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Zombie Education Reform Strategy #459

Zombie Education Reform Strategy #459

To save you from having to read this claptrap, I’m going to share the gist of a new “report” on teacher preparation programs from David Bergeron & Michael Dannenberg. Who the heck are these guys, you might ask? Well, our friend and Highly Effective Curmudgeon, Peter Greene, fills us in on their “credentials,” and it’s pretty much what we expected–they […]

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Foreclosure leech David Trott resigning from Congress. His work is done there, back to screwing over poor people.

Foreclosure leech David Trott resigning from Congress. His work is done there, back to screwing over poor people.

Before buying a seat in getting elected to Congress to “represent” the 11th Congressional District three years ago, David Trott was a quiet, unassuming parasitic leech on the jugular vein of society. He had built up a vertically integrated business where he got money from foreclosing on poor people’s homes every step of the way. Here’s how David Dayen described […]

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What do scared House Republicans know that we don’t?

What do scared House Republicans know that we don’t?

Three big retirements inch Dems towards taking 24 seats — could Upton and Trott be next? Make no mistake: Picking up the 24 seats Democrats need to flip the House in 2018 is going to be tough. It’s going to be tough because the GOP has gerrymandered America for its pleasure while building up massive campaign infrastructure that doesn’t take […]

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WARNING: Amidst our other disasters, Trump and the GOP still want to gut Medicaid by September 30

WARNING: Amidst our other disasters, Trump and the GOP still want to gut Medicaid by September 30

Category 4 Obamacare sabotage is also ongoing Some Conservatives feel as if secret liberal Donald Trump tricked them into not getting into a giant fight over Harvey disaster relief as Irma threatens much of Florida, but Trump’s assault on Obamacare and health care in general continues to be as Republican as hell. Trump has quietly let Obamacare's entire outreach budget […]

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HYPOCRISY ALERT: One Fair Wage campaign expects professional photographer to work for free during fundraiser

HYPOCRISY ALERT: One Fair Wage campaign expects professional photographer to work for free during fundraiser

If we don’t stand up for our progressive values, who will? Some blog posts are more difficult for me to write than others. This is one of them. “One Fair Wage” is a coalition of pro-worker organizations who are working to ensure that all workers are paid a fair wage. Yesterday they announced they will introduce a ballot proposal to […]

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My 3 favorite times the Trump family admitted Trump tried to obstruct justice

My 3 favorite times the Trump family admitted Trump tried to obstruct justice

Sure, they aren’t reliable witnesses but let’s take them at their word Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly has convened two Grand Juries and is employing several investigators as part of the investigation to the Trump campaign and administration ties to Russia. But all you need is access to internet, a television or a radio or to collect three key admissions […]

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Forget Russia, there are plenty of conservative groups pushing #FakeNews to get progressives fighting with each other

Forget Russia, there are plenty of conservative groups pushing #FakeNews to get progressives fighting with each other

There’s a lot of talk about Russian interference with our elections through bots and paid internet trolls spreading #FakeNews to through sand in the gears of the democratic process and the Democratic Party. However, there is plenty of classic ratfucking going on from conservatives masquerading a disgruntled Democrats and Sanders supporters or blatant fake progressive groups. In the latter category, […]

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6 reasons Trump can still pull off tax breaks for the rich

6 reasons Trump can still pull off tax breaks for the rich

If we can’t stop them The New Republic’s Brian Beutler has presented eight reasons why the GOP may be “too incompetent to cut taxes,” which would be like arguing that flies are too dizzy to find any excrement. You’re supposed to be able to do the one thing you exist to do. Here are 8 reasons why—if I had to […]

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If local governments don’t screw over their retirees, Michigan Republicans may just dissolve their city

If local governments don’t screw over their retirees, Michigan Republicans may just dissolve their city

While the attention of the country is focused on the our unhinged president and his cruel, heartless Republican Party that is scheming every day on how to cut the taxes of their super wealthy benefactors and destroy the social safety to pay for it, Michigan Republicans have other plans. Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof told The Detroit News this week […]

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How you can help defeat Trump’s latest desperate attempt to kill Obamacare

How you can help defeat Trump’s latest desperate attempt to kill Obamacare

Gutting ACA outreach will raise costs and cost lives — but it’s also a chance to prepare for the 2018 election Trump has never been less popular as president and Obamacare has never been more popular — ever. But in this gerrymandered, electoral college-d reality, popularity does not equal power. Trump is using every tool at his disposal to try […]

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Thinking about running for office in Michigan? Here are two training opportunities for YOU!

Thinking about running for office in Michigan? Here are two training opportunities for YOU!

If you are in Michigan and thinking about running for office in the next year, here are two training opportunities for you to consider. First off, we have the amazing Emerge Michigan folks who are dedicated to recruiting and training women to run for office and helping them WIN! Today is the first day to submit applications to be part […]

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