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I’ve Been Covering Politics for 16 Years. I’ve Never Seen Anything Like Trumpcare’s Collapse Last Night.

I’ve Been Covering Politics for 16 Years. I’ve Never Seen Anything Like Trumpcare’s Collapse Last Night.

I’ve been covering politics for 16 years and obsessively tracking current events since my high school goth phase. And I’ve never seen anything like I did last night when the U.S. Senate’s version of Trumpcare spectacularly went down. You couldn’t script a more dramatic scenario, with U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who survived five years in the Hanoi Hilton only […]

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Proof Bill Schuette is running for Gov: He’s finally doing his damn job, files charges in retired veterans abuse case

Proof Bill Schuette is running for Gov: He’s finally doing his damn job, files charges in retired veterans abuse case

Bill Schuette hasn’t filed paperwork to run for governor in Michigan yet but there are plenty of signs that he’s going to. For instance, he has already raised nearly $1.6 million. But the clearest evidence is that the man who has spent millions upon millions of our tax dollars to promote his extremist conservative views has finally started doing his […]

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We are pausing the third quarter Eclectablog fundraiser

We are pausing the third quarter Eclectablog fundraiser

I won’t lie to you: Since we started our fundraiser on Monday, we’ve gotten precisely ZERO donations. We get a couple thousand visitors every day, sometimes more, but it’s clear that folks are focused on other things. It’s our hope that those other things are defeating Trumpcare. So, given the situation as it is now, we’re going to pause the […]

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Governor Snyder, please, it’s time to show leadership in the debate over Trumpcare

Governor Snyder, please, it’s time to show leadership in the debate over Trumpcare

Dear Gov. Snyder, It’s no secret that I have been highly critical of you and your administration since you took office in 2010. However, I have lauded your decision to take advantage of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion and, because of it, hundreds of thousands of Michiganders now have health insurance that they wouldn’t have otherwise, most of whom […]

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Let’s help #Resistance artist Michael D’Antuono create mobile billboards to help get Trump impeached

Let’s help #Resistance artist Michael D’Antuono create mobile billboards to help get Trump impeached

Regular readers know that I’m a big (BIG!) fan of Michael D’Antuono’s artwork. And I want a wider audience to appreciate his contribution to The Resistance. He’s what some people call “The Norman Rockwell of The Resistance” and I agree. Michael has a new project and he needs our help. I’ll let him explain: I’m Michael D’Antuono, an artist and […]

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UPDATED: Michigan Gov. Snyder finally finds a tax cut to veto, one that would benefit people instead of corporations

UPDATED: Michigan Gov. Snyder finally finds a tax cut to veto, one that would benefit people instead of corporations

After happily signing countless tax breaks for corporations into law in Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder finally found one to veto. It’s one that would benefit actual Michiganders and not for-profit corporations: Gov. Rick Snyder vetoed on Tuesday a tax cut recently approved by the Michigan Legislature, saying the measure would put too much strain on the state’s budget. Snyder vetoed […]

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Don’t be distracted by Donald Trump, Kid Rock, or Russian hackers

Don’t be distracted by Donald Trump, Kid Rock, or Russian hackers

It’s easy to get distracted from what’s really important these days. Between the Daily Chaff™ that Donald Trump vomits into the mediasphere, the catnip of Russian collusion by him and members of his family and administration, and the possibility of second-tier “rock star” Kid Rock running for the U.S. Senate, there are a LOT of things in play that threaten […]

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Zombie #Trumpcare can still die – here’s how

Zombie #Trumpcare can still die – here’s how

It took bringing a man with a fresh diagnosis of brain cancer (for which he receives government-paid healthcare to fight) back to Washington, DC from 2,300 miles away in Arizona to do it but Mitch McConnell managed to open debate on Trumpcare this afternoon. It’s a bill that’s got only 12% support in counties that Trump himself won in 2016 […]

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It’s up to you: Help us help you

It’s up to you: Help us help you

A donation in any amount will help Team Eclectablog continue bringing you news you can use. We’re all in this together. Of course, I’m talking about anyone who didn’t vote for Donald Trump (and probably a few people who did, but now regret it). But I’m also talking about the work we do here at Eclectablog. You see, we literally […]

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Resistance takes many forms. What are YOU doing to #resist?

Resistance takes many forms. What are YOU doing to #resist?

Regular readers of the blog or listeners of the Sit and Spin Room podcast know that we are big on the Resistance these days. We recognize and exalt the import work being done by Indivisible Groups, NationalADAPT and their various chapters, and all the other incredible grassroots organizers who are changing the conversation when it comes to the debate about […]

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BE WARNED: If Trumpcare passes, it could save Trump’s presidency

BE WARNED: If Trumpcare passes, it could save Trump’s presidency

Millions of lives are on the line and so is Trump’s “Get Out of Mueller Free card” We’ve lived through this before — and it doesn’t end well. Trumpcare dies. The left gloats. It can’t pass! But in secret, “moderate” Republicans plot with the White House to find any excuse to get to “Yes,” even if — especially if! — […]

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