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Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

Trumpcare contains a brutal secret attack on the working poor

Mike Bishop, Fred Upton and Tim Walberg all voted to gut Medicaid. How many more Michigan Republicans will join them? Three Michigan Republicans voted to kill Medicaid expansion this week, which covers 640,000 Michiganders and adds an estimated 30,000 jobs to the state’s economy. The American Health Care Act AKA LoserCare passed out of the House Ways and Means Committee […]

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GOP Rep. Walberg makes public “men-only” appearance during Women’s History Month, local Indivisible group to protest

GOP Rep. Walberg makes public “men-only” appearance during Women’s History Month, local Indivisible group to protest

For weeks and weeks now the Indivisible group in Dexter, Michigan (“Indivisible Dexter”) and other residents of Michigan’s 7th Congressional District have been asking Republican Congressman Tim Walberg to meet with them to answer questions and clarify his positions on repealing the Affordable Care Act, climate change, ending reimbursements for services provided by Planned Parenthood, and a host of other […]

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East Coast elites, intellectuals, and “smug liberals”: Oh My!

East Coast elites, intellectuals, and “smug liberals”: Oh My!

I’m tired. Specifically, I’m sick and tired of being made to feel that my fellow “East Coast elites” and I are somehow to blame for the continually unfolding and horrifying mess our country finds itself in these days. My phone tweets CNN “Breaking News” updates on the hour, alerting me to the new atrocities being introduced to our nation by […]

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Mich Gov. Snyder’s hand-picked commission to recommend governor appointment rather than election of State Board of Ed.

Mich Gov. Snyder’s hand-picked commission to recommend governor appointment rather than election of State Board of Ed.

Back in 2002, Governor John Engler, one of the co-founders of the Koch brothers-funded, corporatist front group Mackinac Center for Public Policy, recommended doing away with the Michigan Board of Education and make it a group appointed by the governor rather than the elected body it was then and still is today: Viewing the State Board of Education as an […]

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Never forget Paul Ryan’s massive cruelty

Never forget Paul Ryan’s massive cruelty

He’s willing to enable a dictatorship to live out his dream of transferring trillions to the richest How did a president who promised “insurance for everyone” end up backing a bill that will uninsure millions? The answer is simple: Paul Ryan. This doesn’t assume that Trump would want anything better or wants anything at all but massive tax-free gains for […]

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Tim Walberg laughingly claims to “lead the way in holding town halls”, residents are calling his bluff

Tim Walberg laughingly claims to “lead the way in holding town halls”, residents are calling his bluff

MI-07 Republican Congressman recently posted a link to an article from The Hill on his Facebook page with the comment, “I’m proud to be on this list of the top 10 town hall holders in all of Congress.” It’s a remark so ridiculous that it strains the bounds of credulity. The article claims Walberg has done 66 town halls since […]

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RESISTANCE WORKS! Head of Betsy DeVos’s anti-public education group resigns over gender abuse remarks

RESISTANCE WORKS! Head of Betsy DeVos’s anti-public education group resigns over gender abuse remarks

In fallout from his flippant remarks before a Senate Education Committee panel where he said he wanted to shake School Reform Officer Natasha Baker “like I like to shake my wife“, Gary Naeyaert has resigned from his position as Director of the Great Lakes Education Project (GLEP). GLEP is a corporatist anti-public education group founded and largely funded by Education […]

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Wake Up and Smell the Freedom Not to Have Health Coverage

Wake Up and Smell the Freedom Not to Have Health Coverage

The U.S. House Republicans’ super-secret Obamacare replacement is out and it’s all about freedom. Yes, if you’re one of the 20 million Americans who gained health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, you may soon enjoy the freedom of no longer being covered. We don’t know how many people will be covered, but even Republicans acknowledge that it will be […]

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The Michigan Progressive Summit comes ROARING back!

The Michigan Progressive Summit comes ROARING back!

This past Saturday, over 700 progressives, both veteran organizers and newcomers to progressive activism, gathered at the Lansing Center in Lansing, Michigan for the Michigan Progressive Summit (although except for two brief mentions by Michigan Radio, you’d never know it.) Organized by Progress Michigan, it was a day of inspiring speeches, well-organized breakout sessions, and networking for the progressive community. […]

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Who knew it could be so complicated?: DeVos edition

Who knew it could be so complicated?: DeVos edition

Donald Trump, in a moment of rich irony, appears to have been caught just a bit off guard with just how complex the American health care system really was last week. “Now, I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject,” he added. “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” Notwithstanding the fact that nearly every American who […]

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What Trump’s “good”, “strong”, and “protective” regulations mean for our nation’s fresh water supply is #SAD

What Trump’s “good”, “strong”, and “protective” regulations mean for our nation’s fresh water supply is #SAD

His first week in office, Pr*sident Trump met with top CEOs from around America and told them the hob-nailed boot of regulation were going to be removed from their neck so they could finally start earning some profits. “We’re going to be cutting regulation massively,” he told them. “Now, we’re going to have regulation, and it’ll be just as strong […]

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