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Abdul El-Sayed Said He Expected Mike Duggan’s Endorsement for Governor

Abdul El-Sayed Said He Expected Mike Duggan’s Endorsement for Governor

Michigan politicos are once again atwitter about Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and other Democrats allegedly trying to recruit an alternative to Gretchen Whitmer for governor. That’s from a Bridge story this week following up on a Detroit News column in November. And I wrote a column for Dome Magazine back in October, going through the months-long history of the effort […]

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As Trump assaults our nation’s integrity, institutions, and democracy, here’s why we still need to keep our focus on the states

As Trump assaults our nation’s integrity, institutions, and democracy, here’s why we still need to keep our focus on the states

There’s no question that Donald Trump is working around the clock when he’s not golfing at one of his many golf clubs using millions of our tax dollars to dismantle our country’s democracy, our institutions, and the laws and policies we have in place to protect ALL Americans, not just those at the top of the economic food chain. On […]

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Guest post: Living in the midst of “the first rough draft of history”

Guest post: Living in the midst of “the first rough draft of history”

The following essay is by Michael Andrade, a friend who sent it to my wife as a Facebook message. It was powerful enough that she read it to me and I thought it was a perfect piece to run today on Martin Luther King Day, particularly as we approach the one year anniversary of Donald Trump taking office as the […]

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EVENTS: We have our own civil rights fights happening NOW. On Martin Luther King Day 2018, join the fight for economic justice in Michigan.

EVENTS: We have our own civil rights fights happening NOW. On Martin Luther King Day 2018, join the fight for economic justice in Michigan.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote on the King monument in Washington, D.C. Photo by Chris Savage. Many of us will celebrate Martin Luther King Day by visiting a museum, participating in a community volunteer event, or by watch a civil rights documentary. These are all, of course, perfectly appropriate ways to celebrate the life of our country’s preeminent civil […]

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Trump’s attack on the free press is perfect practice for the 2018 midterms

Trump’s attack on the free press is perfect practice for the 2018 midterms

Let’s practice minimizing the Trump infection First, here’s what you need to do: That’s the word from brain scientist George Lakoff. Here’s why I’m joining in and I hope you will, too. Did you know the president is about to step up his attack the free press using all the authority the American people have invested in his office? If […]

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Bill “Shady” Schuette, candidate for Michigan governor, continues to use our tax dollars to pursue his far-right extremist agenda

Bill “Shady” Schuette, candidate for Michigan governor, continues to use our tax dollars to pursue his far-right extremist agenda

Michigan Radio has a post up titled “Michigan signs on in support of federal effort to deny abortions to undocumented minors“. In truth, this is being done solely by our extremist, far-right conservative Attorney General, Bill “Shady” Schuette. Schuette, who has been running for governor for over a decade, has a long sordid history of using Michigan tax dollars to […]

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On bipartisan agreement on Dreamers, Trump goes from “I’m signing it” to rejecting it in just 3 days

On bipartisan agreement on Dreamers, Trump goes from “I’m signing it” to rejecting it in just 3 days

Flip. Flop. At a bipartisan meeting with House and Senate leaders on Tuesday, Donald Trump had this to say about an impending bipartisan agreement to protect roughly 800,000 Dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the USA when they were children: [W]hen this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, […]

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Pete Hoekstra continues to embarrass his state and his country as Netherlands media shames him

Pete Hoekstra continues to embarrass his state and his country as Netherlands media shames him

Following on the heels of an encounter with a reporter in the Netherlands where he gaslighted the reporter twice in the span of a couple of minutes, former Michigan legislator Pete Hoekstra held a press conference and things went decidedly “not well”. Hoeksta, the U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands, confronted this time not by just one reporter but multiple reporters, […]

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THESE AREN’T THE CRIMINALS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR: Michigan Gov. Snyder & AG Schuette arguing that Emergency Managers are not “state officials” in Flint Water Crisis lawsuit

THESE AREN’T THE CRIMINALS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR: Michigan Gov. Snyder & AG Schuette arguing that Emergency Managers are not “state officials” in Flint Water Crisis lawsuit

In what can only be described as a Hail Mary attempt to use the Jedi Mind Trick on three judges on the Michigan Court of Appeals, Attorney General Bill Schuette’s Assistant Attorney General Nathan Gambill is arguing that Emergency Managers appointed by Gov. Rick Snyder are not “state officials”: The Michigan Court of Appeals is weighing legal arguments which may […]

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Even Michigan Republicans are forced to admit that the #TrumpTaxScam is raising the taxes of ordinary taxpayers

Even Michigan Republicans are forced to admit that the #TrumpTaxScam is raising the taxes of ordinary taxpayers

“[Republican] Gov. Rick Snyder proposed legislation Monday to offset what he said would amount to an unintended $1.5-billion annual tax increase for Michigan residents resulting from the recent federal tax reform package.” That’s the lead sentence in an article in the Detroit Free Press from yesterday titled “Snyder proposes plan to offset federal tax reform for Michigan taxpayers“. The article […]

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Rep. Dan Kildee: Congress must uphold its commitment to children and reauthorize CHIP

Rep. Dan Kildee: Congress must uphold its commitment to children and reauthorize CHIP

The health of nine million children is at risk, with even more at stake in hard-hit Flint. It’s bad enough that if Congress does not act to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), nine million lower-income children will lose the health insurance that allows them to see a doctor or go to the dentist. The problem is even worse […]

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