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Michigan’s largest Democratic club issues unprecedented “anti-endorsement” of “Democratic” gubernatorial candidate Shri Thanedar

Michigan’s largest Democratic club issues unprecedented “anti-endorsement” of “Democratic” gubernatorial candidate Shri Thanedar

I generally don’t weigh in on Democratic primaries in our state. I learned long ago that it’s better to let primary campaigns play out without me sticking my nose in. The only times I tend to write about them is if a particular campaign is doing something that’s creative and interesting that other Dems can learn from or, more often, […]

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G7 Summit Clown Donald Trump takes his alpha male, narcissistic circus on the road, gets trolled by his international counterparts

G7 Summit Clown Donald Trump takes his alpha male, narcissistic circus on the road, gets trolled by his international counterparts

President Trump arrived to the G7 trade summit late, left early, and held a single press conference where he threatened the other global leaders with a trade war and portrayed the United States of America as a weak global player that has been had by its allies for decades. At a gender equality breakfast, Trump arrived late so the other […]

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Register NOW for the Michigan Progressive Summit! – “The Persistence of the Resistance: Voices, Values, and Votes”

Register NOW for the Michigan Progressive Summit! – “The Persistence of the Resistance: Voices, Values, and Votes”

Regular readers of Eclectablog will know that I have been off the grid for the past few weeks while I recover from surgery. As a result, I will have to miss an exciting event that I haven’t missed in years: the annual Progress Michigan conference called the Michigan Progressive Summit. But that doesn’t mean YOU have to miss it and […]

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You can’t separate Trump’s policies from his crimes

You can’t separate Trump’s policies from his crimes

This is why Republicans want to let him get away with everything Donald Trump has declared that he is above the law, any law. He did this in a letter his lawyers sent to special counsel Robert Mueller’s office in January that his Trump likely leaked this weekend so Fox News employees and AM radio hosts don’t have to bother […]

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The case against repeating or retweeting Trump

The case against repeating or retweeting Trump

If you’re using Trump’s language, you’re helping him Either corporations waste trillions of dollars repeating their advertisements at you or you’re helping Donald Trump every time you retweet him or use his words. This is true even if you’re owning him with your comment attached to the retweet or accusing him of being “the swamp” or telling America to “Make […]

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The ‘War on Work’ is a crisis on par with climate change

The ‘War on Work’ is a crisis on par with climate change

We could be running against Neil Gorsuch for the next 50 years The theft you’re most likely to experience is wage theft. And Neil Gorsuch just made it more likely that it will happen to you and you’ll never be able to recover your losses. Slate‘s Mark Joseph Stern: The Supreme Court issued a 5–4 decision Monday in Epic Systems […]

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[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

Trump’s fascist dehumanizing of Mexican criminals paves the way to treating all immigrants inhumanely, calls them “animals” 10 times in one press release

There are a variety of definitions of “dehumanization” but this one is as succinct as I have seen: Dehumanization is the psychological process of demonizing the enemy, making them seem less than human and hence not worthy of humane treatment. This can lead to increased violence, human rights violations, war crimes, and genocide. History is rife with this demonizing of […]

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Don’t count on people knowing how badly the Trump administration is ripping them off

Don’t count on people knowing how badly the Trump administration is ripping them off

Candidates need to run against their opponents; but someone needs to run against Trump Democrats are fueled by massive disapproval of Donald Trump but they’re actually running against their Republican opponents. The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent has been making that case for months: If Democrats are running against Trump, it’s subtle: They are trying to project calm, stability, decency and […]

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Republicans would rather let workers starve than raise wages

Republicans would rather let workers starve than raise wages

The minimum wage hasn’t risen in a decade and the right is determined to make the poor suffer for it In 1933, at what may have been the peak of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt said: In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be […]

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Trump only betrays the voters who need him most

Trump only betrays the voters who need him most

Only billionaires — from Sheldon Adelson to King Salman of Saudi Arabia — can count on Trump You’ve probably heard that this week Paul Ryan convinced Sheldon Adelson to give Republicans $30 million to save the party’s House majority. This unholy act of corruption was only “legal” because Paul Ryan left the room for the literal money shot. For the […]

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Political artist Michael D’Antuono displays a fleet of truck-mounted billboards in Washington, DC, highlighting Trump’s unsavory alliance with Vladimir Putin

Political artist Michael D’Antuono displays a fleet of truck-mounted billboards in Washington, DC, highlighting Trump’s unsavory alliance with Vladimir Putin

These Billboards Are Thrilling DC Tourists And Driving the GOP Nuts Regular readers of Eclectablog know that I am a BIG fan of the political art of Michael D’Antuono. Through his provocative and thought-provoking artwork and installations, D’Antuono is documenting the political climate of the USA in a way few other artists are. This week, D’Antuono is taking his art […]

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