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HOT MIC MOMENT: Millionaire Republican Rep. Trott & team plan to portray constituents as “un-American” after townhall (UPDATED x4)

HOT MIC MOMENT: Millionaire Republican Rep. Trott & team plan to portray constituents as “un-American” after townhall (UPDATED x4)

Millionaire Republican David Trott (MI-11) held a raucous townhall meeting this past weekend where upwards of one thousand of his constituents tried to attend, many of whom were left out in the cold because the venue they chose was too small to contain them all. Not by accident, of course: Solicitous staffers had taken every precaution to limit the damage, […]

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Graphic credit: Gerd Leonhard

Are “Big Data” and “metrics” the new religion in education reform?

As anyone watching the corporate education reform movement can attest to, Big Data and metrics have become the coin of the realm to the reform community. Let any conversation between reformers and defenders of public education go on long enough and the reformer will eventually blurt out the magic words: “But…accountability!” This worldview seems informed by the belief that any […]

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The House is on the verge of voting to uninsure 24 million Americans — here’s what you can do about it

The House is on the verge of voting to uninsure 24 million Americans — here’s what you can do about it

Tax breaks for the rich paid for with ‘unspeakable misery for millions of American families’ Despite a report from the Congressional Budget Office that projects that the American Health Care Act will leave 24 million Americans uninsured while driving up costs for almost everyone who purchases insurance on their own, House Republicans have scheduled a vote on the bill for […]

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Trump in Michigan: Review of fuel economy standards needed because that “extra thimble of fuel” is killing automakers (PHOTOS)

Trump in Michigan: Review of fuel economy standards needed because that “extra thimble of fuel” is killing automakers (PHOTOS)

“There is no more beautiful sight than an American made car,” Pr*sident Trump said while he was in Michigan today, and that’s why he’s “going to fight to keep vehicle production in the United States.” “During my first week in office I brought automobile industry leaders to the White House,” Trump said. He went on to say that no president […]

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Detroit Three automakers busing UAW workers in to cheer at Trump’s visit to Ypsilanti, Michigan today

Detroit Three automakers busing UAW workers in to cheer at Trump’s visit to Ypsilanti, Michigan today

NOTE: This post has been updated HERE with photos of the protest against Trump and analysis of his comments while he was in Michigan. All three Detroit autoworkers are busing UAW members in to Pr*sident Trump’s visit to Ypsilanti, Michigan later today and all but Ford are giving the workers food and are paying them for the privilege: The Detroit […]

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Why liberals can’t stop spreading conservative messages and retweeting Donald Trump

Why liberals can’t stop spreading conservative messages and retweeting Donald Trump

Or, how liberals helped make America more racist by negating Trump Now that RyanCare or TrumpCare or LoserCare is out, the obvious has been revealed: Trump voters — the 90 percent of them who aren’t rich — should know that they’re about to get screwed, royally. If you’re a liberal like me, your urge is to say, “Trump promised you […]

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What’s “choice” got to do with it, Paul Ryan?

What’s “choice” got to do with it, Paul Ryan?

Paul Ryan wants persons to have the “choice” to not purchase health insurance. Hey, why so timid, Paul? Let’s go Full Monty on this choice stuff, Mr. Speaker. Let’s give persons the “choice” to not purchase auto insurance; I’m sure there won’t be any issues with folks getting into car accidents and just refusing to pay for the damage they […]

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Defy the anti-Obamacare propaganda and tell the White House your ACA success story

Defy the anti-Obamacare propaganda and tell the White House your ACA success story

The President is supposed to care about all Americans — not just those who align with his self-serving agenda. Of the many things to be infuriated about since Donald Trump became President, and there are many, his attempt to position Americans as “victims” of Obamacare and solicit Obamacare “disaster” stories from the public is pretty high on the list for […]

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AHCA! AHCA! Who wins in GOP repeal of the Affordable Care Act: Insurance companies and the wealthy

AHCA! AHCA! Who wins in GOP repeal of the Affordable Care Act: Insurance companies and the wealthy

At a public appearance this past weekend, Republican Congressman Tim Walberg told the crowd at an impromptu townhall, “Remember, the Affordable Care Act was passed without CBO [Congressional Budget Office] scoring.” This is false. Although the CBO hadn’t scored earlier versions of the ACA passed in the House and Senate, the final bill was scored several days before the final […]

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Mayor Karen Weaver: Two more years of water filter use for Flint.

Mayor Karen Weaver: Two more years of water filter use for Flint.

Today is Day 529 since Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder admitted that the city of Flint had had its drinking water poisoned with the powerful neurotoxin lead through the actions and inactions of his appointed Emergency Managers. The true span since their water has been unsafe to drink, of course, is much longer than that. There’s been very little news coming […]

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Dexter Indivisible group achieves what others couldn’t: Forced Republican Tim Walberg to dialog with constituents

Dexter Indivisible group achieves what others couldn’t: Forced Republican Tim Walberg to dialog with constituents

Photos by Anne C. Savage. For the past several months, Dexter-area residents in Michigan’s 7th Congressional District have been trying in vain to get Republican Congressman Tim Walberg to hold a public townhall in their area so that they can share their views and have a direct dialog with him. Since last November’s election, he has held only tightly controlled […]

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