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Some want to watch the world burn, Donald Trump is lighting the match – headlines from July 20, 2017

Some want to watch the world burn, Donald Trump is lighting the match – headlines from July 20, 2017

This is nothing short of incredible: Those are six front page headlines from one of the country’s leading national newspapers, the Washington Post. I took the screenshots at around 10 p.m. last night. Donald Trump had a VERY busy day yesterday: Trump’s lawyers explore pardoning powers and ways to undercut Russia investigation Jeff Sessions says he plans to stay in […]

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Freedom is Medicare for All

Freedom is Medicare for All

Recently on the radio program Stateside, I argued that when it comes to message, Democrats need to do a better job of showing voters how core American values drive our policy ideas. Sounds great in the abstract, but the devil’s in how to execute, right? Well, on the issue of healthcare, here’s a powerful story from my neighbor and friend […]

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‘Single-payer healthcare is achievable’ says Cathy Myers, who wants Paul Ryan’s Congressional seat

‘Single-payer healthcare is achievable’ says Cathy Myers, who wants Paul Ryan’s Congressional seat

The Democrat is undaunted about the prospects of going toe-to-toe with Speaker Ryan — and providing healthcare to all Americans. Cathy Myers literally lives across the street from Rep. Paul Ryan in Janesville, Wisconsin, so she knows exactly who she’s up against. Not to mention having witnessed his many attempts to wrest healthcare coverage away from millions of Americans just […]

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The tea party’s silence on Trump shows their hypocrisy and true goal: the advancement of white people

The tea party’s silence on Trump shows their hypocrisy and true goal: the advancement of white people

The rise of the tea party was, according to their rhetoric, a response rising taxes and a government that had grown too big, too corrupt, and too bloated. Their very “freedom” was at stake, they claimed, because regulations, what the rest of us call “protections”, were strangling our collective American Dream. Donald Trump was never a tea party candidate. That […]

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I am a social justice organizer who enjoys introducing conferences and other social justice initiatives to my great city, Detroit. However, it’s more than just organizing. It’s a responsibility that I find as difficult as I find rewarding. Detroit is a city that is over 80% black. It is a city that was disinvested in for many decades and, in […]

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Ted Cruz’s plan to discriminate against the sick is so vile that insurers finally see their industry is at stake

Ted Cruz’s plan to discriminate against the sick is so vile that insurers finally see their industry is at stake

The insurance industry says it will lead to “widespread terminations of coverage” but it let Republicans get to this point In case you haven’t noticed, conservatives have already won the battle of Trumpcare. The new Senate bill has kept its massive cuts to Medicaid, which kicks 14-15 million off the program in the first decade and gets much worse in […]

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Concealed weapons for convicted stalkers? “What could go wrong?” House Republicans say

Concealed weapons for convicted stalkers? “What could go wrong?” House Republicans say

In early June, the Detroit Free Press published a terrifying story about a Michigan woman whose ex-husband has allegedly attempted, repeatedly, to solicit people to kill her while serving a prison sentence for stalking. Two days later, 59 members of the state House of Representatives voted to allow people who’ve been convicted of stalking to carry concealed weapons without even […]

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EXCLUSIVE interview with Congressman Dan Kildee on July 16 Indivisible Health Care Town Halls

EXCLUSIVE interview with Congressman Dan Kildee on July 16 Indivisible Health Care Town Halls

Michigan Indivisible groups to hold health care town halls in two districts where constituents want answers from their Republican representatives. It’s tempting to feel cynical about American politics right now. But if Congressman Dan Kildee still has faith in democracy, who are any of us to argue? After all, the Democratic Congressman from Flint, Michigan, has witnessed more than his […]

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State Democrats push for Health Care Bill of Rights to protect Michigan residents

State Democrats push for Health Care Bill of Rights to protect Michigan residents

With Republicans in Washington, D.C., determined to gut healthcare access for millions of Americans, Michigan Democrats want to secure state-level protections. As the push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act marches forward in the U.S. Senate, there’s one thing most Americans can agree on: They like the protections the ACA enshrined into law (even when you call the […]

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Where are the pro-Trumpcare rallies?

Where are the pro-Trumpcare rallies?

There was always more grassroots support for Obamacare than against it Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn wants 22 million American know that freedom is coming, thanks to Trumpcare. People won’t “lose” their insurance, he argued on Twitter, they’ll choose not to be insured. Fact checking Trump’s GOP is like trying to quell a fire with fertilizer — shit just explodes […]

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WARNING: If Trumpcare passes, it will be the worst version of Trumpcare

WARNING: If Trumpcare passes, it will be the worst version of Trumpcare

Mitch McConnell has admitted that the ACA is easily fixable; but that’s a threat, not a concession We know what it would have looked like if everything had gone wrong this week. The Senate would have quietly enjoyed its recess while leadership got close enough to a deal on Trumpcare that one small concession would have enough to engineer a […]

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