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Trump puts anti-LGBT activist in charge of civil rights office at Health and Human Services

Trump puts anti-LGBT activist in charge of civil rights office at Health and Human Services

Roger Severino has actively fought LGBT equality, including provisions of the Affordable Care Act that protect LGBT people and others. While we were busy trying to thwart the terrible American Health Care Act (AHCA) last week, President Trump was quietly appointing a terrible Director of the Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS/OCR): Roger […]

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Trump administration prepares to “run [government] like a great American company”, an approach that failed epically in Michigan

Trump administration prepares to “run [government] like a great American company”, an approach that failed epically in Michigan

When Rick Snyder became the governor of Michigan in 2011, he famously labeled the citizens of Michigan as “customers” and set about to run the state “like a business”. This approach to governing has had tragic impacts on our state. In their fervor to save money, the corporatists that run our state have driven our education system into the ground […]

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Go Ahead and Celebrate the Massive Failure of Trumpcare

Go Ahead and Celebrate the Massive Failure of Trumpcare

There’s been some finger-wagging that liberals shouldn’t be cheering the Republicans’ huge defeat on Trumpcare. As everyone knows, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) didn’t actually put the bill up to a vote because it was doomed by defections from moderate Republicans and Freedom Caucus members alike. And President Trump didn’t know the bill well enough to whip votes, Politico Magazine […]

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Kalamazoo schools closure is proof paid sick policies are needed

Kalamazoo schools closure is proof paid sick policies are needed

The following guest post was written by Jenny Doezema, a Kalamazoo resident who sends her children to Kalamazoo Public Schools. Enjoy. Earlier this month, Kalamazoo schools were closed when more than 1,900 students fell ill on the same day. The district closed all schools on a Friday to allow them to disinfect the school buildings over a long weekend. Other […]

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Trump scandals I had to ignore to focus on health care for two days

Trump scandals I had to ignore to focus on health care for two days

Just a snapshot of the insanity of about 40 hours in the Trump era We constantly talk about how we have to exist on two tracks — one that pretends that we have a functioning democracy and another where rising authoritarian kleptocracy is doing its best to help excuse Russia’s meddling in our election. So in the lead up to […]

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Happy birthday, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Happy birthday, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Seven years ago today, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Hussein Obama: Thank you to President Obama, every Democrat who voted for it, every organization that advocated for it, and, most importantly, every grassroots organizer and activist that worked to get it passed. Meanwhile, sorry this dick move didn’t work out for […]

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Republican “healthcare” plan will create thousands more unwanted pregnancies while reducing prenatal/newborn care

Republican “healthcare” plan will create thousands more unwanted pregnancies while reducing prenatal/newborn care

On our podcast this week, LOLGOP and I discussed this topic but, in light of recent developments, it bears more discussion. First, we got news from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) scoring of the Republican “healthcare” plan – the American Health Care Act (AHCA) [note the missing word: “affordable”] – that, if it is passed and the Affordable Care […]

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[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

This. Is. Not. Normal.

[NOTE: This post will be updated on a regular basis.] It is not normal that a candidate for President of the United States of America created childish nicknames for his opponents and political adversaries like “Lyin’ Ted”, “Little Marco”, “Crooked Hillary”, and “Pocahontas”. It is not normal that a candidate for President of the United States would pause his campaign […]

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Constituent meeting uncovers lies Rep. Dave Trott has told about GOP healthcare plan

Constituent meeting uncovers lies Rep. Dave Trott has told about GOP healthcare plan

Reported here first, U.S. Congressman Dave Trott is caught trying to fool constituents about the American Health Care Act and proves his ignorance about the Affordable Care Act. Ed Weberman has been trying to get a meeting with his Congressman, Dave Trott, for months. Thanks to his persistence, Weberman was successful, traveling to Washington, D.C., on March 21 to meet […]

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Who knew health care could be so complicated? — a brief history lesson from @JohnDingell

Who knew health care could be so complicated? — a brief history lesson from @JohnDingell

The Godfather of Universal Health Care puts the debate about uninsuring 24 million Americans in context [View the story “Who knew health care could be so complicated?” on Storify]

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Local Michigan non-discrimination ordinance being challenged by notorious Jackson bigot

Local Michigan non-discrimination ordinance being challenged by notorious Jackson bigot

In early February of this year, the City Council in Jackson, Michigan approved a non-discrimination ordinance (NDO) that prohibits discrimination against anyone for housing, employment, or public accommodation based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It’s essentially a move that extends basic civil rights provided to most Michiganders under the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to Michigan citizens in the LGBTQ […]

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