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If America understood how Trumpcare devastates Medicaid, there would be riots in nursing home TV rooms

If America understood how Trumpcare devastates Medicaid, there would be riots in nursing home TV rooms

We need a Fox News of the left. But all we have is you. Medicaid is the biggest health insurance provider in America, covering more than 70 million with per capita spending growth that is lower than private insurers and even Medicare. But if you think Obamacare is hard to explain, you probably have never attempted to describe Medicaid. Our […]

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Photo Credit: Anne Savage

URGENT: Tony Trupiano has been there for us for years. Now it’s time for us to be there for him.

Anyone who has read Eclectablog for any amount of time knows Eclectablogger Tony Trupiano. But Tony has been far more than an Eclectablogger in his day. He had nationally-syndicated radio show, another radio show based out of Detroit, and he’s been a proud proponent and activist on the behalf of working people and laborers for many, many years. Simply put, […]

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Why Are the Media Ignoring Stories about the Millions Impacted by Trumpcare?

Why Are the Media Ignoring Stories about the Millions Impacted by Trumpcare?

If you haven’t heard Jordan Acker’s story, it won’t take long. In just 16 tweets last weekend, the Huntington Woods dad and attorney revealed how a bad drug reaction shut down his liver. Thankfully, he recovered, but it left him a pre-existing condition. And under Trumpcare, he and millions of others with pre-existing conditions will be paying more for health […]

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5 ways Senate Trumpcare is an assault on your freedom

5 ways Senate Trumpcare is an assault on your freedom

And it’s really going to happen… unless we can raise holy hell The Senate GOP released its secret Trumpcare bill on Thursday, ending the most secretive and undemocratic process used to craft a large-scale reform in modern American history. But that’s not the story that really matters now. The story that really matters is this is all a charade. Mitch […]

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It’s “do or die” time to stop Trumpcare and save healthcare for millions

It’s “do or die” time to stop Trumpcare and save healthcare for millions

Join Democratic Senators in pushing back against the disastrous Republican healthcare bill. It’s coming down to just a few days — and a few votes. That was the message from Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer to a group of healthcare advocates assembled on an emergency call by Families USA today. In fact, he said, “Do or die weekend is this […]

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AG Schuette’s staff busted editing online docs to cover-up potential illegal acts while on taxpayer time

AG Schuette’s staff busted editing online docs to cover-up potential illegal acts while on taxpayer time

Government officials working to cover up questionable behavior is as old as politics itself but it’s rare to catch them boldly doing it in real time. That, however, is exactly what Progress Michigan staff did during a recent investigation into what appears to be improper use of private emails to do government business and possibly doing political work while at […]

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STOP RETWEETING TRUMP and two other things you must do to help stop Trumpcare

STOP RETWEETING TRUMP and two other things you must do to help stop Trumpcare

The Senate GOP wants to uninsure 23 million and wreck employer insurance by the end of June. Here’s how to stop helping them. Republicans aren’t just ruthless. They’re good at being ruthless. If they can, they will insure 23 million people by the end of June. They will end Medicaid as you know it. They will raise the uninsured rate […]

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Barb Byrum Talks Michigan Elections and Hacking Concerns

Barb Byrum Talks Michigan Elections and Hacking Concerns

In the midst of the bombardment of news about the U.S. Senate’s secret health care bill, the Michigan Legislature whacking teachers (again) and President Trump lashing out about the FBI’s Russia investigation, it’s easy to overlook some revelations about Russia’s attempt to hack our electoral systems last year. First, there was the Intercept’s blockbuster story about a top-secret NSA report […]

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University of Michigan addresses skyrocketing tuition costs with free tuition for families making under $65K a year

University of Michigan addresses skyrocketing tuition costs with free tuition for families making under $65K a year

It’s no secret that the soaring cost of higher education has ensured that many students simply cannot afford to go to a major university. And while there’s no shame in going to a community college or not going to college at all, a university degree opens doors and provides opportunities that community colleges and other paths simply do not. This […]

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Gov. Snyder faces fierce criticism after his defense of admin officials charged with manslaughter in #FlintWaterCrisis

Gov. Snyder faces fierce criticism after his defense of admin officials charged with manslaughter in #FlintWaterCrisis

In the wake of manslaughter and other charges being filed against five people involved in the Flint Water Crisis, including two current members of his administration, Gov. Rick Snyder issued the following statement: Gov. Rick Snyder’s statement in support of DHHS Director Nick Lyon and Dr. Eden Wells Wednesday, June 14, 2017 LANSING, Mich. – Gov. Rick Snyder issued the […]

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UPDATED x2: Snyder administration officials facing manslaughter charges over #FlintWaterCrisis but Snyder himself can’t be sued

UPDATED x2: Snyder administration officials facing manslaughter charges over #FlintWaterCrisis but Snyder himself can’t be sued

Big news out of Flint this morning. Attorney General Bill Schuette has filed charges against two current and two former Snyder administration officials and one former Flint official. Michigan Health and Human Services Director Nick Lyon is being charged with felony charges of involuntary manslaughter and misconduct in office. Four others, including former Emergency Manager Darnell Earley, are also facing […]

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