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Why would I NEVER support Shri Thanedar to be the governor of Michigan? How much time do you have?

Why would I NEVER support Shri Thanedar to be the governor of Michigan? How much time do you have?

I first learned of Shri Thanedar when he hired my good friend Tony Trupiano (R.I.P.) to introduce him around to the various progressive circles in Michigan in the spring of 2017. This was necessary because almost nobody in Michigan progressive politics had ever heard of Shri Thanedar prior to then. Within in a very short time, it was clear to […]

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We’re Democrats. Building compassionate communities is what we do.

We’re Democrats. Building compassionate communities is what we do.

As you wade through the noise on social media, every once in a while you come across a story that makes you feel good. Inevitably, the story is about someone going out of their way to help someone else with no expectation of self-reward. These “feel good” stories stand out because so much of the world around us seems uncaring […]

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Vice President Pence has been on a nationwide cheerleading tour for the wildly unpopular #TrumpTaxScam since January

Vice President Pence has been on a nationwide cheerleading tour for the wildly unpopular #TrumpTaxScam since January

Donald Trump signed the Trump Tax Scam bill into law in late December. The new law was supposed to save Republican Party from Donald Trump but, so far, that hasn’t happened. Despite spending millions of dollars running nearly 17,800 advertisements on television, the law remains extremely unpopular. 36% of Americans think the law is a bad idea while only 27% […]

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REAL TALK: Without progressive activism, there isn’t going to be any “blue wave”

REAL TALK: Without progressive activism, there isn’t going to be any “blue wave”

There is a LOT of talk about the “blue wave” that’s coming in November this year when Democrats (we are told) are going to trounce Republicans all across America. Here’s some real talk: there isn’t going to be any “blue wave”. That is, there won’t be unless progressives get active and stay active between now and then. As we’ve been […]

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Dem Abdul El-Sayed gets a taste of ACTUAL “birther-like tactics” from GOP senator & shameless bigot Patrick Colbeck

Dem Abdul El-Sayed gets a taste of ACTUAL “birther-like tactics” from GOP senator & shameless bigot Patrick Colbeck

Back in February, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dr. Abdul El-Sayed accused unnamed “establishment Democrats” of using “birther-like tactics” to derail his primary campaign after Bridge magazine published an article raising questions about his eligibility to run due to residency requirements. I was hard on Dr. El-Sayed writing, “Publishing this article is not a “birther-like” tactic and the accusation is offensive. People […]

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Advocacy group running brutal ads holding Republicans Mike Bishop & Fred Upton accountable for voting against affordable healthcare

Advocacy group running brutal ads holding Republicans Mike Bishop & Fred Upton accountable for voting against affordable healthcare

Listeners of The Sit and Spin Room podcast co-hosted by me and LOLGOP know that we are adamant that Democrats running against Republican Congressional incumbents hold their opponents’ feet to the fire for their repeated efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Their actions have threatened access to affordable healthcare for hundreds of thousands, even millions of Americans. ALL […]

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Trump’s dismantling of the EPA continues apace, Scott Pruitt ready to outlaw critical science in the name of “transparency”

Trump’s dismantling of the EPA continues apace, Scott Pruitt ready to outlaw critical science in the name of “transparency”

After eight years of an anti-science Bush administration, science got a bit of a boost with the election of Barack Obama. Political cartoonist Tom Toles from The Washington Post commemorated the event with this spot-on comic: However, Republicans continued to push their anti-science ways, working to thwart the Obama administration’s efforts to combat climate change at every turn. Again, Tom […]

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Excuse me for a second. I need some help.

Excuse me for a second. I need some help.

Hi, folks. I have a favor to ask. You may recall that earlier this year, I had a run-in with a bad dude named Diverticulitis that put me in the hospital for ten days. As it turns out, I need to have surgery next month to keep that scary situation from ever happening again. Because this is happening during the […]

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Birtherism is the governing philosophy of the GOP

Birtherism is the governing philosophy of the GOP

Birtherism — n. the belief that only “white,” “Christian” males and their wives deserve the basic presumption and dignities of citizenship Two events this week barely received the attention they deserved in the midst of the Fecal Fantasia of the Trump presidency, now with extra Comey. More than six months after Hurricane Maria destroyed Puerto Rico, the island suffered a […]

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Michigan high school punk flies the racist flag of American traitors because his fee-fees got hurt

Michigan high school punk flies the racist flag of American traitors because his fee-fees got hurt

Poor li’l Cameron Myers. He’s an 18-year old white “country boy” from rural Auburn, Michigan. Seems this pathetic little punk got his fee-fees hurt when somebody stole the racist Confederate flag off the back of his truck in the school parking lot. When he whined about it to school administrators, they didn’t do anything about it. He called it an […]

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A Simple Solution to Fix the Problem of our Failing Public Education System

A Simple Solution to Fix the Problem of our Failing Public Education System

Let me begin with an apology: I have intentionally lured you here under false pretenses. What do I mean? I’ve used that favorite strategy of internet hoaxes and supermarket tabloids, the “click bait headline”, to catch your eye, whet your appetite, and influence you to “click” the link, which brought you here. According to Wikipedia, “click bait headlines” rely on […]

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