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Michigan Attorney General Bill “Shady” Schuette using tax dollars to run his campaign – Hatch Act violation complaint filed

Michigan Attorney General Bill “Shady” Schuette using tax dollars to run his campaign – Hatch Act violation complaint filed

It’s great to see the watchdogs watching the dogs. Anyone who has been paying attention to the political career of Michigan Attorney General Bill “Shady” Schuette knows that he’s been running for governor for decades. Each rung on his political ladder has been one more step toward his ultimate goal, at least so far as Michigan politics goes. For the […]

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Donnie wants to shut down the government and make America pay for it

Donnie wants to shut down the government and make America pay for it

This is how Democrats make it clear what we stand for Tammy Baldwin has every reason to be cautious. Republicans have already spent $3.1 million to unseat the first openly gay member of the U.S. Senate, “which is more than what all the other Democratic Senate incumbents on the ballot this year have faced combined,” according to the Huffington Post’s […]

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Don’t believe the GOP tax scam is a crime against workers? Ask some Republicans!

Don’t believe the GOP tax scam is a crime against workers? Ask some Republicans!

The reviews are in! The GOP went too far to help corporations in its new tax bill, says Marco Rubio, who voted for the bill after “winning” concessions that deliver $0.00 to $6.25 a month to some of America’s poorest families. “If I were king for a day, this tax bill would have looked different. I thought we probably went […]

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A Poem for Erica Garner

What becomes of the broken hearted? Ventricles rotted with despair Your father lost his air for us You shared your grief with us Y’all gave your lives for us A lineage of reluctant Ancestry Two bodies Deceased prematurely Molded out of tragedy Like Whitney and Bobby Kristina We grieve your tragic endings Though we watched you suffer publicly May the […]

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“Two North” – A true Christmas story

“Two North” – A true Christmas story

“Two North” is a story about a Christmas when I was in grade school during a period when my mom was spending time on the psychiatric ward of our town’s hospital after trying to commit suicide to escape a physically-abusive husband. I was thirteen. It was a cataclysmic event in our lives but it brought us together into a two-person […]

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There’s no good way to sell a tax cut that gives 3,223 times more to the richest than the poorest

There’s no good way to sell a tax cut that gives 3,223 times more to the richest than the poorest

5 reasons Trump’s tax scam won’t improve the GOP’s prospects Twas the night before the night before Christmas when Donald Trump did what villains in action movies are supposed to do. He interrupted the story to explain his evil plan. “You all just got a lot richer,” the president told the crowd at Mar-A-Lago, his for-profit club where he sells […]

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Pete “Yellow Girl” Hoekstra finds a new way to embarrass America: Gaslighting a reporter twice in one interview

Pete “Yellow Girl” Hoekstra finds a new way to embarrass America: Gaslighting a reporter twice in one interview

Wait, what…? People in Michigan won’t soon forget the man who arguably ran the most incompetent Senate campaign in our fine state’s history. His “Yellow Girl” Superbowl ad tanked his already lackluster campaign and then Hoekstra spent the next nine months digging the hole he was in deeper and deeper. In pure Trumpian fashion, Hoekstra has now ascended to the […]

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Congressional Republicans are hypocrites on the #TrumpTaxScam but few are as hypocritical as Tim Walberg from Michigan

Congressional Republicans are hypocrites on the #TrumpTaxScam but few are as hypocritical as Tim Walberg from Michigan

After the sugar buzz of last week’s election in Alabama, all of us got a bitter dose of reality with the FCC ending Net Neutrality and then last night’s this morning’s passage of an historic tax scam bill by Republicans in the Senate. Because House Speaker Paul Ryan is such a novice, the version House Republicans passed violated Senate rules […]

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NOT THE ONION: Michigan passes new law outlawing police having sex with hookers while working

NOT THE ONION: Michigan passes new law outlawing police having sex with hookers while working

In a move you wouldn’t think necessary, this past week Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed legislation into law that makes it illegal for undercover police officers to have sex with prostitutes while they are at work. No, I’m not kidding: Gov. Rick Snyder on Wednesday signed legislation officially outlawing police having sex with prostitutes on duty by removing an exemption […]

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Gov. Snyder disenfranchised over half of Black Michiganders, now says most of Detroit won’t have a Congressperson for nearly a year

Gov. Snyder disenfranchised over half of Black Michiganders, now says most of Detroit won’t have a Congressperson for nearly a year

In 2013, Michigan governor Rick Snyder imposed an Emergency Manager on the city of Detroit. With that move 49% of the African Americans in Michigan were without a democratically-elected local government. His appointed Emergency Manager was given full control over the city. This past week, Gov. Snyder continued his disenfranchisement of Detroiters when he chose the date of the special […]

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Wall Street may decide if Trump will get away with firing Mueller

Wall Street may decide if Trump will get away with firing Mueller

And those are the saddest words I’ve ever written I’ll say this until my face is as blue as California, or we’re in the middle of another Great Depression: There has never been a better argument for strict regulation of the financial sector than the way Wall Street has gone all in on Donald Trump. Of course, the endless streak […]

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