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22nd Annual PTO Conference comes to Detroit

22nd Annual PTO Conference comes to Detroit

The 22nd Annual Pedagogy & Theatre of the Oppressed Conference (PTO) will be held in Detroit, Michigan from June 1st – 4th and Detroiters can attend the entire conference for just $30! The PTO conference will be in Detroit commemorating the 50th Anniversary of 1967 Detroit Rebellion and Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech, Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence – […]

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Myths and facts about opting out of standardized tests

Myths and facts about opting out of standardized tests

We have a saying in Michigan: There’s really only 3 seasons in our state: Winter, summer, and Road Construction season! To that I would sadly add a fourth: Testing season. And we are now firmly entrenched in the middle of this, the worst season of all in our neck of the woods. I’ve been seeing high levels of anxiety, stress, […]

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To save the ACA, don’t mourn — rage

To save the ACA, don’t mourn — rage

The fight to save health insurance for millions has just begun I can’t say it better than Ben Winkler from MoveOn.Org so here it is: [View the story “The House GOP has replaced the ACA with tax breaks for the rich” on Storify]

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Multi-millionaire Republican David Trott wants you to believe deregulating Wall Street banks will set you free

Multi-millionaire Republican David Trott wants you to believe deregulating Wall Street banks will set you free

In what can only be described as a laughable op-ed in The Detroit News today, multi-millionaire Republican and Foreclosure King David Trott attempts to portray a Republican bill to roll back consumer financial protections under Dodd-Frank and kneecap the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a federal bureau that has “won almost $12 billion in refunds and relief for an estimated […]

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Retiring Michigan DEQ official: Flint residents hurt more by “hype” than their poisoned water

Retiring Michigan DEQ official: Flint residents hurt more by “hype” than their poisoned water

Anyone who listened to our podcast interview with Flint activist Melissa Mays knows that having their drinking water poisoned with the powerful neurotoxin lead is only part of the ongoing catastrophe they continue to deal with three years after the switch to the Flint River. In addition to elevated lead levels, residents are still experiencing skin rashes, bacteria-related respiratory infections […]

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This is why TrumpCare could pass the House — unless you stop it

This is why TrumpCare could pass the House — unless you stop it

Tuesday is National Death to TrumpCare Day. Call 866-426-2631 and be a lifesaver. Despite little evidence of that it’s swaying anyone, Trump’s White House wants a vote on the new, even more deadly version of TrumpCare this week and it could come down to just a few votes. We explained why on this week’s The Sit and Spin Room but […]

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Wind energy passed hydroelectric in 2016, became the 4th largest source of U.S. electricity, employs over 100K workers

Wind energy passed hydroelectric in 2016, became the 4th largest source of U.S. electricity, employs over 100K workers

While the world was reeling and dealing with the outcome of the November 2016, an election won by a man who claims to value jobs over the environment and the climate, wind energy was quietly sneaking into fourth place as the source of electricity in America. In 2016, for the first time, wind energy became the leading source of renewable […]

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Why do conservative extremists have it in for Planned Parenthood?  The answer may surprise you.

Why do conservative extremists have it in for Planned Parenthood? The answer may surprise you.

The following essay was written by my friend Desiree Cooper. Desiree is the author of Know the Mother, a freelance writer, and the former Communications Director for Planned Parenthood of Michigan. Enjoy. Birth control is a no-brainer. Americans have agreed that family planning is a good thing as far back as 1936, when Gallup first asked whether Americans favor the […]

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Steven Johnson, Christian hypocrite

Michigan Republican whose “Christian beliefs shape his worldview” votes to deny Flint federal funds for #FlintWaterCrisis

The effort to bring federal dollars into Flint to help them deal with the Republican-made catastrophe that poisoned their drinking water with the powerful neurotoxin lead has been long and arduous, primarily because Republicans themselves did everything they could to make the path long and arduous. First, it took nearly a year for Republican members of Congress to even pass […]

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What you need to know about accountability, tests, and music

What you need to know about accountability, tests, and music

In the past couple of days I’ve seen a number of troubling statements about education and policy-related issues, like standardized testing, from a variety of political leaders. And I keep coming back to the same word to describe how I feel after reading their ideas about the state of public education. Disappointed. One of these statements was from a hopeful […]

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Punishing people with pre-existing conditions is a national disgrace

Punishing people with pre-existing conditions is a national disgrace

House Republicans continue to show their true, cruel colors with the latest amendment to their bill to gut Obamacare. [NOTE: This post was written when the House was debating the AHCA, but it remains true about every Republican attempt to repeal the ACA.] I’m sick of being a pawn in the Republican game of repeal and replace. I’m sick of […]

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