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Is the heading font on Public Act 4 petitions too small? Yes! No! Maybe! Ack! (PHOTOS) – Updated

Is the heading font on Public Act 4 petitions too small? Yes! No! Maybe! Ack! (PHOTOS) – Updated

Clear as mud

I was cleaning up my office today and came across a couple Public Act 4 repeal petitions. I thought it would be interesting to see how wrong the fonts are. Recall that Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility wants to toss out nearly a quarter million petition signatures because they say the heading font is smaller than the required 14-point boldface font (state regulation HERE (pdf).) They aren’t saying that the petition language itself is too small, just the heading.

Follow me over the jump for photos and comparisons and all sorts of fonty goodness.

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Why Michigan’s Board of State Canvassers member Jeff Timmer should recuse himself from PA4 repeal challenge

Why Michigan’s Board of State Canvassers member Jeff Timmer should recuse himself from PA4 repeal challenge

Not all conflicts of interest are created equal

The continuing saga of the desperate attempt to derail putting the repeal of Public Act 4 — Michigan’s Emergency Manager law — on the November ballot continues with a piece published on the Michigan Radio website titled “Ballot box politics: Conflicts of interest for Michigan’s Board of State Canvassers”.

As I wrote about earlier this week, one of the members of the Michigan Board of State Canvassers (BSC), the group that will decide on the challenge to the petitions collected by Stand up for Democracy, is Jeff Timmer. Timmer works for a company that is intimately tied to the effort to defeat the repeal. His company, Sterling Corporation, is one and the same as the group “Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility” that is challenging the 226,000+ signatures because they font size of the heading is 12 rather than 14. Note that the printer’s affidavit certifies that the font is the correct size.

Like I said: desperate…

[More after the jump]

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What’s Historic About Mitt Romney? His Unpopularity

What’s Historic About Mitt Romney? His Unpopularity

It’s not just you. Here’s something Republicans don’t want you to know: “Romney Support Historically Low for Winning Candidate.” But that’s what Gallup revealed when Rick Santorum dropped out of the GOP primary on Tuesday. At 42% support, Mitt Romney is far and away the least popular Republican presidential nominee since the primaries were revamped to more accurately reflect public […]

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THE BIG PICTURE – Michigan mandatory helmet law repealed today

THE BIG PICTURE – Michigan mandatory helmet law repealed today

Freedom or burden?

[Note: The Big Picture is a new feature at Eclectablog featuring the remarkable photography of Anne C. Savage.]

For 42 years Michigan has had a mandatory helmet law but today Gov. Rick Snyder repealed the law for riders 21 years or older. It was passed with immediate effect.

What are your opinions and experiences with this? Tell us in the comments.

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Pete Hoekstra to women: I don’t want your vote, says Lilly Ledbetter Act “shouldn’t be the law”

Pete Hoekstra to women: I don’t want your vote, says Lilly Ledbetter Act “shouldn’t be the law”

Now we KNOW who will be Michigan’s Senator after November 2012

Pete Hoekstra, he of the catastrophic “Yellow Girl” anti-China campaign ad that all but destroyed any chance he had of competing against Senator Debbie Stabenow in November, has now sealed his fate. How? By pretty much guaranteeing that he won’t get any women to vote for him.

During a campaign stop yesterday, he was asked about the Lilly Ledbetter Act, the law that allows women to sue companies if they pay men more than women for the same job. Hoekstra responded that it shouldn’t be the law.

I’m not kidding…

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Michigan GOP continues its attack on teachers – pensions & healthcare now on the chopping block

Michigan GOP continues its attack on teachers – pensions & healthcare now on the chopping block

Why would ANYONE want to be a teacher in Michigan??? Last month, I wrote about the latest attack on teachers in Michigan, an effort to strip benefits and cut into their pensions. Facing an unfunded liability of over $45 billion, Michigan Republicans are set to take it out of the hides of teachers with Senate Bill 1040. The bill will […]

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Mitt Romney is Exactly What’s Wrong with the American Economy

Mitt Romney is Exactly What’s Wrong with the American Economy

How the financial class broke America. I like to say that Mitt Romney made his millions betting against American workers. It isn’t the greatest Romney-attack line ever. (That belongs to Ted Kennedy who said, “He isn’t pro-choice or anti-choice. He’s multiple choice.”) But it makes a point you can’t hear enough. Romney had a record of devaluing American workers and […]

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When you’re a foot soldier in the War on Women, even dirt clods & spit balls look like ammunition

When you’re a foot soldier in the War on Women, even dirt clods & spit balls look like ammunition

A tale of an Obama surrogate who isn’t This is the Week of the Woman™ for the Romney campaign and Mitt is going whole hog trying to prove that it is he, not President Obama, who is the pro-woman candidate (maybe I should pause while you stop laughing.) His chief advisor in this effort is, apparently, his wife Ann, pictured […]

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Recall effort against Troy, MI tea party mayor Janice Daniels has 1/3 of the signatures needed

Recall effort against Troy, MI tea party mayor Janice Daniels has 1/3 of the signatures needed

Don’t get too comfy, Mayor Daniels The team of people working to recall Troy, Michigan’s woo hoo Tea Party mayor Janice Daniels is well on their way to having enough petition signatures to recall the mayor whose efforts are driving businesses out of Troy. From this week’s press release; The Recall Janice Daniels initiative has reached a major milestone in […]

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Happy Birthday, RomneyCare

Happy Birthday, RomneyCare

How Mitt Romney sold out his greatest achievement in search of a talking point I’ve often said that Mitt Romney running against ObamaCare is like Madonna running against Lady GagaCare. ObamaCare is a tribute to what worked in RomneyCare made national.  It is already helping save many of the 45,000 Americans who die every year for lack of insurance. Yep. […]

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Mitt Romney checked: turns out he supports equal pay for women (sorta)

Mitt Romney checked: turns out he supports equal pay for women (sorta)

Sam, we’ll get back to you on that Yesterday, when asked if Mitt Romney supports equal pay for men and women doing the same job, his campaign team didn’t have an answer. They had to check to see if he actually support women’s rights or not. The shocking thing about this is not that they weren’t sure. It’s probably hard […]

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