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The Educational Malpractice of Ms. Moskowitz

Elizabeth Green, the founder of “Chalkbeat,” an online education site, is out with a fawning, sycophantic puff piece on Eva Moskowitz, the leader of the Success Academy network of charter schools in New York City. Some of my favorite edubloggers have already responded with their thoughts (Peter Greene, aka Curmudgication; Mercedes Schneider here), so I’ll make my comments on this […]

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The #MeToo Backlash Is in Full Swing

The #MeToo Backlash Is in Full Swing

Hi, ladies*, I’m here to tell you that it’s OK to step away from the keyboard for a few days. It’s cool not to check Twitter and especially Facebook, where you’re supposed to be linked with your actual friends. Because it is a cesspool right now over the sexual harassment and abuse scandals in Washington, especially with two Democrats (U.S. […]

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I believe the women. Once you make that decision, hard choices about Al Franken & John Conyers become easier. Not easy. Easier.

I believe the women. Once you make that decision, hard choices about Al Franken & John Conyers become easier. Not easy. Easier.

Multiple women have accused soon-to-be former U.S. Senator Al Franken and former Congressman John Conyers, Jr. of sexually harassing them. Not one. Not two. MANY. These women are completely credible. None of them has anything to gain from this, financially or otherwise. In fact, they face withering attacks, many times from women which is one of the most heartbreaking parts […]

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Why doesn’t Trump want 4.5 million Americans to get insured for $0 a month?

Why doesn’t Trump want 4.5 million Americans to get insured for $0 a month?

Trump billionaire donors may not need health insurance but millions of his voters definitely do Seema Verma must be busy. She’s so busy trying to make it harder for Americans to get health insurance as the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, which also administers Obamacare, that she has done little-to-nothing to remind Americans that they should go […]

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Health insurance options for transgender people keep improving, despite Trump’s ACA sabotage attempts

Health insurance options for transgender people keep improving, despite Trump’s ACA sabotage attempts

New analysis from Out2Enroll shows that insurers are providing increasingly better coverage for transgender people. President Trump and his cronies have been trying desperately to sabotage Obamacare and trample on the rights of transgender people, belittling both in the process. But their despicable plans are not working. Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is going strong. And a new […]

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The GOP has to vote on Trump’s tax scam at least one more time. Here’s what you can do next.

The GOP has to vote on Trump’s tax scam at least one more time. Here’s what you can do next.

Call 202-224-3121 and backlash like you’ve never backlashed This isn’t over. You could say it hasn’t even started yet. Like you, I’ve been a bit dizzy with fury since Republicans passed the largest tax increase for workers in American history without reading it just a few hours after Trump’s first National Security Advisory and secret foreign agent pleaded guilty to […]

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Anti-net neutrality comments submitted included “false or misleading personal information” and nearly half a million from Russian email addresses

Anti-net neutrality comments submitted included “false or misleading personal information” and nearly half a million from Russian email addresses

From April 27th to August 30th of this year, the FCC received 21.7 million comments regarding rolling back net neutrality rules put in place during the Obama administration. These rules compel internet service providers to treat all content equally and prevent them from throttling or accelerating the loading of webpages based on how much money they were paid by the […]

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(photo by Tim Spannaus)

Anti-racism Organizing Has Staled

During this period in my life, I have found myself committed to participating in anti-racism organizing efforts that move beyond black people and other people of color trying to convince white people that they have privilege and white people admitting to that privilege. Those of us committed to anti-racism organizing need an entirely new conversation, one that has white people […]

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Here’s proof that if trickle down economics worked, we’d all be drowning in sweet, sweet trickle – TAKE ACTION TODAY!

Here’s proof that if trickle down economics worked, we’d all be drowning in sweet, sweet trickle – TAKE ACTION TODAY!

On our podcast this week, self-described zillionaire Nick Hanauer made it clear that trickle down economics is a concept used by the super-wealthy to convince themselves as well as all of us mere mortals that giving tax cuts to rich people will create more jobs and wealth for everyone. Unfortunately for them, as Hanauer says, “it just happens to not […]

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If you thought science was dead under George Bush, wait until you see what Trump is doing

If you thought science was dead under George Bush, wait until you see what Trump is doing

On January 20th, 2009, scientists (and anyone who values science) in the USA breathed a collective sigh of relief. After eight years of President George W. Bush, a Democratic president – Barack Obama – was taking over and science once again took its rightful place in American society as a force for good and an asset to policy making. It’s […]

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If we don’t stop the repeal of net neutrality, a few giant corporations will become the gatekeepers of the internet

If we don’t stop the repeal of net neutrality, a few giant corporations will become the gatekeepers of the internet

On February 26th, 2015, after an extensive comment period where 3.7 million comments were submitted, the FCC classified internet service providers (ISPs) as telecommunications providers and is subject to Title II of the Communications Act just like phone and cable service. This ensures that all everyone on the internet has equal access to content. There were lawsuits by the corporations […]

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