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Husks from avocados, normally discarded, yield plethora of medicinal compounds used to fight cancer & other illnesses

Husks from avocados, normally discarded, yield plethora of medicinal compounds used to fight cancer & other illnesses

Sometimes we need to take a break from politics to marvel at how badass science is. And, given the current situation, there’s no time like NOW! Plus I’m a scientist so I just can’t help myself. Last week, scientists from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley presented a paper at the 254th National Meeting & Exposition of the American […]

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Trump Supporters Are the Ones Living in a Bubble in Michigan

Trump Supporters Are the Ones Living in a Bubble in Michigan

After Donald Trump’s surprise victory last year, it became almost gospel with beltway pundits that liberals were living in a bubble. That’s been followed by a never-ending stream of profiles of Trump supporters (aka Real Americans) who — wouldn’t ya know it? — vowed to stick with him no matter what. Now given the fact that Trump’s win shocked most […]

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Koch-funded corporatist network reveals its long-term political strategy: Bust unions to defund Democrats

Koch-funded corporatist network reveals its long-term political strategy: Bust unions to defund Democrats

Long-term readers of this site probably know about the State Policy Network (SPN). This is the Koch brothers-funded network of state-based “think tanks” used to spread anti-worker, pro-corporate propaganda with the goal of changing policy and laws in states to favor businesses and to harm the positions of workers. Working with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Americans for Prosperity, […]

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Despite being maligned and disparaged by Trump, Mexico & a Canadian forest company are coming to Houston’s rescue

Despite being maligned and disparaged by Trump, Mexico & a Canadian forest company are coming to Houston’s rescue

The outpouring of support and help from around the country and around the globe to help the people living in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey is as astonishing as it is heartwarming. There are a couple that are worth noting because they are the least likely to want to do ANYTHING to help Donald Trump’s America. First, Mexico stands ready […]

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The failure of Emergency Management in Michigan proven once again, starring: The #FlintWaterCrisis

The failure of Emergency Management in Michigan proven once again, starring: The #FlintWaterCrisis

We’ve seen this movie before… Last month, disinfectant dispensing equipment that chlorinates the drinking water supply of Flint, Michigan ran dry, allowing untreated water to be distributed to city residents. According to documents obtained by MLive reporter Ron Fonger, a plant worker attributed the mistake to water plant staff members who are severely over-worked and under-paid: A Flint water plant […]

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Trump’s presidency depends on his tax breaks for the rich

Trump’s presidency depends on his tax breaks for the rich

This is when Democrats get to explain what they’re for — the people over the powerful After the horrors of Harvey, Congress will soon return to Washington D.C. and the fate of Donald Trump’s presidency will be decided by his ability to keep the government open, raise the debt limit and — most importantly — cut taxes for the rich. […]

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This is what we’re up against in 2018

This is what we’re up against in 2018

The worst and best news you’ve heard all week that  does not directly involve Donald Trump For a moment, let’s set aside everything Donald Trump is trying to do to make sure the GOP eventually loses the Latino vote the way it has lost African-American vote for the last half a century and focus on the most important issue of […]

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Yes, Trump’s diehard supporters just want to piss you off

Yes, Trump’s diehard supporters just want to piss you off

But let’s not pretend there are enough of them to keep him winning Pity the Obama supporter. After eight years, no one tried to understand you. There weren’t probing front-page profiles in the New York Times marveling at how Tamara Levine — an Esthetician loving life in Torrance, California — is still thrilled with her president, despite the failure of […]

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Our Movement Moment

The year 2017 has proven to be a year of movement nostalgia. From the 50th Anniversary of Dr. King’s Time to Break Silence speech, to the commemorations around the long hot summer of 1967 where rebellions sprung up all across the globe (most prominently in Detroit); to the ramping up of white counter-revolutionary forces and the reemergence of the Poor […]

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Let’s talk about apologies and do-overs…

Let’s talk about apologies and do-overs…

In the last week or so, we’ve seen two incidents that have generated an apology, and the apology’s evil twin, the do-over.   The second, and far less troubling, was the “adorable” social media rant unleashed by Louise Linton, the wife of Sec. of the Treasury Stephen Mnuchin. For those who haven’t seen it, here’s a quick summary:   Linton […]

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It’s time for Michigan Attorney General Schuette to shut down Enbridge Line 5 running under the Straits of Mackinac NOW

It’s time for Michigan Attorney General Schuette to shut down Enbridge Line 5 running under the Straits of Mackinac NOW

Native Americans protest Enbridge’s Line 5 in shadow of the Mackinac Bridge Under the Straits of Mackinac, just west of our iconic Mackinac Bridge, there is a set of two pipelines known as Line 5 which are owned by the Enbridge oil company. They were built in 1953, making them 64 years old this year, and before the Great Lakes […]

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