suggest that President Obama is a failure because he didn’t miraculously solve all the problems in the system in a single year.

Here’s something the Republicans do NOT want you to know, however: Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, taxpayers will save over $200 Billion through 2016.

It’s true (pdf).

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The Real Battleground for 2012: Women’s Wombs

The Real Battleground for 2012: Women’s Wombs

He who controls the uteri should be she. We all know this: If you want to prevent abortions, you make sure everyone has health care, a high school education and birth control. Not the exact opposite. Then why do the people who purport to want to stop all abortions seem to favor almost every policy that makes them inevitable? Egyptian-American […]

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Occupy the Board of State Canvassers – speak out for the repeal of the Emergency Manager law

Occupy the Board of State Canvassers – speak out for the repeal of the Emergency Manager law

What the font is going on?

If you’ve been following this blog recently, you’ll know that the repeal of Public Act 4 — Michigan’s Emergency Manager law — is being challenged on a teeny tiny technicality. The challengers say that the font on one of the headings is just a millimeter or two too small.

No, I’m not kidding.

I’ve debunked this ridiculous assertion (HERE & HERE) but the Board of State Canvassers will meet on Thursday to make their decision.

That’s where YOU come in.

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Day 2: Second quarter fundraising drive – Did we mention you could win an iPod Nano?

Day 2: Second quarter fundraising drive – Did we mention you could win an iPod Nano?

Support your local progressive political bloggers

So, here’s something interesting: as of about two weeks ago Eclectablog officially has a lower Alexa rating than Michigan Radio. What does that mean? It means that our blog is actually more popular than one of the top news sites in Michigan. That’s a pretty amazing achievement and it’s done by a staff of two (with some serious behind-the-scenes support from Ms. Eclectablog and Ms. LOLGOP.)

Here you’ll get breaking news on what’s happening around Michigan.

Here you’ll get cutting edge information about what’s happening in the 2012 presidential election.

Here you get news and commentary from around the country all in one place. We read all those websites and newspapers so you don’t have to.

It’s all done without pay. We do it because it’s important to us and we think it’s important to you.

Would you be willing to drop a few dollars in our tip jar to show just how important what we offer is?

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President Obama pledges veto of anti-union Republican legislation

President Obama pledges veto of anti-union Republican legislation

Really, Republicans, why are you wasting our time?

In a typical anti-union move by Republicans, they have submitted a Senate resolution (S.J. Res. 36) that would reverse a new National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rule that will speed up workplace votes on the formation of unions.

President Obama issued a statement today saying he will veto this legislation if it reaches his desk.

[More after the jump…]

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Green jobs conference coming to Detroit – Guest post by former Congressman Mark Schauer

Green jobs conference coming to Detroit – Guest post by former Congressman Mark Schauer

Green jobs ARE good jobs

I have written before(HERE and HERE) about former Congressman Mark Schauer’s involvement with the BlueGreen Alliance and his role as the national co-chair for their Jobs21! initiative. Mark has graciously agreed to write a guest post about an upcoming conference in Detroit that will focus on building jobs and employment in the green energy sector.


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You know you’re in trouble when you’re looking for some of that George W. Bush glow. The last two “businessmen” to serve as president: Herbert Hoover and GW Bush. And we know how those worked out. — Steve Sanders (@SteveSSanders) January 16, 2012 Mitt Romney received some encouraging news last week. His favorable/unfavorable rating improved to +1, 44/43. That […]

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Day 1: Second quarter fundraising drive – Win an iPod Nano and MORE!

Day 1: Second quarter fundraising drive – Win an iPod Nano and MORE!

Wait, you don’t get PAID to do this?! Hello, folks. Today is Day One of the second quarter fundraising drive at Eclectablog. As you probably know, this is not a paying gig for us. We make a little bit of money from advertisements like the one at the top of the page but, aside from that, what we do is […]

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Michigan Senate Majority Leader Richardville faces recall attempt – from a Republican

Michigan Senate Majority Leader Richardville faces recall attempt – from a Republican

We’re just not that into you. And neither are they.

In a true testament to exactly how politically polarized things have gotten in Michigan, former Monroe County Republican Party chair Jeff Andring has filed paperwork to recall Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville.

Andring says it’s because Richardville isn’t conservative enough.

[More after the jump.]

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Republican Joe Schwarz to announce run as a Democrat in Michigan’s 7th district tomorrow

Republican Joe Schwarz to announce run as a Democrat in Michigan’s 7th district tomorrow

We’ve sunk THIS low???

The Michigan Democratic Party has been busy recruiting a candidate to run against Tim Walberg in the 7th District where I live. However, as I reported back in March and others have reported since then, they aren’t recruiting Democrats, they are recruiting Joe Schwarz. A Republican.

I’m not kidding.

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