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Michigan GOP stoops to blackmailing Gov. Snyder and the federal government to hurt Medicaid recipients

Michigan GOP stoops to blackmailing Gov. Snyder and the federal government to hurt Medicaid recipients

Michigan Republicans have pending legislation that would make our state’s Medicaid rules, as LOLGOP put it, “the most regressive requirements in the entire nation.” They would force hundreds of thousands of poor residents to either find a job that will allow them to work no fewer than 29 hours a week or they’d lose their benefits. It would also impose […]

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New Michigan Republican legislation will make the problem of cruel puppy mills WORSE

New Michigan Republican legislation will make the problem of cruel puppy mills WORSE

The following post was written by Molly Tamulevich. Molly is a Michigan-based animal welfare activist and macro photographer. She received her MS from Michigan State University with a specialization in Human-Animal Studies and serves on the board of directors of Attorneys for Animals, a non-profit Michigan organization of legal professionals and advocates dedicated to animals and animal rights. Enjoy (and […]

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Trump is just made a mistake four times larger than the Iraq War

Trump is just made a mistake four times larger than the Iraq War

Imagine repeating the worst strategic error of this century to the magnitude of four Let’s say you’ve spent the last few years following an agreement that you made with the United States and its allies that prevents you from attaining a nuclear weapon. Your proof of this is repeated verification, per the agreement, by the International Atomic Energy Agency. And […]

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When labor unions and environmentalists work together, we ALL win with more & better jobs and a cleaner planet

When labor unions and environmentalists work together, we ALL win with more & better jobs and a cleaner planet

The following post was contributed by my good friend Frank Houston. Frank is the Michigan Regional Program Manager of the BlueGreen Alliance, a group that encompasses a variety of progressive values: labor, environmental, and political action. For this reason, it’s a group that I’m happy to share this platform with. The gains made in federal environmental policy under the Obama […]

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Republicans are vowing to keep rural Michigan in a never-ending recession

Republicans are vowing to keep rural Michigan in a never-ending recession

The attack on Medicaid targets urban residents but it abandons much of Michigan Nancy Kaffer has an essential column about in SB 897/HB 897, the bill that unnecessarily targets Michiganders on Medicaid with the most regressive requirements in the entire nation, a bill that will put a unconscionable blemish on Medicaid expansion — the one undeniable success of Rick Snyder’s […]

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In MI-08, Democrat Elissa Slotkin has outraised the GOP incumbent Mike Bishop for 3 cycles WITHOUT corporate PAC money

In MI-08, Democrat Elissa Slotkin has outraised the GOP incumbent Mike Bishop for 3 cycles WITHOUT corporate PAC money

I first became interested in Democrat Elissa Slotkin’s run to replace the odious Republican Mike Bishop in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District when I watched her amazing ad. In the ad — and in our subsequent interview with her on The Sit and Spin Room podcast — Slotkin said her impetus for running against the corporate shill Bishop was watching him […]

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“Democrat” Shri Thanedar’s claim that it was the bank that abused all those beagles and monkeys turns out to be a lie

“Democrat” Shri Thanedar’s claim that it was the bank that abused all those beagles and monkeys turns out to be a lie

After revelations came to light that animals used for laboratory testing were abandoned when his testing lab was repossessed by the bank, “Democratic” gubernatorial candidate Shri Thanedar told anyone who would listen that he tried to save those poor tortured animals but that it was the bank that left them there to suffer without food and water. Turns out, that […]

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Don’t think the GOP can lose the popular vote by 10% and keep the House? That’s what happened in Virginia.

Don’t think the GOP can lose the popular vote by 10% and keep the House? That’s what happened in Virginia.

5 reasons it’s going to be much harder to win the House than you can imagine How would you act if you knew this could be the free last election you could ever vote in? If you think that question reeks of ridiculous paranoia, think about what happened this week. Trump held his first state dinner as president and did […]

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The Politics of Teacher Walkouts Make Mike & Randi Uneasy Bedmates

The Politics of Teacher Walkouts Make Mike & Randi Uneasy Bedmates

A recent editorial in USA Today (“We can expect more from teachers when we pay them like pros: Bloomberg and Weingarten”) presents an object lesson in how the politics surrounding the recent wave of teacher walkouts is creating some very troubling alliances in the nexus between business and education. Under the guise of presenting a “unified front”, former NYC mayor Mike […]

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An “Achievement School District” Primer, Or Why Charterizing Your School District is a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Idea

An “Achievement School District” Primer, Or Why Charterizing Your School District is a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Idea

“Achievement School Districts” are a recent phenomenon in the corporate education reform movement. These “school districts” are designed to guarantee “rapid improvement in the state’s low performing schools”, although specific methods, techniques and strategies to accomplish this goal are rarely mentioned. ASDs have sprung up all across the nation, under various names and guises, from the “Education Achievement Authority” in […]

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Investing in education starts with investing in our OWN education

Investing in education starts with investing in our OWN education

This is my 5,199th post at Eclectablog. That’s an astonishing sentence to me but it’s true. I have written so many posts that every once in a while I will Google something and find some of my own writing, an essay I had totally forgotten about. In essence, this blog has become a journal of what happens when a Democratic […]

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