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Holocaust Remembrance Day is good day to stop acting like a fascist

Holocaust Remembrance Day is good day to stop acting like a fascist

Trump’s long-awaited platitudes mean nothing if his administration continues its propaganda wars At my Hebrew School, every day felt like Holocaust Remembrance Day. My first teacher in my first year of Bar Mitzvah preparation was a survivor of a camp, I never found out which one. We’d seen her tattoo and I noticed her occasionally brushing her fingers against it. […]

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Detroit’s water system and the roots of the Flint Water Crisis

Detroit’s water system and the roots of the Flint Water Crisis

The following guest post was written by Dennis L. Green, a retired certified Professional Engineer from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD). Dennis graduated from Cass Technical High School’s Electrical program in 1963 and received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Lawrence Tech in 1969. After graduation, Dennis went to work for the Detroit Water Department, Engineering […]

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Announcing our first round of Eclectablog fundraiser party sponsors! You should join them!

Announcing our first round of Eclectablog fundraiser party sponsors! You should join them!

I’m pleased to announce our first round of sponsors for the 2017 Eclectablog fundraising party. These folks have stepped up to make sure we can continue our good work and to keep growing, all the more important during this crisis time in America. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor – and many of our sponsors are individuals as […]

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Bernie Sanders Kicks off Big Debate over Reproductive Rights

Bernie Sanders Kicks off Big Debate over Reproductive Rights

The Democratic Party is a big-tent party, which I think is one of its strengths. And I’m not a big fan of one-size-fits-all litmus tests. But Bernie Sanders’ decision to endorse and champion Omaha mayoral candidate Heath Mello, who opposes abortion rights, and question the progressive cred of Jon Ossoff, the rising (pro-choice) star running for Congress in Georgia, has […]

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Turning Michigan blue again: Dem proposal for a graduated income tax is precisely what they should be fighting for

Turning Michigan blue again: Dem proposal for a graduated income tax is precisely what they should be fighting for

In March of 2015, Michigan Democrat Jim Townshend introduced legislation in the House – House Bill 4341 – that would change Michigan’s regressive flat state income tax to a graduated tax. Not surprisingly, it never went anywhere in the Republican-controlled House. And that’s a shame because, if implemented, it would increase state tax revenues by as much as $700,000,000 $870,000,000 […]

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This is why Democrats need to start talking about impeachment now

This is why Democrats need to start talking about impeachment now

The time to make the case that Trump is corrupt and abusing his power is now Verily, I tell you: Democrats need to call for Donald Trump’s impeachment, despite the false hopes it might arouse, and they need to do it now. I’ve been insisting that Democrats need to talk about impeachment since late February, despite knowing it’s not even […]

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An Easter PHOTOdiary: Peeps & global warming

An Easter PHOTOdiary: Peeps & global warming

It’s Easter Sunday and that can mean only one thing: it’s time for the annual repost of our Peeps® post. However, before we get into that, today is the last day of our first quarter fundraiser. It’s been an rather quiet week on the fundraiser front, something that is a little dismaying. Our costs here at Eclectablog increase each year […]

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Closing schools is not an educational option

Closing schools is not an educational option

The suggestion that the solution to poorly performing students is simply closing schools is merely following what has become a common trope in the corporate education reform community–the notion that “the problems” in education can be solved simply by, variously, “getting rid of the bad teachers“, converting public schools to charter schools, continuously raising standards, or increasing the amount of […]

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Hope is cute, words are nice, action is required: The many facets of resistance and getting in the way

Hope is cute, words are nice, action is required: The many facets of resistance and getting in the way

I’ll be blunt: we live in a time where the moral imperative is that we resist the decline of our country toward fascism with everything we have. It’s no longer enough to talk about politics over beers or coffee with our pals. It’s no longer enough to post fun memes on Facebook. The time is at hand for actual action. […]

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Detroit Joins Hundreds of Thousands to March for Climate Justice

Detroit Joins Hundreds of Thousands to March for Climate Justice

Three years ago, I was fortunate enough to join nearly 400,000 people in New York City for what has been called the “largest climate-change demonstration in history.” I was in NYC with water warrior, Monica Lewis Patrick of We the People of Detroit to attend the climate march and facilitate a workshop on water at the Church Center for the […]

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The cost of independent journalism vs. the costs of living WITHOUT independent journalism

The cost of independent journalism vs. the costs of living WITHOUT independent journalism

Would you pay 20¢ a day to make sure independent journalism survives? Then you should. I don’t generally refer to myself as a journalist. That said, there have been times when we have engaged in some dead serious journalism here at Eclectablog. During a time when commentators around the country were justifying and excusing the anti-democratic power grab known as […]

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