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Don’t let Trump’s Voter Suppression panel tactics disenfranchise YOU!

Don’t let Trump’s Voter Suppression panel tactics disenfranchise YOU!

The following post was written by Ingham County Clerk and former state legislator Barb Byrum. Enjoy. You may have first learned of the Trump Administration’s request for voter information from Susan Demas’ blog post. You have probably since learned that many states are denying the request either completely or partially. Michigan’s Secretary of State Ruth Johnson stated that her Office […]

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Dems latest PR push shows they still don’t get it on message

Dems latest PR push shows they still don’t get it on message

The overwhelming opinion of respected political thinkers across the country since the 2016 elections has been that Democrats need a better message. And now comes the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee trying out this new slogan: “I mean, have you seen the other guys?” Like many others, when I saw it I had to double check that I wasn’t reading a satirical […]

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In Michigan, working 103 days out of the year is considered a “full-time” legislature

In Michigan, working 103 days out of the year is considered a “full-time” legislature

Michigan gubernatorial candidate and Lt. Gov. Brian Calley is trying to prove his conservative cred by pushing for a part-time legislature. It’s not going well. He was forced to restart his petition drive to put a part-time legislature on the ballot in 2018, the year he himself will be on the ballot, when it was discovered that his plan would […]

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Lady Parts Justice League’s Vagical Mystery Tour brings entertainment and engagement to Detroit July 9

Lady Parts Justice League’s Vagical Mystery Tour brings entertainment and engagement to Detroit July 9

Get your tickets now to be part of all the fun and activism hosted by Lizz Winstead’s awesome repro rights organization. It’s a great time for a great cause. Lady Parts Justice League’s Vagical Mystery Tour hits the Magic Bag in Ferndale, Mich., on July 9 for an evening of comedy and camaraderie to raise awareness of reproductive rights and […]

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Michigan’s Republican leaders are legitimizing President Trump’s voter suppression commission

Michigan’s Republican leaders are legitimizing President Trump’s voter suppression commission

It is a sad irony that as we celebrate our ancestors’ independence from taxation without representation, our state and national leaders are working to impose the very same tyranny on us, the current citizens of the United States of America. President Trump has convened the Orwellian-named “Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity,” ostensibly to investigate voter fraud, which every legitimate […]

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It’s astounding how unpopular Trumpcare — but that doesn’t mean it will die

It’s astounding how unpopular Trumpcare — but that doesn’t mean it will die

Republican voters hate it but Republican donors love it   A new poll from the The Analyst Institute finds that EVEN REPUBLICANS reject the Senate’s Trumpcare bill following the Congressional Budget Office score showing it uninsuring 22 million, including 4 million with employer insurance, while cutting Medicaid by 26 percent in the first decade. (A follow-up report showed that those Medicaid […]

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There’s No Way Ruth Johnson Should Turn over Private Voter Information to Trump Commission

There’s No Way Ruth Johnson Should Turn over Private Voter Information to Trump Commission

Voting is a sacred act and for many people, it remains a private one. That will change under President Trump’s Election Integrity Commission. The commission chaired by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and Vice President Mike Pence is charged with investigating voter fraud. The problem is that this is not a widespread problem, no matter what Trump tweets. The Washington Post […]

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In Gov. Snyder’s Flint oversight board’s decision on a tax lien moratorium, more than just finances are at stake

In Gov. Snyder’s Flint oversight board’s decision on a tax lien moratorium, more than just finances are at stake

The following essay was written by Dr. Ben Pauli, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor of Social Science in the Department of Liberal Studies at Kettering University in Flint. Enjoy. In a special meeting on May 17, the Flint City Council voted to approve a one-year moratorium on the city’s practice of putting tax liens on properties for overdue water bills. A […]

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UPDATED: Gov. Rick Snyder’s #FlintWaterCrisis round-up – Flint is still under occupation by the State of Michigan

UPDATED: Gov. Rick Snyder’s #FlintWaterCrisis round-up – Flint is still under occupation by the State of Michigan

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s Flint Water Crisis continues apace with Flint residents still being told that their drinking water is completely safe but that they should not drink it without filtering it first. First we have gubernatorial candidate (and state attorney general) Bill Schuette telling reporters that he’s not going to charge Gov. Snyder in his investigation, at least not […]

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Trump’s Golden Goose Egg –> Killing the fastest growing energy sector: renewable energy

Trump’s Golden Goose Egg –> Killing the fastest growing energy sector: renewable energy

Yesterday the Trump administration put out a press release titled “President Donald J. Trump Unleashes America’s Energy Potential”. In it, the release describes how Trump has done this: Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord Rescinding the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan Fast-tracking approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline Ending the Obama Administration’s coal leasing moratorium on Federal land Rescinding the […]

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Use personal stories to remind Republicans of the devastating cost of their healthcare bill

Use personal stories to remind Republicans of the devastating cost of their healthcare bill

Fems for Change is using stories to make sure their elected officials understand that the Republican healthcare bill is life-or-death legislation. You can do the same. By all accounts, Republicans just don’t care. They don’t care that their healthcare legislation will leave 22 million Americans without health insurance. They don’t care that people will die. They don’t even seem to […]

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