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Republican Bill Schuette’s staff lawyers ask for dismissal of Democrat’s eligibility lawsuit, Abdul El-Sayed erroneously declares the matter settled

Republican Bill Schuette’s staff lawyers ask for dismissal of Democrat’s eligibility lawsuit, Abdul El-Sayed erroneously declares the matter settled

In late January, an article at Bridge magazine raised questions about Michigan gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed’s eligibility to run for this position due to his having lived outside of Michigan for a time. Experts on campaign law weighed in and were not in agreement. Some said he’s fine. Others expressed concern that he may not be fine at all and […]

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We should all strive to care as little about the deficit as Paul Ryan does

We should all strive to care as little about the deficit as Paul Ryan does

And we should seek to help the poor they way he fluffed the rich Better than almost anyone in the history of American politics, Paul Ryan understands how to please the people he serves. And the people he serves are billionaire donors. So when a guy who fancies himself as a billionaire donor became president of the United States, who […]

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ACTION ALERT: We need your to help protect Michigan’s Medicaid program

ACTION ALERT: We need your to help protect Michigan’s Medicaid program

We should be improving our health care system, not uninsuring those who need coverage most Because of the ACA sabotage from Trump’s GOP, more than 100,000 Michigan residents are about to see additional health insurance rate hikes of around $432 a year, according to new figures from’s Charles Gaba. Charles estimates this will screw his family out of $1,300 […]

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Michigan Republican grovels before his corporate puppet masters, introduces resolution to create “Corporate Citizenship Day”

Michigan Republican grovels before his corporate puppet masters, introduces resolution to create “Corporate Citizenship Day”

This is becoming indecent… It’s no secret that Michigan Republicans are deeply in the pocket of corporations in our state. One of their first orders of business after taking control of our state government in 2010 was to pass a massive tax cut for corporations paid for by raising the taxes of over half of the residents in our state […]

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After environmental catastrophe near-miss with Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline under Lake Michigan, Gov. Snyder issues sternly-worded press release

After environmental catastrophe near-miss with Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline under Lake Michigan, Gov. Snyder issues sternly-worded press release

Last week, 550 gallons of coolant containing toxic organic solvents (alkyl derivatives of benzene, specifically) were released into Lake Michigan from an electrical transmission cable running under the Straits of Mackinac. It happened because a ship went through the Straits dragging its anchor. (UPDATE: It appears that it was a tugboat owned by VanEnkevort Tug & Barge.) Enbridge Energy clearly […]

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Privatized prison services in Michigan finally declared an utter failure after four years of indisputable proof

Privatized prison services in Michigan finally declared an utter failure after four years of indisputable proof

First we had this: Then we had this: And throughout it all we had food service employees having sex with inmates, rotten, rodent-chewed food being served to prison inmates, and drugs being smuggled into prisons by prison employees. Since 2014, I have written roughly 30 posts about the privatization of prison food services in Michigan and they all tell the […]

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Photo Credit: Anne Savage

Farewell to Tony Trupiano, a Liberal Lion

Most people know Tony Trupiano from his radio shows, podcast, posts here or as a Democratic activist who could always be counted on to help a candidate on the campaign trail or emcee an event. Tony was all those things. But most of all, he was just a really good man and a great friend. The world is poorer without him. He […]

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Photo Credit: Anne Savage

A true social justice warrior has passed. Godspeed, Tony Trupiano.

Photo by Anne C. Savage Yesterday morning I got a text from my friend Stephanie White that said, simply, “Sad news about Tony.” I hadn’t heard any news but I knew which “Tony” she meant. I know several Tonys but THE Tony is and has always been Tony Trupiano. I went to Facebook and quickly saw what I was terrified […]

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[PHOTOS & VIDEO] Town Hall for Our Lives in Dexter, MI: “We’ve never lived in a world in which we did not do lock-down drills.”

[PHOTOS & VIDEO] Town Hall for Our Lives in Dexter, MI: “We’ve never lived in a world in which we did not do lock-down drills.”

Dexter Town Hall for Our Lives organizers (l-r) Dani Waidley, Gabi Fracassi, Evelyn Hawley, Gigi Eisele, Julia Bell, Savannah Moody, and Sabina Carty Following March for Our Lives events last months, Parkland, Florida student activists put out a call for “Town Hall for Our Lives” events to be held across the country this past Saturday. And students across America responded, […]

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Less than a month after tests show elevated lead levels in Flint, state stops distributing bottled water

Less than a month after tests show elevated lead levels in Flint, state stops distributing bottled water

“Recent water tests at elementary schools in Flint have found an increase in samples showing lead levels above the federal action limit.” That’s the opening line in an article in The Detroit News less than one month ago. Despite this, the state of Michigan, just days after turning control over the city back to local elected officials, declared the Flint […]

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How Trump’s tax scam fuels the red state education revolts

How Trump’s tax scam fuels the red state education revolts

If we can afford to give the Kochs $1 billion a year, maybe your kid’s teacher shouldn’t have to drive an Uber at night Around 125 teachers and their supporters marched from Oklahoma City to Tulsa this week to demand the state restore funds to the state’s starved schools. The Guardian’s Mike Elk reported that the marchers were met with […]

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