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How Trump’s mayhem and corruption will help him take 24 million Americans’ insurance

How Trump’s mayhem and corruption will help him take 24 million Americans’ insurance

Here’s why I worry about the idea that some secret investigation is going to save us Jonathan Cohn has a can’t miss post you need to read right now because it clearly explains how the Senate GOP’s plan could end up looking very much like the House GOP’s plan to uninsure 24, gut Medicaid, rob Medicare, drive up costs for […]

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Important update about the 2017 Eclectablog fundraiser & live podcast recording wsg Debbie & John Dingell

Important update about the 2017 Eclectablog fundraiser & live podcast recording wsg Debbie & John Dingell

It’s been a bit of a rough go with the fundraiser this year. As of last night we were down $5,000 in sponsorships from last year. And I was hoping to be significantly UP from last year so that we could upgrade our podcast equipment. But, as I told one of our sponsors, our opponents are legion and highly effective. […]

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The media’s infatuation with “data”, and why it’s so wrong

The media’s infatuation with “data”, and why it’s so wrong

The Hartford Courant recently published a stunningly uninformed editorial on the Connecticut State Board of Education’s decision to eliminate the use of student test scores in teacher evaluations–a move widely praised by most of the education community. The Courant’s position was clear–and a blend of equal parts ignorance and arrogance: The state Board of Education recently agreed not to include […]

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Don’t expect regret: Republicans are Trump’s very willing accomplices

Don’t expect regret: Republicans are Trump’s very willing accomplices

Trump is letting conservatives play out 50 years of sick fantasies We’re nearing the point of no return. The firing of James Comey as an obvious means of obstructing a Russia investigation that had been picking up steam (and hoping to pick up more prosecutors) was met with slightly peaked “concerns about the timing” from a few Republicans. But most […]

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Privatized prison food vendor employee caught having sex with an inmate. Again. And serving rotting food. Again.

Privatized prison food vendor employee caught having sex with an inmate. Again. And serving rotting food. Again.

Gov. Rick Snyder is determined to prove that privatizing critical state services is a big money saver for the state. What his spreadsheets and dashboards fail to take into account are the unseen and unbudgeted prices paid when those private for-profit groups fail to act professionally. First it was Aramark who got busted for: Running out of food Making unauthorized […]

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Flint residents face losing their homes for not paying (poisoned) water bills in #FlintWaterCrisis

Flint residents face losing their homes for not paying (poisoned) water bills in #FlintWaterCrisis

As bad as things are in Flint, Michigan – and they are REALLY BAD – in the past couple of weeks, they’ve gotten far, far worse. With the state of Michigan no longer subsidizing the city residents’ water bills having declared the water there now “safe” (it’s not), the city has now started charging residents again. Keep in mind that […]

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Gig Economy Graphic | by Senator Mark Warner

Beware the “Gig Economy” version of education

A recent blog post by Morna McDermott at connects the dots between the recent surge in popularity of the new “Gig Economy” and unsavory influences from the usual suspects in the corporate education reform agenda, ALEC and Pearson. McDermott points out the K12 aspects of this connection (i.e., Competency Based Education (CBE) as an “alternative” to actual classroom learning, […]

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Progress Michigan sues Michigan AG Bill Schuette for violation of FOIA law & use of personal email for state business

Progress Michigan sues Michigan AG Bill Schuette for violation of FOIA law & use of personal email for state business

In the course of reviewing emails obtained from Michigan Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette in response to a Freedom of Information Act request last year, staff at Progress Michigan, Michigan’s primary progressive watchdog group, found nearly two dozen emails originating from the private email accounts of Schuette and some of his top staff. Based on this proof that they were […]

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Three Democratic proposals for improving Obamacare that Republicans refuse to hear

Three Democratic proposals for improving Obamacare that Republicans refuse to hear

Congressman Dan Kildee refutes the lie Republicans keep pedaling in their scheme to shove their terrible healthcare legislation through Congress. A popular Republican talking point is the false notion that Democrats have not offered any suggestions for improving the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or Obamacare). That way, they can claim that the only way to fix the ACA is to repeal […]

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Secretary Betsy DeVos at CPAC 2017 Feburary 23rd 2017 by Michael Vadon

Betsy DeVos flip-flops on school choice

What happens when the evidence showing that vouchers do not improve student learning, or “fix failing schools”, becomes too obvious to ignore? Well, if you’re Betsy DeVos, you just flip the rhetoric (i.e., lie). Just as Ms. DeVos and President Donald Trump are poised to dump $20 billion into a federal voucher program, a new study shows that students receiving […]

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Congressman Dan Kildee calls out Republicans on “cynical legislative ploys” of AHCA

Congressman Dan Kildee calls out Republicans on “cynical legislative ploys” of AHCA

The Congressman from Flint, Michigan, explains why the American Health Care Act isn’t really about healthcare at all. By now, you’ve surely seen it: The beer bash at the White House where House Republicans jubilantly celebrated robbing an estimated 24 million Americans (and counting) of their health insurance after their “repeal and replace” vote on the American Health Care Act […]

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