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Republican Congressman Tim Walberg isn’t worried about global climate change because God “can take care of it”

Republican Congressman Tim Walberg isn’t worried about global climate change because God “can take care of it”

Don’tchyoo worry ’bout a thing… While scientists warn us of the coming calamities that will result from the inexorable progression of global climate change, Republican Congressman Tim Walberg (MI-07) isn’t worried. He’s not worried about the famines or the loss of coastal cities or the flooding or the droughts or any of that. Why? Because, even though Tim Walberg believes […]

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Just bug a Senator

Just bug a Senator

The one thing you have to do this week: Call a Senator OR share this with someone who should. Subscribe to One Thing These are the people who will decide if the Senate will pass some version of the House’s American Health Care Act, which will uninsure 23 million and drive premiums as high as 800 percent higher for people […]

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Michigan Republicans solve problem of open gun carrying without a permit/training by making it worse. Much, much worse.

Michigan Republicans solve problem of open gun carrying without a permit/training by making it worse. Much, much worse.

There’s a messed-up loophole in Michigan’s gun laws that makes it legal to open-carry a firearm without the need for training or a permit. If you carry a concealed weapon, training and a permit are required by law. Republicans have decided now is the time to correct this discrepancy but their approach is to make it worse. Much, much worse: […]

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Ethically-challenged Republican Rep. Trott introduces law to compel ethics training for members of Congress

Ethically-challenged Republican Rep. Trott introduces law to compel ethics training for members of Congress

Republican Congressman and multi-millionaire David Trott from Michigan’s 11th Congressional District is arguably one of the most ethically-challenged members of the U.S. House of Representatives. He made millions of dollars building a vertically-integrated foreclosure business that drew national attention when he threw a 101-year old Detroit woman out of her home tossing her life-saving medications into a dumpster. His foreclosure […]

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Trumpcare may be easier to kill than Obamacare

Trumpcare may be easier to kill than Obamacare

THIS WEEK we’ll find out which is more likely to survive — you or TrumpCare As you know, Republicans are trying to maim the Affordable Care Act in order to justify putting it to sleep. .@ChrisMurphyCT explains how Obamacare isn’t dying — Trump is purposefully killing it — NowThis (@nowthisnews) May 25, 2017 The Trump Administration seems also on […]

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Rob Quist could give the GOP a major Trumpscare

Rob Quist could give the GOP a major Trumpscare

Here are three actions you can take this week, usually while only wearing your underwear. Subscribe to 3 Asses to Click We Will Be Outspent We can still grab the GOP by Tom Price and Ryan Zinke’s seats A lot is made of how much money Democrats have been able to raise lots of grassroots money to support Rob Quist and […]

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The “Brave New World” of Teacher Evaluation

Just when you think the masters of the universe who run the corporate reform movement can’t be even more clueless, you catch wind of the newest effort to turn education into a profit-generating endeavor–this time, a hare-brained scheme to evaluate student teachers, by…and I swear I’m not making this up…observing them as they pretend to teach…wait for it…a fake “classroom” […]

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Republican spending bill passed this month equates the burning of wood with solar and wind energy sources

Republican spending bill passed this month equates the burning of wood with solar and wind energy sources

One small section of a 798-page bill titled the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017” was clearly written by lobbyists for the forest products industry. Buried on page 366 is this statement: To support the key role that forests in the United States can play in addressing the energy needs of the United States, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Agriculture, […]

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Trump breaks another promise and goes after Social Security

Trump breaks another promise and goes after Social Security

Inventing new ways to punish the vulnerable to pay off the rich This week we’ll find out how much crueler the House version of Trumpcare has become after Michigan Republican Fred Upton enabled the bill to pass by signing on to its provision to let states opt out of guaranteed health benefits and protections that prevent insurers charging Americans with […]

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This is why we have to focus on killing TrumpCare before it kills us

This is why we have to focus on killing TrumpCare before it kills us

Trump just gave us a chance to save health insurance for 24 million Americans Thanks to Donald Trump’s decision to step on every available rake in front of him, there is now a special counsel investigating the president’s possible collusion with Russian meddling in our election, which obviously happened because you watched much of it happen on TV. Now someone […]

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3 Asses to Click

3 Asses to Click

Welcome aboard for our first weekly email where we humbly present three actions you can take this week, usually while wearing your underwear. Subscribe to 3 Asses to Click TrumpCare Still Cometh– Contact your Senators about ACKaH NOW History is about to repeat itself  Let your Senators know that they must do everything they can to slow down TrumpCare so […]

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