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Trump’s tax scam is a massive bailout for his rich adult sons paid for by you and your kids

Trump’s tax scam is a massive bailout for his rich adult sons paid for by you and your kids

Trump wants you to be so mad at minorities that you’ll give him and his kids your retirement. One thing most Americans agree on besides “pie is also good for breakfast” is that things are “rigged.” Elizabeth Warren used the metaphor to explain how we got into the financial crisis that cost America 8 million jobs and trillions in wealth. […]

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Top Snyder admin official accused of multiple crimes in the #FlintWaterCrisis tapped to lead Public Health Advisory Council

Top Snyder admin official accused of multiple crimes in the #FlintWaterCrisis tapped to lead Public Health Advisory Council

There’s one thing you can say about Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder: He has zero #$@&%*!s to give when it comes to how things look or are perceived by the public. Today we have Exhibit A in this regard: Gov. Snyder has appointed Michgan’s chief medical executive Dr. Eden Wells to lead the newly-formed Public Health Advisory Council: Gov. Rick Snyder […]

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Why it’s dangerous to expect a Democratic wave

Why it’s dangerous to expect a Democratic wave

The most unpopular new president in the history of polling is about to pass the most unpopular piece of legislation in generations. But who knows what happens next? Is there a better revenge story than Virginia? A George W. Bush Republican runs a Donald Trump campaign and get crushed like a guy who picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. […]

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This one’s for all the real men out there…

This one’s for all the real men out there…

It wasn’t enough that a candidate for the president of the United States was accused by a dozen or more women of sexual assault and harassment, assault and harassment that he actually confessed to. No, a powerful so-called “Hollywood liberal”, Harvey Weinstein, had to be the perpetrator before America began to really take this seriously. Since that moment, largely thanks […]

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Saving human lives is more important than killing deer

Saving human lives is more important than killing deer

As winter begins, the Ann Arbor City Council’s fixation on lawn care for the rich could have deadly consequences After losing $100,000 in funding last year, Ann Arbor’s Delonis Center homeless shelter was forced to close a floor full of beds that were badly needed. Meanwhile, the city is spending more than that to shoot local deer. You probably understand […]

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This pod could be your America

This pod could be your America

Could podcasts play a similar role in a 2018 wave election that AM radio did in 1994? There is an almost inappropriate roar of a crowd. It could be welcoming an aging boy band or an Avengers Comic Con panel. Instead, four former White House staffers and the one former Bernie Sanders flack take the stage of The National theater […]

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Roy Moore: Poster Child for Republican, Conservative, and Christian Values

Roy Moore: Poster Child for Republican, Conservative, and Christian Values

We’ve been seeing a lot of posts and news pieces lately about how Roy Moore, the alleged child molester about to be elected to the Senate from Alabama, does not represent the Republican Party, Christians, or even conservatives.   Well, it’s time to call this out for the lie it is. It may make conservatives, or Christians, feel better about […]

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Michigan nurses relieve 500 families of $1 million in medical debt

Michigan nurses relieve 500 families of $1 million in medical debt

This first-of-its-kind initiative in Michigan supports nurses’ call for hospital reforms to ease the burden of excessive medical bills. Nurses saves lives every day. And with a recent project spearheaded by Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) members at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, nurses saved patients across the state from financial ruin, clearing more than $1 million in medical debt for more […]

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Whose Truth is Marching On? A GOP Primer on Veracity

Whose Truth is Marching On? A GOP Primer on Veracity

As an academic who works in the world of words, it’s been by turns horrifying and fascinating watching Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore and his defenders try to rationalize his–alleged–history of sexual harassment, assault, inappropriate, and illegal (at the time–the statute of limitations now having expired) behavior with teenage girls. Given that Moore and most of his supporters in […]

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The Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee seems intent on driving away new and younger Democrats

The Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee seems intent on driving away new and younger Democrats

This afternoon there was a meeting of the Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee, the group that is essentially “the boss” of the Michigan Democratic Party. One of the items on the agenda was for the Executive Committee to vote in a new representative to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to replace someone who resigned. Two people were nominated. One […]

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ACTION NEEDED NOW – Michigan Republicans vote to allow guns in schools, daycare centers, bars, stadiums, & places of worship

ACTION NEEDED NOW – Michigan Republicans vote to allow guns in schools, daycare centers, bars, stadiums, & places of worship

Pistols in your preschools… In true Orwellian fashion, the author of legislation passed yesterday by the state Senate that allows guns to be carried in so-called “no-carry” or “no gun” zones, said that the church shooting in Texas this past week was actually an argument FOR loosening gun restrictions in Michigan: Despite outcry from Democrats and school groups, people could […]

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